Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2767: audacious in the extreme

The origin of the Book of Life and Death is related to the Wordless Book of Heaven. ????

But how exactly Bailiningtian got the book of life and death back then, no one knows so far.


Baili Yunyan directly paled after hearing this!

This time she took a huge risk to come to Death Valley to find this former ancestor. Even if she knew that hope was slim, she still came here at any risk.

"Needless to say, the book of life and death shouldn't exist in this world. It shouldn't fall out of me again. Go back."

Bai Liningtian's tone was determined, no matter what the reason was, it was obviously impossible for him to take out the book of life and death.

But he underestimated the stubbornness and resilience of his descendant.

"Ancestor, for the sake of blood relationship, please save my brother!"


Suddenly, Li Ye finally understood why Baili Yunyan would take such a big risk.

Baili Yunyan, Baili Yunyan, turned out to be a pair of siblings.

"No matter who he is, after practicing the Book of Life and Death, he will find his way! No one can save him!"


"Needless to say, cultivating the Book of Life and Death is a dead end. God can't change this."

This completely blocked Baili Yunyan's pleading, and at the same time Baili Ningtian turned around, obviously not planning to stay outside.

After all, he can be regarded as a dead person. After being sealed in the sarcophagus, he may be able to continue to live in another way for a long time, but in the outside world, his vitality will be lost a lot.

In a short period of time, for him, it has actually been based on the family blood relationship back then.

Upon hearing her ancestor's answer so decisively, Bai Li Yunyan's desolate whole person did not move.

The last hope was now cut off in front of her.

As Li Ye guessed, the real descendant of the Baili Mo Family is not actually her!

But her brother, Baili Yunyan!

However, because of ambition, the real Baili Yunyan cultivated an incomplete book of life and death and made a big mistake! Betrayal, even to the point of losing his life.

This made Baili Yunyan, a younger sister with no less talent than Bailiyun, appeared in front of the world as him.

"Oh, the book of life and death is itself a taboo thing. A Baili Ningtian came out of the Baili Mo family. I didn't expect that hundreds of thousands of years later, someone would follow his old path."

Even the Emperor Tianjian shook his head slightly and sighed.

He knows what the book of life and death represents, that kind of thing, even if the Dao Heart is as solid as a rock, he can't necessarily refuse it.

Even he, for a while, was crazy to find the book of life and death!

Not for anything else! Just to pass on since ancient times, there is a shocking secret hidden in the book of life and death! A secret that makes people truly immortal and immortal!

"Let's go back."

Bailiningtian said again before entering the sarcophagus.

But this time, he seemed to have lost all his feelings and became indifferent to the point of chilling.

He has been dead for countless years.

Although relying on this magical place of Death Valley, he survived in another way. But he is no longer the ancestor of the Baili Mo family back then. Perhaps this time, it was also an opportunity for him to truly cut all cause and effect from his past.

But at this moment, a voice rang.

"Senior, please slow down!"

Li Ye! At this moment, Li Ye spoke suddenly.

It's just that Baili Ningtian might not kill him because Li Ye and Baili Yunyan came together, but he would never pay attention to a junior who had nothing to do with him.

It was just a sentence from Li Ye that made Bai Lining Tian completely stop.

"Senior is unwilling to hand in the birth and death book, just because he is afraid that without the birth and death book, Senior will not be able to continue to complete this difficult game. I don't know if the younger generation is right or wrong?"

This is a dangerous move!

"Smelly boy, you are playing with fire! You have angered a ghost master, and even this emperor can't save you!"

Emperor Tianjian sighed, but he didn't stop it. Because he knew that no one can change what Li Ye decides.

Sure enough, as Li Ye's words sounded, Bai Lining Tian suddenly turned around!

The horror is so suffocating and terrifying, and even this valley where the original birds and flowers are like a paradise becomes eerie and terrifying!

He is the pinnacle of the world! The most invincible powerhouse!

Even among the many ghost masters in Death Valley, he is extremely powerful!

Even when the emperor comes, he dare not easily offend it!

That terrifying gaze seemed to penetrate time and space, straight into the depths of Li Ye's sea of ​​knowledge!

The incomparably powerful spirit is enough to strip any Wuhuang's spirit!

However, Bai Liningtian quickly flashed a ray of surprise in his eyes!

Because he can't see through this junior in front of him!

You know, he is invincible in this world! Unless it is the emperor, no one can resist his divine will at all!

"Senior, it seems that the junior guess is right?"

Li Ye naturally felt that he was being tempted by such old monsters as Bailiningtian, and Zhihai was stinging! It almost seems to collapse!

But from his body, a clear current emerged.

That kind of mysterious power was always hidden in his body and appeared whenever there was danger.

This time, it is no exception.

"What else do you know?"

Bai Lining's eyes were cold, and there were some secrets, only he knew it! Even his children and disciples back then did not know! Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and he does not believe that anyone still knows those things.

Although he had slept for hundreds of thousands of years, a ray of killing intent appeared in his heart.

"Senior don't need to be nervous, juniors just happen to know a little bit."

Li Ye naturally sensed the killing intent, but he was neither humble nor overbearing, and said slightly, "This valley has an expert who has set up a shocking spirit gathering formation. Of course, if it is just like this, it is not too unusual."

After speaking, the corner of Li Ye's mouth raised, "However, if it matches the geomantic omen of this valley and the spiritual veins of the underground! Everything is completely different!"

As a formation mage, not everyone can see through the mystery!

After all, if you want to lay down this shocking array, at least they are all powerhouses at the Saint Array Master level. Since ancient times, there have not been a few such strong men, so the ordinary mages can't break it.

"Go on."

Although any breath of staying in the outside world would exhaust the vitality that Bai Liningtian had gathered for hundreds of thousands of years, but at this moment he still looked at Li Ye with a cold face.

"The Spirit Gathering Array is not unusual, but it is trapped in a dragon game, but it is a rare and rare large array in the ages! Ordinary people can't make it. The brat, I just observed it, and it happened that this valley is in a very powerful Above the spiritual veins. This spiritual vein is so powerful that it is far greater than those on other geomantic treasures. Although it is not enough to call it the land of dragon veins, it is not far behind."

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