Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2858: The First Man in Southern Xinjiang


The Jade Demon Lord had lived for so long, and he was a little uncertain for a while.

The point is that now not only is Li Ye not in the Saint Demon Gate, but even their precious descendants are also not there!

This embarrassed him, especially, the actions of Jiuyaodian had already made all the monsters in southern Xinjiang feel that Jiuyaodian was not aggressive, especially Young Master Wuya had attracted the attention of many strong monsters. .

Okay, the Saint Demon Gate can't hand over the Human Race kid, so it's always okay to let the descendant come out to show him?

Now if the Saint Demon Gate refuses again, even if the Saint Demon Gate still remains in southern Xinjiang, it will still be enough to make many demon races in southern Xinjiang, and some of them have opinions on the Saint Demon Gate!


Yubao Yaozun hesitated.

After living so long, it was the first time he was stumped by a junior.

The point is, this is not an ordinary junior!

The descendant of Jiuyao Hall!

Heavenly Dao becomes the emperor!

This status is definitely not inferior to that of a holy emperor demon like him! Even in terms of potential, Lord Wuya is very likely to break through and become a great emperor in the next hundred or even hundreds of years!

"Okay, this emperor can promise you this request."

At this moment, the Great Bing Yi suddenly heard a voice.


Yubao Yaozun was shocked!

He didn't know why the Great Emperor Bingyi would suddenly agree. You must know that the Princess of the Saint Demon Gate had disappeared for more than three years, and the Saint Demon Gate did not know how much it cost to find the news.

And this matter, obviously also leaked the wind!

The whole southern Xinjiang has already been heated up.

"What's the matter? Isn't it rumored that the descendant of the Saint Demon Gate disappeared three years ago?"

"Yes, I heard that in the past three years at the Saint Demon Gate, several elders have been attacked and seriously injured except for the investigation information. Now looking at the attitude of the Bingyi Great Emperor, is it possible that people have returned?"

Many Yaozu whispered.

Young Master Wuya frowned slightly, this result was not what he expected.

The so-called discussing with Li Ye or competing with Princess Saint Demon on the pilgrimage ladder is a gesture.

What he wanted was nothing more than to get the Saint Demon Gate into a dilemma! Faced with the spurn of the entire Southern Xinjiang Monster Race.

But Emperor Bing Yi's promise completely ruined his follow-up plan.

"The pilgrimage ladder is the test of the sages of the Southern Xinjiang dynasties for the younger generation. Since you want to distinguish between the superiors and the superiors, this emperor is as you wish."

Emperor Bing Yi, although he was the youngest emperor in nearly 100,000 years in Southern Xinjiang, he rarely showed up.

Not to mention outsiders, even in the Saint Demon Gate, there are very few people who have seen Emperor Bing Yi.

Naturally, compared to some other great emperors in southern Xinjiang, the majesty of Emperor Bingyi is not high.

It can even be said that it is unusually low-key.

"Since the predecessor of Bing Yi Great has agreed, then I will be waiting here for you!"

Young Master Wuya just slightly lost his mind, and then smiled.

A genius battle between Princess Saint Demon Gate and Prince Wuya!

Many people are showing excitement!

After all, geniuses in southern Xinjiang have emerged in large numbers over the years, but there are still different opinions on who is the first genius that deserves it.

Especially Young Master Wu Ya and Princess Saint Demon Gate each have their own supporters.

"Haha, finally you can see a head-on confrontation between these two tianjiao!"

"Yes, although it is not a real fight, but on the pilgrimage ladder, it is a mule or a horse. It is clear at a glance! Only by climbing higher does it mean that there is hope to become a great emperor in the future! Nothing is more convincing than this! "

"Indeed, a temporary level of strength and weakness does not represent everything! Throughout the ages, most of the invincible emperors have suffered failures or even collapsed when they were young, but in the end they all embarked on the road to the peak! Become the emperor! Only this Only the pilgrimage ladder can judge a person's true potential."

Many powerful monsters, sect elders and even some ancestors are all looking forward to this battle.

South Xinjiang, there hasn't been such a grand event for many years!

"Huh! Wuya! Are you trying to take this opportunity to stand up and let Quan Nanjiang know that you are the next emperor of Nanjiang?"

Jue Wuyao's eyes are cold, although Qing Cangmen and Jiuyao Temple are now teaming up for common interests, but it does not mean that he and Master Wuya are in peace!

Both of them are arrogant!

It is impossible for him to surrender to another person!

Because of this, there was a ray of madness in Infinite's eyes!

From stepping into the 40,000-level pilgrimage ladder, he has reached his limit! But at this time, he decided to take the risk and challenge higher!

Especially, the height of 50,000 floors! Known as a height with the talent and potential of the Emperor Dao!

"It seems you, the master, already knows that we have come to Demon City."

Li Ye laughed in a low voice, everyone didn't know why the Great Bingyi agreed.

Especially the many powerhouses of the Saint Demon Gate. But Li Ye knew that even if the two of them were easy to keep a low profile, it was not difficult to detect a great emperor.

The point is, would Emperor Bing Yi fail to recognize his disciple?

However, although the battle between Princess Saint Demon Gate and Young Master Wuya was not a direct match, Li Ye had another idea in his mind.

Here, Young Master Wu Ya took the lead to step into the pilgrimage ladder.

It's different from the imposing imposing manner that directly breaks through the thousand layers and goes straight to the ten thousand layers when it comes up. I only saw him walking in a leisurely garden, step by step, but faintly revealing the supreme celestial spirit.

"Young Master Wuya deserves to be Young Master Wuya. Looking at this calmly, the entire southern Xinjiang cannot find a second person!"

"With his talent, it is only a matter of time to surpass that indestructible."

Many strong monsters, even some older ancestors, nodded in admiration.

At this moment, a figure descended like a nine-day fairy, no one could see where it appeared, as if it had stepped into the air directly from the void.

"Princess Saint Demon Gate!"

Someone exclaimed!

It was Princess Saint Demon Gate who appeared naturally. She quietly disappeared from Li Ye, and she had already recovered her original appearance when she appeared again.

It's just that there is a veil on her face, and people can only vaguely see a peculiar face.

But the more so, the more the countless young Demon Race Toshihiko hooked up and unbearable!

"Oh my god, it is the same as the rumors, the country is beautiful, and the world is beautiful!"

"I really don't know what a fairy face is after that veil. If you are lucky enough to see one side, you will die!"

Many young monster races showed their obsession.

Even Young Master Wuya was slightly lost for a moment.

At the same time, a smile appeared on his face. It's just that no one noticed that after the Saint Demon Gate Princess appeared, there was a touch of greed passing by in the depths of his eyes!

He is the absolute master of southern Xinjiang in the future! In his eyes, there is only one person who is qualified to stand by his side and become his empress!

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