Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2850: Nine-tailed Sky Fox Descendant

A horrible demon light bloomed around the indestructible body!

On the pilgrimage ladder, every step he takes, he has to withstand the test of the powerful will of the sages of the past.

Starting from the 30,000th floor, he has been unable to climb as easily as before.

At each step, you can see that a wave of invincible will, as if to tear him from above!

"It's terrible. At this level of intensity, even if the upper demon emperor goes up, it will be completely shredded in no time."

"Yeah, above the 30,000 level, there have been many geniuses in Southern Xinjiang for countless years, but few have been able to reach this height! This is inexhaustible, if it really goes up, it will definitely become an invincible emperor in the future. ."

Some people are looking forward to it, and some people want to see indestructible failure and come back from above.

Behind the invincible, Ye Qing had also ascended to a height of 30,000 floors. Although his speed was very slow, he was slowly climbing at a steady speed.

It's just that the gap between him and Indestructible is getting wider and wider.

From this point, it can be seen that although Ye Qing is equally talented, there is still a big gap with Indestructible.

Thirty-five thousand floors, indestructible, stepped onto it steadily!

But everyone with a discerning eye can see that his expression is not as calm as before, revealing a dignified look!

Thirty-seven thousand floors! It takes a long time at least for every step taken.

"After all, it's still a little bit worse, but for ten thousand years, I can't find a few people who can do this."

"Indestructible is impossible. I really don't know who can ascend those 50,000 floors and prove the emperor's way?"

Seeing Infinity at a height of close to 40,000 floors, and having not taken any action for a long time, many people revealed a look of disappointment.

As for Ye Qing, after climbing the 31,700 floors, he had given up on climbing, instead he chose to sit on the ground and quietly began to comprehend.

Compared to indestructible, Ye Qing knew better what he needed.

Instead of fighting for that ethereal opportunity, it's better to cherish the present.

The 30,000 floor is a hurdle, and few people have come to this point in thousands of years.

As for the 50,000-level Zhengdi Dao, how many 10,000 years ago did someone do it the last time?

Naturally there are some demons who don't believe in evil, but let alone catching up with the two, many of those people can't even reach the height of a thousand stories.

"Indestructible, even if Tianjiao can't ascend those fifty thousand layers to prove the emperor's way, is it really that there is no one in Southern Xinjiang?"

"Oh, it's a pity that I haven't seen the princess of the Saint Demon Gate and the Prince Wuya of Jiuyao Temple. If these two people have hoped to do it."

I don't know who suddenly said something, but it made many people take it seriously.

"Yes, since the Saint Demon Gate Princess was personally accepted as a closed disciple by the Great Bingyi, she is naturally not bad, and it is rumored that she is the most noble person in southern Xinjiang for hundreds of thousands of years, although she does not know what kind of bloodline it is. But since the Saint Demon Gate established her as the descendant back then, there are naturally reasons for it."

"Hey, Princess Saint Demon Gate will not talk about it, but as far as I know, the Prince Wuya of Jiuyao Temple is not easy."

One person smiled, seeing the others looking towards him, and immediately showing a complacent look, and said, "Don’t hide it from you, the next ancestor is working in the Jiuyao Hall. According to the ancestor, the Jiuyao Hall’s Young Master Ya is the bloodline of a certain holy beast in the ancient times, and has already awakened!"

Holy Beast Bloodline!

Many people took a breath after hearing this!

The demon race is most proud of, and the demon race is not recognized by other human monks in Shenshengzhou, because the blood in their body is the sky demon from the demon world.

But for Yaozu, their bloodline often determines a person's birth height and talent strength.

Just as the human monks pay attention to blood, so does the monsters.

"Holy beast bloodline? That's great! This is more precious than the sky demon bloodline, right?"

"No, the bloodline of the sacred beast, even when the three realms were interoperable, the sky beasts in the demon world were very important! I heard that if the bloodline of the sacred beast in the body can be completely awakened, it may even become the sky demon of the demon world!"


That is the existence above the Demon Emperor!

On the adult side, that is above the emperor, the saint is supreme!

Li Ye frowned slightly when he heard the words, he didn't know what the demon world was like, but there are still a few sages in Shensheng Prefecture, and no one knows. Even the Heavenly Sword Emperor didn't know what to say about it, as if there was something hidden.

The great emperor nowadays, those dragons see their heads but not the ends, let alone the saints.

"If this is the case, the Jiuyao Temple this time, it seems that it is really eye-catching, wanting to challenge the status of the Saint Demon Gate."

"Haha, that's natural. The bloodline of the holy beast, that Young Master Wuya will become a generation of great emperor in the future is a sure thing. At that time, Jiuyao Hall will also be a three-emperor, and it will be even better than that of the holy demon door."

This person knew at first glance that he was from the Nine Lights Hall. Although it was well hidden, Li Ye smiled slightly.

The future emperor?

If the great emperor can cultivate up so easily, the great emperor has already walked all over the world, not to mention the emperor's inheritance, how much is that?

It's just the blood of this sacred beast that reminded him of one thing.

"You Yao, you said before that Emperor Hengtian also has half the blood of the Yao race?"

Emperor Hengtian is naturally of a human origin! Why is there blood of the monster race?

"According to the record, it is true."

Princess Saint Demon Gate nodded, but she didn't know why she asked this.

"That Young Master Wuya of the Jiuyao Temple is of the blood of the sacred beast. Since you are the descendant of the sacred demon gate, you should have a high-level blood that is not lost to him?"

When I asked this suddenly, it was someone else who had already been killed by the princess of the Saint Demon Gate!

To Yaozu, his blood is a secret, and he rarely tells others.

But for Li Ye, she hesitated slightly and said, "I have the blood of a nine-tailed celestial fox in my body."

Nine-tailed Fox!

Li Ye was also taken aback when he heard this!

The nine-tailed celestial fox was an extremely rare beast in the ancient times! It can even be said that no one can prove whether the legend of the nine-tailed sky fox really exists.

But no matter what, the nine-tailed sky fox, it is indeed a family of sacred beasts! And with this bloodline, Young Master Wu Ya, who was proud of the bloodline of the saint beast that Jiuyao Temple was proud of, was simply a few blocks away.

However, he is more concerned about another matter.

"If someone has the blood of a sacred beast or a sacred beast, can they belong to a member of the monster race?"

As soon as she said this, Princess Saint Demon's eyes clearly flashed through her eyes, and then nodded.

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