Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2804: The emperor dare not but he dare!

"Old ghost, what is this thing?"

The suppression of the World Tree, even if the emperor comes, must bear it!

But at this moment, there is such a magical treasure. Although it cannot completely reduce the repressive power of the World Tree, it is reduced by 70% at once, which is enough to reverse www."


Li Ye looked surprised because he had heard the name! It is recorded in an ancient book in the inheritance space.

"Old ghost, this is actually a Jade Jade? In that legend, the Jade Jade that was born when the Three Realms opened up, but has never been seen before?"

You know, although this thing is not an innate treasure, it is not a **** of heaven! But its reputation is so great that it is no less than the innate treasure.

Even to some extent, the existence of Jade Jade is almost at the same level as Basalt Stone!

"An ancient rumor, basalt stones can guard a world! As long as there are basalt stones, even the heavens and gods cannot be destroyed. It is this world jade, although it is said to be at the same level as the basalt stones, but it is specific The effect, but few people talk about it."

Speaking of this, Li Ye was already close to the World Tree.

From a distance, you can feel the hugeness of the World Tree that almost cuts across the world, but when he gets to the front, Li Ye realizes that he is as small as an ant in front of the World Tree.

"Boy, there are many legends about Jade Jade, and even this emperor can't tell the true and false inside. But there is one point, the appearance of Jade Jade is closely related to the World Tree."

"With the world tree?"

"What is the specific reason? The emperor also explored it back then, but unfortunately he didn't have time to find the truth... Now you have the Jade in front of this world tree, although you can't say that you are safe and sound, at least you have a chance to make it! This is heaven! Since you have met this great opportunity, don't waste it."

Emperor Tianjian's tone couldn't stop revealing a kind of envy.

Even he, who was still the peak emperor back then, didn't have such a chance!

Sure enough, with a bounded jade bodyguard, Li Ye directly boarded the World Tree.

"It's a terrifying amount of pressure to suppress. If it weren't for the boundless jade, let alone boarding the World Tree, it would be impossible to do it even if it was close."

Feeling the pressure, Li Ye took a deep breath.

There are many legends about the World Tree. One of the most widely spread is that once you climb the World Tree, you will encounter a unique opportunity of a lifetime!

Maybe it is some kind of masterpiece! It may also be the invincible and world's peerless technique! It is more likely to be an elixir!

No one can say a specific one, because there are only a handful of people who have actually been to the World Tree for millions of years! After those people left, no one would tell what happened here.

"Boy, take it well."

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor sighed, hiding in the Seven Star Sword.


With just one step, Li Ye found that he had come to a vast world.

Here, the World Tree is the only pillar that supports the entire world, and it is impossible to see the end at a glance.

"It is rumored that the higher the pedaling, the better the chances of encountering the World Tree. However, for millions of years, no one has actually climbed the highest peak of the World Tree."

A sense of pride bursts into Li Ye's chest. He is a person who does not believe in evil and does not admit defeat. Since he has come here today, if he just meets some adventure on the World Tree casually, he is not satisfied at all.

What he wants is not an ordinary adventure. What he wants is to climb to the top of the world tree and want to see what is on the world tree!


The terrifying suppression seemed to suppress Li Ye's whole person. The more he moved toward the top of the world tree, the greater the power.

Even if it was a Boundary Jade Bodyguard, Li Ye gradually couldn't support it.

However, the unyielding in Li Ye's heart made him gritted his teeth even though he knew it was hitting the stone with a pebbles, step by step, always climbing towards the top of the World Tree steadfastly.

For World Tree, the existence of Li Ye is even trivial.

A leaf of the World Tree is equivalent to a floating large 6!

Even Li Ye could see the various creatures living there, their civilization and everything.

"The ancient legend is actually true!"

Seeing those pictures, the shock cannot be described in words.

According to ancient legends, any leaf on the world tree is a space of its own, and the entire world tree is so vast that no one can figure out how much space exists in it.

In some of them, the terrible aura radiating from them, even Li Ye could feel a threat from a distance.

It was a strong crisis that was enough to crush him!

Of course, there are some, just like golden mountains and silver mountains, all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth are overwhelming! A glance is enough to make anyone's heart move and jump in without hesitation.

Nothing can disrupt Li Ye's Dao heart.

In this world, there is no concept of time.

Even people in this world have forgotten how long they have existed.

No one has ever been able to climb the highest peak of the World Tree, it is a mysterious place that no one can touch!

Not even the gods can do it! Let alone a mortal?


Li Ye's skin burst instantly!

Even if the Jade Jade protects his whole body, from the moment he wants to ascend the World Tree, Jade Jade has actually lost its effectiveness.

"Want to stop me from boarding?"

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Li Ye did not show any decadence or renunciation on his face, but instead aroused his inner fighting spirit!


A few sky thunders smashed down instantly! Like the anger in the world! A punishment is given to those who want to challenge its mystery.

Those few sky thunders are enough to annihilate any high-ranking emperor's instant ash! But Li Ye carried it down with his body abruptly.

"Come on! Come on!"

As if responding to his call and arrogance, in an instant, millions of heavenly thunders fell crazily like a goddess scattered flowers!

No one has ever been given this kind of treatment, even the invincible supreme who once came here will have a proud head in front of the world tree, be pious, and dare not have any disrespect.

Only Li Ye, at this moment, chose a path that no one had dared to do.

He wants to reach the top of the World Tree!

Look at the truth about the World Tree! What is the existence above that!

In an instant, Li Ye was completely split into nothingness! No matter how tough his physical body is, under the anger of this day, there is only the path of flying ash and annihilation.

But at this moment, a little change suddenly appeared in the void that turned into nothingness.

A drop of blood is floating there, even under the millions of thunders just now, it is still intact!

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