Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2798: Big sister! Help!

Dragon and Tiger Roar, www.

But at this time, it was enough to subvert all their previous understanding.

"Cang Tian Dao! Impossible! He obviously didn't step into the Imperial Reserve! Why can he have such power?"

Cangtian Dao, only those who have been approved by the heavens can practice!

Only after cultivating the Heavenly Dao did he obtain the entry key and qualification to the emperor realm!

But now, they saw a junior who was clearly not recognized by the heavens, but used the power of the heavenly avenue that only the Emperor Chu could release.

What is that concept?

Yixiaoshusheng also changed his complexion, but his ability to easily defeat Princess Saint Demon Gate means that he is not afraid of the powerhouse of the Heavenly Dao.

At least, it's not the emperor who really got the sky, he will never be afraid.

As for the emperor?

In Death Valley for so many years, the strong people who came here wave after wave, some turned into lonely ghosts, and some robbed a piece of geomantic treasure to become the ghost master here.

But to talk about the great emperor, the scholar sneered!

For millions of years, few emperors have truly fallen, but no one knows where those emperors have gone.

At least, in this Death Valley, he hasn't met him yet.

"Firefly light!"

There was a cold snort, and a laughing scholar pointed it out at will. In an instant, the death god's sickle shattered directly, turning into a little starlight and disappeared.

At the same time, a palm protruded from the void and came to Li Ye's face.

Compared with the black death sickle just now, this white palm is more like a death reminder!


Li Ye retired!

At the same time, a big mouthful of blood was sprayed out!

However, as he retreated violently, a laughing scholar snorted coldly, but the sharp-eyed person saw that there was a little blood on his palm, but it was not the blood spurted by Li Ye.

A laughing scholar, hurt!

Everyone was in an uproar!

Powerful as a laughing scholar, one of the most powerful ghost masters in Death Valley, a peerless murderer who could even escape after the emperor himself was actually injured by a junior?

"Little beast, I will cut you a thousand times!"

If it was said that Li Ye was angry about bad things before, now, Yixiaoshusheng has completely fallen into madness!

How many people did not hurt him, and now they are hurt?

The terrible anger turned into a raging weather flame!

"Brother Li, be careful!"

Seeing Yi Liao Shusheng furiously shot, everyone squeezed a sweat!

Annoyed such a monster, now even if someone wants to help, they are helpless.

Li Ye also knew that he couldn't resist, so he didn't shout at this time, but when he waited, "Sister, if you don't make a move, I will be finished!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a scream from the void!

However, it wasn't Li Ye who came out, everyone was stunned when they saw it!

I saw a smiling scholar retreating crazily, with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his expression was terrified!

That look is exactly the same as the Bailiningtian just now!

It's like seeing some kind of terrible picture!

You know, when they reach their realm and level, what else in this world can scare them like this?

Not to mention ordinary people, even if the emperor comes in person, it is not right for them to be so afraid.

But at this moment, Yi Liao Shusheng swept away his arrogant arrogance.

Li Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and forcibly swallowed a mouthful of blood, resisting the blood churning in his chest.

If it hadn't been a critical matter just now, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured!

"Damn, these Old Sage Emperors are not simple stuff."

The ancient holy emperor naturally has strengths and weaknesses. But in this Death Valley, it is definitely the best in the world!

Opened his eyes and looked, the smiling scholar's face was blue and white at this moment, but suddenly he gave a cold snort, and his gaze swept across Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon Gate, "I will spare you today!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and disappeared, but he did not leave like Bailiningtian, because he was different from Bailiningtian. He wanted to leave Death Valley and only relying on the treasures of Fengshui to nourish his blood was not enough.

The end of Styx is his pursuit and only opportunity.

In particular, the floating corpses in the Styx River that did not necessarily appear several times in hundreds of thousands of years, this rare opportunity, few ghost masters can resist.

Yixiaoshusheng retreated, and it was almost impossible for everyone to calm down!

Such a terrifying powerhouse, unexpectedly all had to stop!

They naturally saw that it was not someone else who had just taken the shot to shock the student, but the mysterious woman who made Bailining go away in a hurry with the same trick before!

They were already guessing the identity of the woman behind Li Ye just now, and now they are extremely curious!

Only a few people seem to have guessed something.

"Little Lord!"

In Fenghuo City, an old man whispered.

Feng Yang nodded, and then shook his head, "Before Huo Ancestor left, please explain, don't provoke this woman."

"Young Master, although Fire Ancestor didn't explicitly say, but this woman is not..."

There are indeed a lot of powerful women in this world, but they are so powerful that Bai Lining Tian and Yi Liao Shusheng, such as Peak Invincible who can kill even the Holy Emperor, dare not provoke them, are very few!

When the two were combined, Feng Yang had a guess that he couldn't believe in himself.

"Is this unlikely?"

He immediately shook his head, at least they have a good relationship with Li Ye now, and Li Ye also helped them a lot. On the other hand, the expressions of the others flickered.

As powerful as Liu Dao Ting, he did not dare to speak out at this moment.

"Thank you."

With a smile, the scholar quit, and the Saint Demon Gate finally breathed a sigh of relief. No one in southern Xinjiang dared to provoke, but in this Death Valley, there are too many unpredictable changes.

Princess Saint Demon Gate said in a low voice, if it weren't for Li Ye's action just now, she might only die to save herself.

However, at this moment, Li Ye had his eyes fixed on the direction of Styx.

At this moment, his eyes flashed! Even the injuries on his body didn’t care about adjusting his breath, and hurriedly said to the Empress Jinghong who was beside him, “That floating corpse! Go up!”

This sound is a transmission of divine thought, and no one can hear it.

And the floating corpse that Li Ye was referring to looked closely, but there was nothing special about it, even among the countless floating corpses on the Styx, it was inconspicuous.

But Li Ye looked excited!

The Empress Jinghong hesitated.

"Eldest sister, I won't lie to you! How about paying back your previous favors?"

The Empress Jinghong still didn't move, so Li Ye almost didn't die!

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