Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2783: jump? Still not jumping?

"The Styx will appear once every 10,000 years, and every time it appears, the lonely wild ghost in Death Valley seems to have been summoned and entered desperately. www. There must be some secret in it! If it can be solved, it may be solved. Open up the mystery of Death Valley!"

"It's not just the lonely wild ghosts, the ghost masters buried in Death Valley are the peaks of the world, but they want to get a new life out of reincarnation, and it is not enough to use Fengshui treasure. Styx is their only opportunity. According to legend, you can go to the legendary Palace of Eternal Life by following the Styx, where you will get true immortality!"

There are many legends, and this is also the purpose of the major sects at all costs to **** an ancestor who has reached the limit to come here.

If there really is a Palace of Eternal Life, even if it is not true eternal life, as long as those ancestors who are about to die at their limit have hundreds of thousands of years of life, it will be enough to make the major sects happy.

Once every 10,000 years, no powerful sect has ever been absent.

This time, it is no exception.

At this time, Li Ye had also come to the side of Styx.

Looking at the billowing black river, the impact is beyond words.

I don't even know if he has been baptized by the rebirth water, and his feelings for Styx are clearer and stronger than anyone else!

"No wonder the appearance of Styx can make all the lone souls and ghosts come here. The call from the middle source is indeed not something ordinary people can resist."

His body, already between the living and the dead, naturally felt more obvious about certain things.

At this time, when Styx appeared, a shocking scene appeared!

"Look! What are those lone souls doing?"

I don't know who exclaimed.

Looking closely, those lonely wild ghosts didn't know if they were caught in the evil or what, after the emergence of Styx, they jumped without hesitation.

One after another, group after group.

Like dumplings, he jumped into Styx with a frenzy of brain.

You know, in Death Valley for thousands of years, I don't know how many people died! The number of lonely spirits and wild ghosts is extremely spectacular, but at this moment, it is like moths fighting the fire, all jumping into the Styx.

However, even if so many lone ghosts jumped into it, they couldn't make any waves on the Styx, as if they disappeared after jumping in.

In a short time, hundreds of lonely ghosts jumped into the Styx, and there were more rushing crazy behind them.

"This is simply..."

Some strong men can't help being moved by this scene.

"The legend is true. Even these lone souls and wild ghosts want to be reborn and resurrected. It's a pity that there is something in the once-in-a-10,000-year Styx, no one knows, those lone souls who jumped into it. Whether a wild ghost has a new life has always been a mystery."

At this time, on the bank of the Styx, the three camps were very distinct. The lonely wild ghost started to act, and the ghost masters who came had a look of heartbeat on their faces.

It's just that these ghost masters are naturally not as irrational as lonely ghosts. The legend of Styx is too old, but no one can guarantee what will happen after jumping in.

Some ghost master hesitated, and some ghost master gritted his teeth and suddenly jumped in!


While the ghost master jumped down, someone from far away cried out! Obviously the ghost master is related to that sect.

There was the first one and the second one. In a short time, at least four ghost masters jumped into the Styx.

But as powerful as them, even after jumping in, it was so silent, it was impossible to judge whether it was life or death.

On the other side, Li Ye had a pair of eyes, observing the legendary Styx all the time.

He doesn't believe what the world says, Styx is the gateway to hell, he believes even more that there is a reason for existing existence. The emergence of Styx, once in 10,000 years, naturally has its meaning.

"Do you still want to go down?"

A soft female voice came from behind, and Li Ye didn't look back.

Empress Jinghong didn't know when she had come behind him.

Unlike other ghost masters, the Empress Jinghong was silent, and even those ghost masters and the strong men of various sects did not notice her arrival.

"No hurry, going on rashly is just an act of death."

He shook his head, and after coming here, he had a feeling that his coming here and Styx's appearance seemed like an arrangement.

This feeling is very mysterious, but this world itself cannot be explained by science, even if there is a destiny arrangement dominated by God, it is not surprising.

No one has found the Empress Jinghong, does not mean that no one has found Li Ye.

"Brother Li, we meet again!"

From a distance, someone smiled at Li Ye.

It was Feng Yang, the young master of Fenghuo City, this time he came to **** his ancient coffin for an ancestor of Fenghuo City, and he did not expect to see Li Ye here.

For him, Li Ye nodded slightly, and didn't talk much.

Feng Yang is the same. This time, the ancestor they escorted was very important, and it was of great significance to Fenghuo City, so he was very careful.

On the other side, in the Saint Demon Gate, the Princess of the Saint Demon Gate looked at Li Ye from a distance, with a hint of resentment.

Li Ye could naturally detect that look, and he could only smile in his heart.

At this moment, a terrible murderous spirit rushed towards Li Ye!

"Little beast, die!"


Li Ye smiled when he looked up!

Old acquaintance!

The person who killed him was no one else, but the old man Wei Hua of the Imperial Villa who had previously met in Death Valley.

"So it's not dead yet."

Seeing him killing in angrily, Li Ye knew why he was so angry!

"The old man killed you!"

How can the elderly Weihua not be angry? He was a dignified and half-emperor, and he was almost cheated by a junior like Li Ye, almost losing his old life! If it hadn't been for the presence of Styx, he had carried his life-saving things with him, and he would have already accounted for it in the hands of the ghost master!

Now seeing Li Ye, he was naturally furious! Regardless of the current situation, just shoot!

Many people frowned slightly when they saw someone doing it.

"Emperor Court Villa? They even ignored the rules?"

Imperial Court Villa is also an emperor-level sect, and its strength is not weak. But at this time, Wei Hua's actions angered many people.

After all, at this time, if the hostility of those lonely wild ghosts is provoked, or even the anger of those terrible ghost masters, no one can bear it.

"Who is that kid? How could the old man Wei Hua of Imperial Villa be so disregarded of his identity?"

The old man Wei Hua can be regarded as a famous place, and his reputation is not small. Some people who knew him were surprised when they saw him fought so regardless of his identity.

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