Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2794: It hurts our relationship to negotiate terms

Down, or not down?

Feng Yang had a terrible headache, but at this time there was a thick and old voice.

"The old man believes in this little friend's judgment."

The voice was gentle and long, but only a few people could hear it.

"Fire Ancestor!"

Feng Yang was startled. At this time, several elders from Fenghuo City had already carried the ancient coffin, and their faces were also full of solemnity.

The sound came from the ancient coffin.

"Seniors are not afraid that the younger generations will choose at will, which will kill you?"

In the face of this once legendary figure, Li Ye also took a little respect.

"Haha, there are not a few days left to live in the old man's life. It was originally a person who wanted to go to the soil. Even if the little friend made a mistake in his judgment, Fenghuocheng would not blame the little friend."

This remark was not so much for Li Ye to hear, as it was for the elders in Fenghuocheng.

Li Ye heard a hint of respect, and there is no doubt that the people in the ancient coffin did not really believe in Li Ye's choice. But he released these words in advance, just because Fenghuocheng would not pour grievances on Li Ye once he died.

Sure enough, after hearing the words, the old men could see the changes in their eyes even though they didn't have any words.

On the contrary, Li Ye was a bit tangled at the moment.

"To be honest, I'm not 100% sure."

Even if he did find out some of the secrets, no one has solved the mystery in Styx since ancient times, and even the records in his ancient book are not comprehensive.

"How sure are you?"

Feng Yang asked quickly.

"At most, 70%!"

After hesitating, Li Ye still gave the answer.

Seventy percent!

Feng Yang's expression changed again and again, but the fire ancestor laughed, "Seven percent, that's enough! Originally, the old man thought it was good if the little friend was 30% sure. Since he is 70%, then the old man would bet on a bet."

On the Styx, the floating corpse selected by Li Ye had already floated. Seeing this, several elders from Fenghuo City shot at the same time and sent the ancient coffin into the sky above the Styx.

"Fenghuocheng has also taken action!"

Everyone looked at each other intently.

"I don't know what the result will be! Fenghuo City attaches such importance this time, and the few people who came to **** him personally, the people in the ancient coffin must be of monstrous origin! I don't know which of the ancient holy emperors in Fenghuo City are. Bit?"

"No matter who it is, being able to come here means that with the background of Fenghuocheng, he cannot continue to seal it, and it has reached the final juncture."

As a Wind and Fire City of Four Emperors, countless pairs of eyes are naturally staring at every move.

The ancient coffin fell into the Styx, unbiased, just on the floating corpse Li Ye pointed to.

No sinking!

Several elders in Fenghuo City had a heart with Feng Yang, and they fell all at once! At that moment, they were really afraid of accidents!

Li Ye also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, at least to prove that his judgment was correct!

Fenghuo City's success has attracted the attention of several other emperor-level sects!

"Has Fenghuo City found a way to choose a floating corpse?"

Several ancient coffins and several ghost masters were killed on this Styx before, even if someone succeeded, it was a blind cat touching a dead mouse, and no one could see the law.

Even the few ghost masters who had not really made up their minds and were watching, their eyes drifted sharply at this moment.

For them, if they continue to stay in Death Valley, they can slowly accumulate their lifespan, but after millions of years, they may not be able to accumulate to a year's lifespan, and they will not be able to live their lives again and go out here.

Only the legendary Styx and the legendary Palace of Eternal Life are their only hope.

"That kid!"

Suddenly someone whispered.

Someone suddenly realized that when they heard the words, Feng Yang, the young master of Fenghuo City, made several actions that naturally made them see it.

It's just that they still can't believe it, how did an unknown man find the right floating corpse in the river?

Some people doubt it, some will be skeptical, and some even sneer.

However, just after Fenghuo City was over, someone approached Li Ye.

"Princess, I haven't seen you for many days, the more brilliance and moving."

Princess Saint Demon Gate!

This time, the Saint Demon Gate also carried an ancient coffin, but it was much larger than the ordinary ancient coffin. Everyone could guess that the ancient sage emperor in the Saint Demon Gate was definitely not lying inside.

Such a size was brought up by the Holy Demon Gate of the overlord of Southern Xinjiang, and everyone could guess the origin of the owner.

"Which floating corpse can you find to go down?"

Straightforward, Princess Saint Demon Gate didn't go in circles with Li Yedou, and went straight to the subject.

Although many people were skeptical about Fenghuo City's success just now, she didn't know why, Princess Saint Demon Gate believed that the matter must have happened because of Li Ye.

"Holy Demon Gate, some people want to go to the end of the Styx?"


Slightly bit her red lips, the Princess of the Saint Demon Gate hesitated, her eyes flashed on the Empress Jinghong behind Li Ye, but her expression became a little indifferent, "Fenghuo City can give it to you just now, our Saint Demon Gate I can give it to you too!"

One family and three emperors, the overlord of southern Xinjiang! The Saint Demon Gate does have such confidence and confidence.

But after hearing the words, Li Ye shook his head.

"you are not willing?"

"The princess is serious, Wind and Fire City did not give me any benefit."

If favors are not considered good, Li Ye smiled slightly.

It was just these words that Princess Saint Demon Gate didn't believe it. In her opinion, Li Ye was rejecting her or rejecting Saint Demon Gate.

If it was in the past, she would not waste much time. But today, she can only lower her arrogant head, "What conditions do you want to do it?"


Li Ye glanced at her, and had to say that the princess of the Saint Demon Gate was a peerless posture. Aside from her identity, her appearance was enough to drive thousands of men in the world crazy.

But Li Ye smiled bitterly, "Princess, how sad it is to talk about terms based on the relationship between you and me, what you said makes me a little sad."

relationship? what relationship?

Princess Saint Demon's pretty face suddenly blushed when she heard the words, but she didn't know why her cold face was a little bit more embarrassed.

Suddenly, Li Ye felt a chill coming!

His expression changed in an instant, he coughed slightly, and turned into a gentleman, "Princess, if you believe me, go to that floating corpse."

Pointing towards a floating corpse floating in the distance, but this floating corpse is different from the one he chose for Fenghuo City Fire Ancestor just now. It is a huge and extremely ancient corpse, which does not look like a human or like a human. Yaozu, but it is huge.

The old women at the Saint Demon Gate were obviously hesitant when they heard this.

But the princess of the Saint Demon Gate had a brilliant light across her phoenix eyes!

She believed Li Ye! There is no origin!

In the next moment, the huge ancient coffin on the Saint Demon Gate fell directly onto the huge floating corpse in the Styx.

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