Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2847: Indestructible

This person was unhappy, but in the blink of an eye, he reached the height of a thousand stories. ?

"Who is this person?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

Since he is a disciple of the Saint Demon Clan, and can easily climb the pilgrimage ladder, he naturally cannot be an unknown person.

More importantly, his appearance stopped many people's mouths at once.

"Holy Demon Gate, Ye Qing!"

With a cold snort, he also appeared on the Pilgrimage Ladder!

When everyone saw it, they all exclaimed!

"Isn't that the immortality of Qing Cangmen?"

Some people recognized the origin of that person, and at the same time made many people tremble!

Qing Cangmen!

Emperor Gate heritage!

And this indestructible, it is even more famous in southern Xinjiang, even more than three points more than the previous Guze!

"Indestructible! Isn't it rumored that he retreats to attack the emperor? How did he get out?"

"Looking at his breath, it seems that he has successfully rushed through the barrier! Now it should be an emperor! Compared with the Saint Demon Gate Princess, there is no gap!"

Emperor Chu!

This is the only way to the Supreme Emperor. Only by attaining the status of Emperor Chu can you be qualified to attack the realm of that Emperor! Create your own heavenly avenue!

Otherwise, they can only turn to practice round to enter the Tao, practice to the peak, and become a generation of invincible holy emperor.

The same is invincible, but there is no doubt that the invincible holy emperor is hailed as invincible only when the emperor does not appear. Once the emperor appeared, although the holy emperor was not like other people, he was like an ant in front of the emperor, but he did not have any resistance.

"Qing Cangmen is inexhaustible! This is one of the young people in Southern Xinjiang who has the most hope to impact the emperor."

"Yes, compared to Gu Ze, this indestructible hearing is an elder of Qing Cangmen who went out once and picked up an abandoned infant from the mountains, but he saw that it was extraordinary and brought it back to the sect for training. I thought that Qing Cangmen had added such a demon!"

The appearance of the indestructible made many people who had just stepped on the pilgrimage ladder back again and again in fright.

As for the disciple of the Saint Demon Clan before, he frowned slightly.


A dignified line crossed his eyes. After all, they belonged to the Southern Frontier Gate, and they knew each other.


Compared with other people, when Indestructible appears on the pilgrimage ladder, it is like a whirlwind, without reason, and climbs quickly.

Suddenly, countless people passed, even from his side, all kinds of divine light flashed from time to time!

"Oh my god, it's all the insights left by the sages, but he doesn't even like it?"

Others ascend the pilgrimage ladder just to get the skills or insights left by the sages, but only those with great luck have the opportunity to meet, ordinary geniuses can meet but cannot be sought.

Anyone who gets one will be overjoyed, stop quickly and begin to comprehend.

But like Indestructible, along the way, at least the will of the sage was touched several times, but he ignored it and swept away. The whole person was like a demon god, step by step towards the highest point of the pilgrimage.

"Senior Brother San is not his opponent."

With a light sigh, the Princess Saint Demon Gate whispered.

It turned out that the disciple of the Saint Demon Sect who appeared was her third senior brother. At the Sage Demon Sect, that was also an excellent talent.

Li Ye naturally saw that the Saint Demon Sect disciple might not have a high level of cultivation, but it should not be underestimated! In particular, the faintly revealed breath was somewhat similar to the Mo Zihan he had seen at Wudaoya.

This is clearly intended to suppress the cultivation base, and does not want to attract the Emperor Chu Tianjie prematurely.



Every time you climbed to the thousand levels, Jue Wuming would release a terrifying power. Whether it was a small school disciple or a casual cultivator, it could not bear it, and was suddenly shaken out of the pilgrimage ladder.

"This indestructible, too domineering!"

"Like the rumors, Qing Cangmen's descendant has a very domineering style. Not to mention outsiders, even the Qing Cangmen disciples are in awe of him."

Seeing what happened to those people, many people dare not speak.

"There are sages guarding the pilgrimage ladder, and they cannot be invaded by others. However, this inexhaustible is powerful, and it doesn't do anything at all. It just suppresses people with momentum, so that so many people can't continue to stay on it, it is really annoying!"

Although many people, especially those geniuses who were shaken down the pilgrimage ladder, were angry, they didn't dare to do anything.

Without mentioning the indestructible background, just talk about him!

At this time, all the fools saw that Jue Wumiao had already stepped into the body of the emperor's reserve, and to fight against such a evildoer was simply looking for death!

Even Gu Ze, who was riding the dust at the beginning, now has a solemn expression on his face.

"That disciple of the Saint Demon Sect, it should be Ye Qing. It is rumored that he is a genius in the top five among the Sage Demon Sect. I don't know who is better between him and that indestructible?"

Someone has questions.

Obviously, it is impossible for the two of them to fight to determine a victory or defeat.

If you want to be higher and lower, naturally it depends on who can set foot on a higher place.

In the blink of an eye, Indestructible has already reached 10,000 floors, directly stepping Qingye under his feet.

As for Ye Qing, he is also not behind him, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that although the two are one after the other, there is almost not much difference, but Indefinite always maintains a domineering and powerful, but Ye Qing’s forehead, but Slightly more sweat.

It's not that he couldn't bear the pressure brought by the breath of sages of the past, but that in front of the opponent of Indestructible, it caused him a sense of oppression.

Soon, both of them set foot on the 20,000th floor!

This height has only been reached by Gu Ze before!

"It's worthy of being the outstanding person of the younger generation in Southern Xinjiang. If you don't talk about the immortality of the Qing Cangmen, you can say that this Yeqing is not very famous among the holy demon gates, but it is enough to compete with the great emperors. Compared to descendants!"

"Yes, the Saint Demon Gate is one of the three emperors, and the Southern Border Demon Race Holy Land is not blown out. It's a pity that this time we have to shelter a human murderer who killed the Demon Race."

Many people are sighing.

"I don't know if the two of them can set foot on the 30,000 floor!"

"The pilgrimage ladder has a total of ninety-nine nine hundred and ninety-nine. In the past ten thousand years, very few people have been able to step on the 10,000 floor. It is a genius who can be called once in a thousand years. Anyone who can step on the 20,000 floor is qualified. Become a disciple of the descendants of the great emperors! And stepping on the 30,000 floor, it seems that only one person has done it in these ten thousand years!"

An older generation of strong monsters couldn't help but say.

"That person, but refers to Feng Jiutian, a descendant of Yaofeng ten thousand years ago?!"

Feng Jiutian!

Hearing this name, many strong monsters showed a complex color.

Thousands of years ago, there was a genius in the Nanjiang Demon Race who was born and shocked the entire Nanjiang Demon Race. Even the great emperor gates are vying to get this person into the door, but they have no end.

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