Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2756: The role of dead cards

Shenshengzhou is ancient and vast, and no one knows how long it has existed in this world. ??

How many ancient mysteries and fierce places are there.

"Death Valley."

Stepping into Death Valley, everything in front of him was obviously beyond Li Ye's expectations.

In his expectation, Death Valley, known as one of the ten most dangerous places in Shenshengzhou, must be extremely dangerous, with evil beasts rampant. However, stepping into the world of Death Valley, what appeared before his eyes was a paradise.

There is no miasma covering the world, and there are no dangerous situations that are extremely dangerous.

Even some terrible monsters or even evil beasts can't see one.

Here, it is like another piece of wonderland.

"so surprised?"

Baili Yunyan, who followed, saw the stunned expression on Li Ye's face, revealing a touch of playful pride.

"Here is the death valley in the rumored death valley where even the emperor will not be able to retreat in his entirety after he has been dead?"

In any case, this is a little too unexpected.


Are all the illusions in front of me?

Li Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and a touch of blood appeared in his eyes!

When it comes to illusion, he is naturally a master in this way!

Even the magical illusion of the Golden Temple that was waiting millions of years ago, he could see the flaws in it.

What surprised him, however, was that everything in front of him was actually real! It is not an illusion.

"Interestingly, Death Valley, known as one of the ten most fierce places in Shenshengzhou, is actually a land of birds and flowers."

Countless rumors for thousands of years, Li Ye naturally understood that the real danger of Death Valley is definitely not visible to the naked eye. Otherwise, even the emperor will not come here easily.

Stepping into Death Valley, Li Ye always maintained a vigilance!

Although she laughed at Li Ye for being ignorant at first, Baili Yunyan also looked solemn.

The shadow of the famous tree of man, Death Valley has been hailed as one of the top ten evil places for millions of years.

Now, they have just stepped into this world.

Perhaps they have not yet encountered the real danger.

"What a treasure of Feng Shui!"

Feng Shui can be considered a side branch of the formation, and Li Ye naturally knows one or two of them.

The landscape in front of us is definitely the place where the emperors and generals of the secular world hope to get their burial after death!

Why is such a wonderful river and mountain named Death Valley such a confusing name? Li Ye was in a good mood that it would not take long for him to know the reason.

Sure enough, not long after entering Death Valley, he showed some clues.

Sensuous bones!

From a distance, you can see some bones. Even after death for countless years, one can feel some of the powerful aura enduring.

"These people were at least the cultivation base of the venerable."

Looking at these bones, Li Ye showed a sense of caution in his eyes.

Although he has a dead-free card on his body, the dead-free card is not the greatest guarantee for entering Death Valley.

No one can guarantee that avoiding dead cards will avoid all dangers.

"Boy, be careful. From here, it's the truly dangerous place in Death Valley! Don't say anything! Take out the dead-free card!"

The voice of Emperor Tianjian sounded in his mind, and his prudence could be heard from his tone.

Li Ye didn't ask further, and the death-free card appeared instantly.

As soon as it appeared, it seemed to resonate with the world in front of you!

The next moment, a strange scene appeared.

The sky was originally sunny, cloudless and clear, and suddenly became dim!

The gusts of yin wind did not know where it came from, even with his and Baili Yunyan's cultivation bases, they felt a biting cold as if to penetrate their bodies.

"What a heavy Yin Qi!"

Obviously it is a paradise, why did the world suddenly change color and suddenly become a terrifying world?

Upon closer inspection, the surrounding area became dark and gloomy.

But the green mountains and green waters originally looked like the Jiuyou Hell in an instant.

The howls of ghosts and wolves came out from all directions, as if there were countless spiteful eyes, peeping at them in secret!

"This is the true face of Death Valley?!"

Obviously, he has repeatedly confirmed just now that all this is real! Why does it instantly become like this as soon as the Free Dead Card appears?

"Don't be so surprised. Whether it's what you saw just now or what you see now, it's the real Death Valley."

"Old ghost, have you been here before?"

"Nonsense, this emperor has nine heavens and ten places. I have never been to any place. There is a death valley in a mere death valley, and the emperor has not paid attention to it."


Li Ye sneered in his heart, but it didn't break.

"Okay, you have a death-free card now. This section of the road shouldn't be difficult to walk. Go from here first and avoid these lonely ghosts."

Lonely ghost!

Sure enough, heavier and heavier Yin Qi appeared around, even that type of Yin Qi, which can be instantly eroded and turned into bones by ordinary people when they touch it. Even the cultivator will not be able to resist it for a long time.

Especially, the deeper, the stronger the Yin Qi.

"Bai Li Yunyan, you still have time to leave Death Valley now!"

From a distance, Li Ye saw some changes that made his face solemn.

I don't know when, many lone souls appeared around!

Those, obviously, are the former strong men who have been dead for not knowing how many years, but have been trapped here.

Now it has become a monster in front of me.

The key is that these lone souls are terrifying, even if they are far away, they all exude a strong yin energy that even the Emperor Wu can not necessarily resist.

"Do you think you can leave now?"

Baili Yunyan seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but she was more of a daughter's house, she was always pale when she saw those things.

Li Ye looked back when he heard the words, and fell silent.

The way they came has long since disappeared.

Even he couldn't tell from which direction he entered, only a wisp of will, attracting him in a certain direction.

"Don't look at me that way, these lone souls are just the original dangers of Death Valley. If you can't even get through these, no one will really enter the depths of Death Valley in these years."

After finishing speaking, Baili Yunyan took the lead, and the incomparably powerful emperor's aura opened up like the sky, leaving a road directly!

Open the road directly on the road! How domineering!

Li Ye was stunned, but he was also close behind.

But he didn't need Baili Yunyan to open up a channel with a powerful force.

Because I don't know why, those lonely souls are obviously dispersing terrifying eyes, but after seeing Li Ye from a distance, they choose to take a detour.

Do not!

They are not because of Li Ye, but because of something else!

"Freedom from death! That's how it is, it seems that the Nan Yu family has relied on this to freely enter and exit here these years."

Along the way, he saw many bones left by strong men who had died tragically.

Of course, more are turned into those terrifying lone souls around! Once a living person comes in, they become the target of their hunt.

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