Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2865: The first person in southern Xinjiang for tens of thousands of years

Indestructible is definitely not the weak!

But he didn't stop the sage incarnation.

At this time, Master Wuya didn't dare to neglect.

When the sage incarnate shot, he was faster!

Six suns emerged behind him, like six scorching suns in the sky!

"Nine days are empty! This is Jiuyao Temple without God and Nine Suns!"

When many people saw it, they all exclaimed!

The Jiuyao Hall was created by the Great Emperor Jiuyao, and the most famous of the Great Emperor Jiuyao is his self-created Nine Days Dangkong Kyushu! Known as one of the most supreme emperors in southern Xinjiang!

Even the countless powerhouses of the Jiuyao Temple who are qualified to practice this emperor scripture are very few!

Even the Demon Sovereign Holy Emperor is not necessarily qualified!

"Six suns! This Wuya Young Master is indeed the proud son of heaven, a peerless evildoer! At a young age, he has actually cultivated Jiu Ri to the sixth level in the sky! It is really the most terrifying descendant of the Jiuyao Temple in 100,000 years!"

The descendants of the Jiuyao Palace in the past have naturally cultivated these nine-day emptiness, but they can cultivate to the sixth level of the nine-day emptiness at this age. For 100,000 years, there is only one person from Wuya!

The six rising suns, like the real scorching sun, directly turned into the supreme sun fire, burning everything!

When some demon emperors saw this, they were all covered in sweat, and the burning of the sun's fire was enough to burn any demon emperor strong. Even some half-demon emperors were not confident that they could bear it head-on.

"Nine days in the sky, it is rumored that Jiuyao the Great relied on this hand, and he was the first person in the world to be in southern Xinjiang at that time! Even with the two Wudi on the Wushen Mountain, there is no difference between victory and defeat!"

Wushen Mountain!

Although the demon clan of Southern Xinjiang always sneered at the two holy places of the human clan, some strongest people knew it very well.

Although Saint Demon Gate is known as the Holy Land of the Demon Race, it is far from the two ancient existences of Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace.

No one knows how long Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace have existed, and how many terrifying old monsters are hidden.

However, Emperor Wu on Wushen Mountain was recognized by the entire Shensheng Prefecture as being far more powerful than the ordinary emperors outside.

Being able to confirm the Taoism with the two Wudi Emperors of Wushen Mountain without losing the wind, one can imagine what a peerless figure the Great Emperor Jiuyao was.

"It is rumored that the nine days will be in the air, and the cultivation to the extreme can turn into nine scorching suns. In this world, there are absolutely few people who can withstand the fire of the sun!"

"Yes, that year, a holy emperor offended the Great Emperor Jiuyao. In just one breath, he was directly burned into nothingness in the sky, and his soul was scattered! It was also the battle that made the name of Emperor Jiuyao spread throughout Shensheng Prefecture. "

In the eyes of ordinary people, the emperor is a symbol of invincibility.

But among the great emperors, there are also strong and weak points.

This Jiuyao Great Emperor was naturally a strong one among the Great Emperors, not to mention that it was compared with the Hengtian Great Emperor Jinghong, but it was much stronger than the ordinary Great Emperor.

Although this Young Master Wuya was far less invincible than Emperor Jiuyao back then, the six rays of rising sun at this time were enough to shock everyone in the Demon City.

The endless fire of the sun turned into a burly golden body, and the sage incarnation directly punched out!

The entire pilgrimage ladder, golden light, seems to have undergone unprecedented changes because of this peerless battle.

"I don't know if I can hold it!"

Jue Wu Di was defeated, but now Young Master Wu Ya had to challenge this sage incarnation with an even more invincible posture.

The fierce impact almost made Demon City a little unstable.

If any other cities in southern Xinjiang were replaced, they would have already turned into ruins under the impact.

But here is the Demon City, the oldest holy land in southern Xinjiang.

An ancient guardian has allowed the Demon City to stand tall for millions of years.


I don't know who exclaimed!

Sure enough, on the ladder, Young Master Wuya was slightly pale at this moment, and there was even a hint of bright red at the corner of his mouth.

But he stood firmly on it and was not shaken back!

"Don't worry! It's not over yet!"

An ancestor of a great teacher is also rolling his chest at this moment. After all, under that power, even an ancestor like him will only end in annihilation.

The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and Young Master Wu Ya's strength has already made these older generations of power ashamed.

Including several Demon Sovereign Saint Emperors, they were all a little surprised.

After all, just now, it was enough to compete with them!

"The Heavenly Dao Dacheng is really terrifying."

Li Ye took a breath, Cang Tian Dao was a dead end to him. From the beginning of his cultivation of the Five Elements Body, he was destined to pass this road to heaven.

But even so, he never regretted it.

What about the great success of the heavenly Dao! Today, he is equally confident and can stand up to that height.

Two golden figures, almost at a speed that is imperceptible to the naked eye, in an instant are countless Taoist collisions.

On one side is the most invincible peerless genius in Southern Xinjiang, and on the other side is the collection of wills left by the sages of the past.

"It's terrible, no wonder the indestructible can't resist even a single move."

I don't know who said in a low voice, but it made the faces of several powerful people in Qing Cangmen look ugly.

Above the ladder, Indestructible is always watching this battle.

To him, Young Master Wu Ya is the person he will definitely challenge in this life, but his face is getting lower and lower.

He is not a person who easily admits defeat, but seeing the battle between Young Master Wu Ya and the incarnation of the saint at this time made him suddenly a little weak.

The gap between them is far greater than his love imagined!

He couldn't resist the trick of the sage incarnation!

But Young Master Wu Ya was able to stand firmly on it, facing the invincible posture of the incarnation of a sage, without step back!


Both the golden bodies were annihilated.


A big mouthful of blood spurted out of Prince Wuya's mouth, and the whole person was a little shaky.

Just as everyone was frightened, whether he couldn't hold on to falling down, but saw him take a step back, but at the most critical step, he firmly stood on his heels.

It succeeded!

In the Demon City, countless demon races and ancestors can't believe it!

Tens of thousands of years!

No one has done it for tens of thousands of years!

Today, they are about to witness the beginning of a new era!

Indestructible, closed his eyes. He knew that for at least a thousand years, he could not challenge that person.

Not only him, but Gu Ze, Ye Qing, and many other geniuses in southern Xinjiang felt a sense of helplessness at this moment.

Fifty thousand layers can prove the emperor's way!

This legend has been circulating for millions of years!

And so, someone stood up to that height! It also means that after hundreds of thousands of years in the future, southern Xinjiang will usher in the youngest emperor.

The first person in southern Xinjiang for tens of thousands of years!

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