Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2761: getaway paradise


Fight a ghost!

The old man Wei Hua's chest was ups and downs, and he was considered a man of the world, even the name of an ordinary emperor might not make him so pale. ?

However, the Empress Jinghong is different. This is a terrifying figure that even many powerful men who are also great emperors can hear. Not to mention that he was just a sect elder who couldn't practice the Heavenly Dao, but could only practice the Reincarnation Dao.

At this time, Baili Yunyan was angry and funny, but she could only endure it.

Because she knew that only the name of the Empress Jinghong could restrain the other party.

It's not that they are afraid of the Imperial Court Villa, but in this Death Valley, the most terrifying thing is not the ubiquitous dangers, but the more terrifying thing is that they are thought of by other powerful people who enter Death Valley.

I don't know when to come from behind, even the pinnacle powerhouse is in fear.

"Elder Tai, what should I do?"

The powerhouses of the two Imperial Villas were also hesitant. They coveted the stone tablet in Li Ye's hands, although they didn't know what it was. But if you can avoid those lonely ghosts, you can guess that it is a treasure related to Death Valley.

Although this kind of treasure has appeared in the outside world very few times for millions of years, it is not uncommon!

Any one is priceless!

No wonder they would stop Li Ye.

It's a pity that it seems to be kicked on the iron plate.


Elder Wei Hua is now dubious, but he dare not do anything.

After struggling for a long time, I didn't dare to take risks in the end!

Empress Jinghong, that is an invincible emperor who has been numbered for millions of years! If he really wants to provoke her, his life is not guaranteed, and even the Imperial Villa behind him will suffer.

"let's go!"

"The elder too?"


The old man Wei Hua was also aggrieved, and he had to be so forbearing to enter the Dao peak powerhouse. But he had to do this, so he turned his head and left with a cold face.

The other two were also helpless, glanced at Li Ye, and followed ferociously.

"Why look at me like this?"

As soon as the people of the Imperial Villa left, Baili Yunyan finally couldn't help but gave someone a blank look.

"Why do you say?"

"Oh, doesn't it just expose your identity as the descendant of the Empress Jinghong, you need to look at me like that? I blame my mouth for being lax."

With such a pretense while talking, Bai Li Yunyan could only laugh at the end.

At the same time, she also noticed Li Ye's secret look at her, and she immediately understood.

"They haven't really left yet."

Li Ye remained silent.

Baili Yunyan was not a fledgling, naturally, she immediately reacted.

The people at Imperial Villa have not completely given up.

Sure enough, just not far from them, the old Wei Hua, who was about to leave, did not go far.

"Elder Tai, do you want to see their true identities?"

The so-called **** is still spicy, although Li Ye did bluff them just now. But the old man Wei Hua still had a doubt in his heart, so he decided to find out.

"Huh, the Empress Jinghong has not been there for tens of thousands of years. Even if she is still alive, it is impossible to have no news if she receives the descendant! These two people definitely have a problem!"

"Superior elder, but the woman is the emperor who has truly stepped into the heavens!"

"Emperor Chu, the old man can see it naturally! This level of cultivation at such an age is definitely not something ordinary people can cultivate! Even if it is not the Empress Jinghong, there must be an expert behind this girl!"

"Then the elder, you?"

The other two people in the Imperial Villa didn't understand the old man Wei Hua's mind.

"Let's follow them for now!"

It turns out that Elder Wei Hua came to Death Valley this time, definitely not for the so-called treasure hunt, but for other purposes.

No one knows how big the entire Death Valley is!

No one knows even whether this place is in another world.

Obviously it is a treasure of geomantic omen, but it is full of eerie and horror.

"How many people died here?"

Along the way, Li Ye couldn't help but ask questions.

Those lonely souls and wild ghosts are all transformed by people who have died here. However, these numbers are simply staggering! And many years after death, they are strong to the point of shaking!

"No one knows, because no one knows when Death Valley existed, and how many powerful people have set foot here."

Baili Yunyan shook her head. Although the Baili Mo Family has been passed down for nearly a million years, it is considered one of the oldest in Shenshengzhou. Unfortunately, compared with Death Valley, it is far behind.

"Perhaps, there are only some records of Death Valley in the two holy places of mankind."

The two holy places of human beings naturally refer to the Palace of Medicine King and Mount Wushen.

These two rumors have appeared since the prehistoric times and have existed until now.

The deeper the deeper, the lonely ghosts that appear are also terrifying.

Even to the back, Li Ye's exemption card had already begun to shake slightly, as if it were a little unstable.

And those lonely wild ghosts stared at the two with their faint green ghost pupils.

"From here, the terrain is a bit different."

I don't know when, they have already come between the mountains and rivers, green mountains and green waters, birds and flowers. Sweeping away the haze and gloom just now is like changing a world.

But in the same way, with their arrival, some powerful lone ghosts crawled out of the ground.

"It should be close to the treasure land."

For so many years in the Baili Mo Family, naturally some of the ancestors have been here, and it is obvious that some people have really gone out alive, so there are a few words of records.

"Treasure land?"

"Yes, Death Valley is not all dead land, there are also such treasures in front of me."

Sure enough, Li Ye squinted his eyes.

The precious land in front of me was indeed the best choice in Feng Shui, and I even faintly felt a strong aura overflowing from the ground.

"Sure enough, it is a treasure land of Feng Shui!"

"When you get here, the role of avoiding death cards is almost gone. Then we will be more careful!"

Hearing Baili Yunyan's warning, Li Ye looked at the death-free card in his hand, and he had indeed lost the light it deserved, looming, as if he was suppressed by the treasure in front of him!

Yes, it is suppression!

This piece of feng shui treasure land seems to be natural, and it is a majestic trend of its own!

"Don't get close to this mountain! Go around from the side."

Baili Yunyan looked solemn, even with a touch of caution and caution! This surprised Li Ye!

What can make her so scared?

"Smelly boy, have you reached the treasure land?"

At this time, the voice of Emperor Tianjian suddenly appeared, and at the same time, there seemed to be some inexplicable feelings in his tone.

Li Ye couldn't help but move in his heart! After all, the Heavenly Sword Emperor had also known a lot about Death Valley before, but now he adds that tone?

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