Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2845: Sage Guardian

Among the demons, a young man who considered himself a genius stepped onto the pilgrimage ladder.

However, all of them insisted that they couldn't stand the aura left by the sages of the demon race in the past, and they rolled back with dust and dirt.

Naturally, it is not no one!

"Sure enough, there are still a few people who are truly gifted in casual cultivators."

There are quite a few strong elder demons shaking their heads slightly.

At this time, on the pilgrimage ladder, almost all those who could reach a thousand levels were occupied by some powerful sect disciples.

As for the ordinary Sanxiu Demon Race, there are indeed some amazing people, but compared with those sect geniuses, they seem a little eclipsed.

Not to mention, compared with the geniuses of those emperors, it is simply the gap between heaven and earth.

"Haha! I got it! I finally got it!"

A young monster race on the pilgrimage ladder suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled, with a crazy expression and a look of ecstasy!

At the same time, only a ray of powerful divine light burst out all over his body, and it turned out to be a continuous breakthrough in his cultivation!

When someone looked at it, they immediately showed envy and couldn't help saying, "It seems that the kid got the insight left by a certain sage on the pilgrimage ladder."

"This is an incredible chance."

Even some of the older generation of powerful people have a sorrowful expression, this kind of epiphany is the most rare. Compared with treasures and exercises, the power perception left by this ancient sage is more sought after by the great powers.

More importantly, the young monster race who had gained the insight of the sages was not a sect genius, nor was it an emperor evildoer, but a disciple of a small sect.

"Hmph, it's got him a bargain!"

Some sect genius and emperor enchanters on the pilgrimage ladder flashed a ray of cold light.

Although the demon clan of Southern Xinjiang is aimed at the human clan, it does not mean that the demon clan is also united and friendly.

Within the monster race, competition is also fierce, and the view of the door is not simpler than that of the major sects of the human race. Especially some emperor sect inheritance, also look down on those demon clan casual cultivation.

At this moment, I saw that a disciple of the little sect actually got the sentiment left by a certain sage, and even a ray of killing intent appeared in some people's eyes!

But after all, no one did it, not that they didn't want to, but they couldn't!

At this moment, the disciple of the little school completely gave up the plan to continue climbing the pilgrimage ladder, and sat directly on the ground, entering a deeper level of insight.

He was not afraid of being disturbed at all, because he was surrounded by a powerful divine light at this time.

"Guardian of the saints!"

Some strong sighed slightly.

"Guardian of the saints?"

Li Ye glanced at Princess Saint Demon Gate, and the latter also whispered, "The guardianship of the sages is the will left by the sages of the past on the pilgrimage ladder. Anyone who encounters the treasures left by them or the descendants of the enlightenment will Guarded by their will, no one can destroy it."

"What if someone forced a shot?"

Li Ye nodded slightly, he naturally admired the vision of the demon sages of the past. But people's hearts are not ancient, he doesn't think that just such a method can stop some very ambitious strong men from stealing adventures and treasures on the pilgrimage ladder.

Sure enough, at this moment!

Before Li Ye's words fell, on the pilgrimage ladder, a terrible cold light passed by!

"Someone wants to do it!"

One exclaimed!

At this time, some people also saw that the person who made the move was not far from the disciple of the little sect who got the enlightenment, a genius of another powerful demon clan sect.

This person is a middle-ranked demon emperor! He is only seven or eight hundred years old, so he has a good talent.

And he was obviously jealous, and seeing someone gain insight, no matter his origin or talent cultivation, he was far inferior to him, so he was naturally resentful!

"Such a weak ant is not qualified to get the insight left by the sage!"


This person's shot is also cruel, and immediately sacrifices a magic weapon!

That magic weapon burst out with terrible light, it turned out to be a top-grade Demon Emperor weapon!

And the disciple of the little school was still in his epiphany at the moment, unable to react at all. Not to mention, he didn't even know the danger was approaching at the moment.

at this time!

"Looking for a dead end."

I don't know who snorted, and the next moment I saw the sect genius who made a sneak attack, screamed!

He fell directly from the pilgrimage ladder, his whole body covered with blood, and what was even more frightening was that he was lying on the ground and convulsed like a mangy.

"He was scrapped."

"It's no different from seeking death on the pilgrimage ladder to attack others."

"Relying that I am a disciple of Wu Wangya, I want to do whatever I want without seeing where this is."

Seeing that man lying on the ground, he was obviously abolished, and many people responded with a sneer.

"That's it."

Li Ye nodded at this moment, and he understood the so-called guardian of the saints.

The pilgrimage ladder has the restriction left by a powerful sage of the demon race in southern Xinjiang in the past. This is not simply what dozens of holy emperors can do.

It was blessed by tens of millions of strong men above the holy emperor from generation to generation!

If you want to challenge those restrictions, let alone some demon juniors, even if an invincible holy emperor comes, you must be honest, step by step, and be free of any dissent.

With the lessons learned from the past, some demon geniuses who were still thinking about it all gave up.

Compared to grabbing other people's adventures and opportunities, this end is enough to make them hesitate to three points.

More importantly, if he didn't grab it, he ended up with a dismantled cultivation base. It was not worth it.

Naturally, those who are thinking are the geniuses of some second-rate sects, and the enchanting evildoers of the emperor sects don't care about these at all.

At this time, Gu Ze had already reached a height of 20,000 floors, which could be described as a great ride, and no one could catch up.

"Emperor Gate is worthy of being the Emperor Gate. The great disciple of the Lvshuiyuan generation, Gu Ze, seems to be very likely to attract the Heavenly Tribulation of the Heavenly Dao after this time and truly step into the position of the Emperor's Reserve."

Everyone was embarrassed, jealous, and helpless.

The background of Emperor Sect is not something ordinary people can make up for with hard work.

In terms of talent, Gu Ze may not be considered the top of the younger generation of the Yaozu, but he can't stand the profound knowledge of the teachers behind them.

Countless resources smashed down, even if it is a waste, can become a genius.

Not to mention, Gu Ze himself, his talents are all excellent. It's not against the sky, but it's also a rare sight for thousands of years.

But at this moment, I only heard someone sneer, "Gu Ze is now no one is fighting with him. If those few show up, it will not be his turn to lead the way."

This person sneered, which immediately attracted the attention of many people. In particular, there are a few strong men who have a dark complexion. They are clearly the strong men who have mixed into the casual cultivation in the green water garden.

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