Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2842: Guze

On the pilgrimage ladder, the figure did not stop after stepping on the two hundred stairs, but continued to climb to the top with a very fast speed. ?

Suddenly, there were bursts of exclamation around!

"It deserves to be the most outstanding descendant of Wu Hulin in the past millennium. Although he has human blood, with his talent, that matter was not a big problem back then."

"It's true, it's such a descendant. Although he has half of the human blood, compared with his talent, no one will care about the problem of blood."

Everyone nodded one after another. After all, although the Yaozu hated the human race, but such a genius, no sect would turn away. It's like having a golden mountain in front of you, but you just want to push it out.

At this moment, another figure suddenly appeared on the pilgrimage ladder.

"Look! Someone is up again!"

Someone exclaimed, but when everyone looked at it, they all showed horror.

Before that, Lu Baiqing of Wuhulin could be regarded as the fastest person to climb the pilgrimage sky gradient. Now he is faintly close to the height of 300 stories. Before him, no one can break this record.

But the one person who went up now survived faster than him.

In the blink of an eye, he has reached a hundred floors!

"God, so fast! Who is this person?"

It really surprised a group of people to see that figure climbed to the 100th floor of the ladder so quickly.

"This level of speed is twice as fast as that of Lu Baiqing of Wuhulin!"

Although Lu Baiqing had climbed the ladder very quickly before, compared with the person in front of him, it was a little bit inadequate.

In a short time, this person was close to two hundred floors, the highest distance to the top, but only a few dozen floors.

You know, before Lu Baiqing, it took at least half an hour to climb such a high place. But this person is less than a cup of tea! And not only did it not slow down, it even speeded up a bit!

"Does this person want to hit the highest level of the 99,999 level that no one can climb for ten thousand years?"

The pilgrimage ladder has existed for countless years. Starting from the severance of the three realms, a group of peak powerhouses of the monster race in southern Xinjiang built this pilgrimage ladder.

Every millennium, it will appear once!

However, not everyone can climb the legendary peak, especially in the past ten thousand years!

"It's been thousands of years."

"Yeah, in the past ten thousand years, no one has ever been able to climb to the highest point of the 99,999 level. Not to mention the highest point. Even the height of the 30,000 level ladder can hardly be reached. ."

Some of the older generation of strong monsters sighed.

The pilgrimage ladder has a special meaning to the demon clan in southern Xinjiang. It is not only the pilgrimage of the generations of sages and sages by future generations, but also the only way to get the inheritance and treasures left by them.

Even some sages of the emperor-level sects of the past will enter the depths of the pilgrimage ladder before they die and bury themselves there.

"I heard that the place where you want to bury the bones and the pilgrimage is at least the existence of the holy emperor, and it is even rumored that several demon emperors were buried in it."

Holy Emperor Demon Lord, even Demon Emperor!

Just imagine in your mind, if one or two magic weapons can be obtained from their inheritance, what an amazing adventure would it be?

As if feeling the pressure, Lu Baiqing increased a bit on the ladder.

He himself has reached the height of the 500th floor, and this scale has risen again, which undoubtedly shows that before this, he clearly concealed his strength!

At this moment, someone came from behind, so he had to reveal his strength!

"Lu Baiqing has boarded the Melaleuca!"

Someone exclaimed!

Melaleuca! Enough to throw countless strong monsters out of the sky!

"Wu Hu Lin, this time I found a treasure! For such a descendant, if the demon emperor is not to talk about it in the future, he must have his place in the position of the demon lord's holy emperor!"

Even some of the strong men of the Southern Frontier Martial Arts who came to the Demon City were amazed at this moment.

After all, there are not too many geniuses of this level, even in the emperor-level sect. Not to mention some ordinary sects. Naturally, Wei Wei showed envy and jealousy.

Wu Hu Lin is not a big sect. Although it has a history of nearly 100,000 years, the strongest person is nothing but a holy emperor.

Now that such a descendant has appeared, it is naturally ecstatic.

Where is his origin?

"I don't know where the second person came from?"

Someone couldn't help but ask at this time, and soon someone told the story.

"That's a clear night in Lushui Garden!"

Green Water Park!

Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

Lushuiyuan, that is an emperor-level sect! Far from being comparable to these shrimp soldiers and crabs!

"Qingye in Lvshuiyuan! Although this person is not the strongest among the disciples of Lvshuiyuan's generation, he is still in the top five! Why did he come?"

Many demon clan cultivators do not know who is behind the scenes this time. Naturally, he was slightly surprised at this time, but some of the strong monsters who guessed the truth were not surprised.

"Lvshuiyuan, it's not just a clear night."

I don't know who sneered, but someone saw it. I don't know when the two heroes were no longer fighting on the pilgrimage ladder, and another person appeared.

In the blink of an eye, it is a hundred layers!

In the next moment, he went directly to the five hundred floors!

At that time, everyone was frightened!

"This, is this too exaggerated?"

You know, before Lu Baiqing or Qing Ye, although the two are very exaggerated, they are at least still acceptable. But this person who popped up suddenly was a monster!

And in less than half a cup of tea, he caught up with the two in front.


Na Qingye directly arched his hand towards the person, not only did not hostile and jealous, but even had a trace of awe.


Qingye, who can make Lushuiyuan's disciples rank in the top five so respectful, has only one person in the entire southern Xinjiang!

"Gu Ze!"

Someone whispered.


This name is unknown to everyone in Southern Xinjiang!

Because this is the descendant of Lvshuiyuan's generation!

"He really came!"

Before seeing the disciples in the Lushui Garden, there were a few strong men on the pilgrimage ladder. At this moment, there was a slight flash of light.

In Southern Xinjiang, there are several emperor-level sects, and naturally there are some open and secret fights among them.

Among them, the disciples of the various factions are naturally competitors in private.

"This Guze is rumored to be of a terrifying origin with 70% blood of the ancient sky demon. He was taken away by Lushuiyuan himself very early! Now he is only about one hundred and fifty years old, he is already so heavenly!"

"Looking at his breath, at least he has touched the Cangtian Dao now. Once he has an epiphany on the Pilgrimage Ladder today, if you can't say it, it will lead to the catastrophe and let him directly prove the truth!"

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