Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2750: A terrible woman who can keep the emperor behind closed doors

I don't know how long it took, the two terrifying wills that hung over Yucheng had disappeared.

But the entire Yucheng, from the Emperor Wu to the ordinary cultivators, did not dare to breathe.

On the contrary, some mortals in the secular world did not realize what had just been born.

For them, it even felt like the sky had changed suddenly, as if it was about to thunder and rain to collect their clothes.

But in the blink of an eye, huh? Why is it clear again?

However, for those who stepped into the monastic world, the two previous wills almost made them feel suffocated!

Even Emperor Wu couldn't help shaking and sweating all over at that moment!

That is a kind of original suppression!

It is the suppression of the soul!


At Nan Yu's house, Nan Yu Gu couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and it took a long time to recover.

Not only him, but even the ancestors of Nan Yu's family were all pale, and their previous experiences were enough to make them unforgettable in their entire lives.

"Ancestor Appearance!"

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Nan Yu family burst into tears, crawling out of the ground again.

The other Nan Yu family members also knelt down as soon as they saw it!

Nan Yugu and the others knew that of the two terrifying invincible wills just now, one of them was strange and rampant to the point of lawlessness. But the latter will is relatively soft, and even after appearing, Nan Yu's family will be wrapped in that soft will and will not be suppressed by the former.

"Jinghong Empress?"

Nan Yugu and several Nan Yu family elders looked at each other, both surprised and happy!

Although they had long heard of how the first ancestor of the Nanyu family came from. How to create such a huge family from an unknown young man, the key is to survive for a hundred thousand years!

Jinghong Empress! Once the most invincible generation of great emperors, in her time, almost no one could compete with her. Even other great emperors must give in three points when they see the Jinghong Empress.

"Patriarch, the legend of the Jinghong Empress is true?"

The so-called legend is a rumor that the Empress Jinghong was invincible at the time. There was once a great emperor who did not believe in evil and offended her, but the result was very tragic!

The dignified emperor was finally beaten by the Jinghong Empress and declared that he would not be able to retreat for ten thousand years! Although no one knows what exactly happened, the rumor once caused a sensation throughout Shenshengzhou!

The second is about the relationship between the Jinghong Empress and their Nanyu family.

There are different opinions. Some people say that the Empress Jinghong is in love with the first ancestor of the Nan Yu family. There are also rumors that the Empress Jinghong was the mentor of the ancestor of the Nanyu family. There are many legends but no one has learned the truth anyway.

Nan Yugu was also embarrassed, how could he know?

On the contrary, the ancestor on one side snorted slightly, "Don't tell me about the Empress Jinghong!"

When the original ancestor said, everyone else closed their mouths.

But Nan Yugu dare to ask, "Yuanzu, Emperor Jinghong and our Nan Yu family?"

He must figure out this matter. If Nan Yu's family is really backed by the Jinghong Empress, who are they afraid of?

Sanying Building? Giving them shoes is not enough!

Baili Mojia? They also no longer need to whisper!

However, Yuanzu fell silent and did not answer.

In today's Nan Yu family, he is probably the only one who really knows the truth. There are just some secrets, he can't tell them.

But the more so, the more it made the Nan Yu family feel unbearable, but because of the prestige of the original ancestor, they did not dare to interfere.

"Yuanzu, was the Empress Jinghong really invincible in the world?"

Yuan Zu hesitated for a moment, and did not answer directly, "This world is truly invincible, even if it is the former Emperor Hengtian, rebelling against the chaos, and surrendering to the world, even he dare not say that he is invincible!"

"The rumor..."

"Emperor Xingtian, right?"

Emperor Xingtian!

The group of people around Nan Yu's family took a breath!

This is also a terrifying powerhouse of the Great Emperor!

"The ancestor, it is rumored that Emperor Xingtian was a natural golden spirit body, and the most heaven-defying emperor among the innate physiques. There are even rumors that the natural golden spirit body is a more domineering physique than the emperor, and is known as the sacrament! His appearance almost made other powerhouses of an era dare not fight with them! However, in the end, because of the Jinghong Empress, he announced that he would not be out for ten thousand years!

It turned out that the emperor who was rumored to be defeated by the Jinghong Empress was the Emperor Xingtian.

"No one knows about this, but the Great Emperor Xingtian did announce that he would not leave for ten thousand years because of the Jinghong Empress."

Yuan Zu sighed. He actually knew some things, but he couldn't say.

Only the group of Nan Yu's family took a deep breath!

The emperor is invincible, as everyone knows.

But between the emperor and the emperor, they are not qualified to guess.

However, in this world, even if the emperor is invincible, it is against them. However, between the emperor and the emperor, like the emperor and the emperor, there are also three or six classes.

If Emperor Hengtian, Emperor Danwu, and Empress Jinghong are the top figures among the great emperors, then Emperor Xingtian is at least one of the best!

The other great emperors are far behind.

"By the way, the will of the Great Emperor just now to the end?"

At that time, everyone was frightened and silly, but at this time they came to their senses and suddenly realized!

The second will is the words of the Empress Jinghong, then who is the first will?

"It's Emperor Xingtian."

Yuan Zu sighed slightly, but it was a mystery.

Emperor Xingtian? !

Nan Yu Gu and Nan Yu's family all looked pale!

They did not expect that the fate is so coincidental that what happened back then will be staged again today!

"Fortunately, fortunately the Empress Jinghong is still alive! Otherwise..."

How else?

No one can answer.

Not to mention the top powerhouses among the great Emperor Xingtian, even if a great emperor comes, he can destroy them in an instant! Whether it's Nan Yu's family or the entire Yucheng hundreds of thousands.

"It is rumored that Emperor Xingtian is..."

Nan Yugu whispered slightly, but Yuanzu was silent on the side.

This time the Nan Yu family made a choice, or a forced choice.

At this moment, Nan Yugu felt a little uneasy, and he doubted whether the choice made by Nan Yu's family was right this time.

at the same time.

"Damn it!"

The entire restaurant was instantly razed to the ground.

Nan Yulong trembled all over and did not dare to say a word.

"My lord, that kid seems to have run away."

It turned out that a group of people came to Li Ye, but they didn’t expect Li Ye to run away at the most critical time! They didn't even stop them!

It fell short, and a man's face was ashen!

The second will of the Great Emperor just now was attracted by him!

It is naturally impossible for the emperor to be there in person, but he is carrying the emperor!

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