Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2763: The ancestor of Baili Mo

In the next section of the road, I encountered similar geomantic treasures several times. ?

However, Li Ye did not dare to easily provoke those lonely ghosts like the first time.

God knows which terrible existence countless thousands of years ago will be alarmed.

Even if they were no longer alive, the release of that breath was enough to kill a large group of ordinary martial emperors.

In Death Valley, Emperor Wu came to die.

At least until now, Li Ye and Baili Yunyan are both cautious.

"Old ghost, where is the place you said?"

Li Yelai came to Death Valley with the Ice Crystal Soul King, but Death Valley is so vast that if you want to search piece by piece, it will be impossible for ten thousand years!

Not to mention, these treasures of geomantic omen, they dare not approach at all.

"What's the hurry, it's still far away!"

"Still far?"

Silent for a while, just these treasures of Feng Shui are amazing enough! Where did Evian Blue go?

And Baili Yunyan, what is her purpose here?

Li Ye is also silently observing the treasures of geomantic omen.

The same feng shui treasure, but there are also good and bad points.

Some feng shui treasures that are a bit close, the strong ones who are naturally buried are not as good as those buried underground.

But undoubtedly, these feng shui treasures also attracted those powerful lonely spirits, as if it were an instinct.

"I said girl, didn't you come here to find a good grave for yourself in advance?"

There are usually only two types of people who come to Death Valley.

Treasure hunting, and tomb hunting!

There is no shortage of treasures in the Baili Mo Family, so the only possibility is to find the tomb!

However, Baili Yunyan is only a hundred years old now, even if she can't set foot in the emperor realm in this life, at least living for ten thousand years is not a problem.

Come to find the tomb so early?

Facing Li Ye's question, Baili Yunyan hesitated slightly, but did not hide it.

"I didn't come to look for the grave, but for other reasons."

At this time, they were already close to a treasured land of geomantic omen, and the lonely ghosts around them became stronger.

From a distance, Li Ye seemed to feel a murderous atmosphere in that piece of geomantic treasure!

It seems like an army of iron and blood, fighting on the battlefield!

"The master of Feng Shui Treasure Land, should he be a terrifying warrior before his death?"

With such a murderous air, it is naturally impossible to be an ordinary person.

And obviously this treasure land is even better than the geomantic treasures they saw before.

Li Ye was about to decide to stay away, but saw Baili Yunyan looking at the place and fell into silence.

"Girl, you don't want to say, do you want to go in?"

The two of them had detoured when they saw the treasured land of Feng Shui before, but now Baili Yunyan's appearance is obviously not quite right.

Without any answer, Baili Yunyan looked at Li Ye.

"Free dead card, can you lend me a use?"

Free dead card?

In slight hesitation, Li Ye did not refuse.

After receiving the exemption card, Baili Yunyan said thank you in a low voice.

"No thanks, but at least tell me why?"

The fetish of avoiding death cards is actually useful in Death Valley. Out of Death Valley, the only effect is the will of some surviving female emperors above.

"That's why I came to Death Valley."

"This piece of geomantic omen?"

Li Ye was taken aback, then frowned slightly, "The ghost master buried inside..."

"Is an ancestor of the Baili Mo family."

Sure enough!

Li Ye actually guessed something from Baili Yunyan's expression and expression just now.

The Baili Mo School has been passed on for millions of years, and naturally some strong men against the sky have been born.

It is normal for someone to bury themselves here before they die. After all, the stronger the person, the less he wants to die! Regardless of this world, or the world he was in his last life.

Why did the emperor Qin Shihuang cultivate the imperial tomb for longevity?

And the strong in this world, although they can live for a long, long time, they are like gods in the eyes of the world after a long time! However, it will die.

"The Baili Mohist school, shouldn't they be exhausted yet, right?"

People who can bury themselves here are almost cut off from the one they lived! After all, this kind of place where people are neither ghosts nor ghosts can no longer be described by a living person.

The situation of the Baili Mo family?

Baili Yunyan sighed in her heart, there are some things outsiders can't understand.

In the eyes of the world, the oldest aristocratic family in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou is actually experiencing the plight that all sect family will encounter.

And this time she came to Death Valley, in fact, it was a choice to solve the current plight of the Baili Mohist school.

"Who is inside?"

"Bailining days."

After finishing speaking, Baili Yunyan stepped directly into that piece of geomancy.

But behind her, Li Ye's eyes flickered slightly.

Because he already knew who Bai Liningtian was.

"It turned out to be Bailiningtian! Sure enough, even if it was him, he could only choose this step in the end!"

A long sigh, that is a sigh belonging to Emperor Tianjian.

As if he knew that Li Ye didn't understand, he explained, "The Baili Mohist has been inherited for millions of years. It is truly amazing, but it is only one hand. This Baili Ningtian is definitely one of them. "

"The Great?"

"No, he did not step into the Heavenly Dao, but chose the Reincarnation Dao. However, this person was the real evildoer of that era. Countless people believed that he could become a great emperor of a generation, but he chose Reincarnation Dao instead. Even so, when he is alive, he will be on an equal footing with the Great Emperor!"

Those who are able to sit on an equal footing with the great emperor have also been counted for thousands of years!

Such a character still has to welcome death in the end.

Even a saint is afraid of death!

So, I was buried here in the end.

As the two stepped into this geomantic treasure land.

Unexpectedly, he did not encounter any lonely ghosts to harass.

As if here is a quiet place.

But the more you step in, the more you feel that the killing spirit is improving!

Even when they got to the back, both of them couldn't bear it!

If you change to an ordinary high-ranking emperor, you will burst into death when you step into this precious land!

In front of them, a stone monument was erected.

"The Living Being Huangquan Road."

There are only five words on it, vigorous and powerful! It can be seen the terrifying will of the owner who left these five words.

The Living Huangquan Road?

Seeing these five words, Li Ye and Baili Yunyan seemed to feel a piece of hell.

However, both of them were as firm as a rock in Dao Xin, and they woke up in a short time.

"It's terrible! With these five words, if Dao's heart is unstable, even if a half-emperor comes, it will instantly be a secret room! Since then, it will become a soulless corpse."

Is this a trap?

No, on the contrary, this is a warning!

Warn future generations not to move on! Turn around and go home!

Unfortunately, Baili Yunyan took a breath without any change.

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