Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2748: The one who has the initiative

"including you?"

Li Ye's eyes suddenly became interesting. ???

Being stared at by Li Ye's gaze, Baili Yunyan's pretty face immediately blushed. This was not her intention but was personally confessed by the supreme ancestor of the Baili Mo family.

Although she was quite resistant in her heart, no one in the Baili Mo family could change the will of the saint ancestor.

Even if she was unwilling, once Li Ye made a request, she could only agree to it for the sake of the family.

But, obviously the result is different from her expectations.

"Sorry, this condition obviously cannot move me."


Baili Yunyan is so angry!

Although she did not have the reputation of Princess Saint Demon Gate, nor was she as mysterious as the Three Princesses of Fenghuo City, and countless people spied on her. But as a descendant of the Baili Mo family, regardless of her identity, talent, or even her appearance, she didn't lose a bit of Princess Saint Demon Gate!

In this world, as long as she is willing, how many men are willing to bow to her pomegranate skirt?

"If there is nothing else, then I won't be with you."

Baili Mojia wants bluestone? He can consider that, after all, his goal has been achieved, and the demand for bluestone is not that serious. Moreover, the bluestone itself is not owned by him, but left by Emperor Hengtian.

Furthermore, the bluestone itself already possesses spiritual wisdom, and it is willing to go back to the Baili Mo family to say something.

But Longevity Dan!

It is absolutely impossible for him to disclose the prescription of the Longevity Pill!

"Li Ye! Do you really not think about it?"

Baili Yunyan still wants to make the final attempt. Although she doesn't want to sacrifice herself in exchange for a pill, she knows what the pill of longevity pill means to Baili Mohist school and even to any ancient heritage. What's going on.

"Don't think about it, these conditions are dispensable to me."

These words hurt more than before!

But to Li Ye it was the truth.

The Baili Mohist school is asking for him, not for him. One more Baili Mo school is not much, and one Baili Mo school less than a lot.

Really want to choose, the Saint Demon Gate will be better than the Baili Mo Family!

After taking a deep breath, Baili Yunyan was also considered a successor, and her heart calmed down from the mess.

"What conditions do you want to get the pill?"

She doesn't believe that there are no priceless things in this world, any treasures, even Pills or even people! All have a value! It depends on whether that condition can be offered.

This is the angle that people from the Baili Mo family have been thinking about since childhood, but she did not expect that Li Ye was not the same as her.

Suddenly, Li Ye bullied him, and the two could even be said to be close to the body and face to face.

The sudden strong masculine breath made Baili Yunyan a little flustered, and her pretty face was blushing.

"Baili Yunyan, what do you think the Baili Mo Family can move me? Would you hesitate to let me hand over the Dan Fang?"

Yes, what can the Baili Mo Family impress him?

Seeing the woman in front of him fell silent, Li Ye suddenly laughed, raising her chin frivolously, and constantly looking up and down at the descendant cultivated by the Baili Mo family with beast-like eyes.

"I have to say that the terms you offered are very attractive. If you change anyone, maybe you will consider one or two, or even your wishes."

This is a beautiful woman, but it's a pity that Li Ye is not interested in beautiful women.

It's not that he's sitting still, but that the women around him are already at a loss.

Not to mention Baili Yunyan, a woman who exchanges interests with a purpose, he is absolutely impossible to accept.

"If you want a pill, you can, as long as you promise me one condition."

Suddenly, Li Ye let go of Baili Yunyan, turned around and sat down again.

For some reason, Baili Yunyan's heart flashed a little bit of loss, and even she herself didn't understand why she had such strange emotions.

Converging her mind, she also had a cold face at this moment, "What conditions?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, when I think about it, I will naturally notify you."


If it were not before coming here, the ancestor personally explained that he could not conflict with Li Yesheng, at this time Baili Yunyan even had an impulse to step forward and beat this nasty bastard!


Li Ye is naturally not so boring.

What the Baili Mohism said was passed down for millions of years, and there are still some foundations. It's just that the initiative needs to be in his hands, instead of being led by the nose by the Baili Mo family.

At this point, Baili Yunyan also knew that there was no need to continue talking.

But before leaving, she hesitated and stopped talking.

In the end, she mustered up the courage and said, "Li Ye, I need a life pill that you refined!"

Shou Dan, naturally, was the kind that Li Ye gave Baili the waves at the beginning.

It's just that the sixteen countries in Xizhou have already caused a lot of trouble because of that incident.

Some people even copied this kind of shoudan at a sky-high price!

It is a pity that it is hot, there is no market for it! Because only Li Ye can refine it!

But the more this happened, the more it attracted many ancient existences who wanted to obtain this kind of life pill, and even many terrifying existences had come to the door in person to look for Baili Jingtao's traces of Li Ye.

Regarding these, Li Ye naturally did not know.

But Baili Yunyan knew that during this period of time, how many powerhouses even their Baili Mo family needed to treat with care came for that Shou Dan.

"Do you need Shoudan?"

Li Ye has weird eyes, Baili Yunyan is now at the most vigorous stage, although his age is a lot older than him, but in Shenshengzhou, hundreds of years old are considered the younger generation!

"Yes, I need a longevity pill that you refined!"

Seeing Li Ye's silence, Baili Yunyan was helpless, "I can give the corresponding reward!"

However, she was ready for Li Ye to open his mouth when she was in danger, and she even thought about how to respond if Li Ye made some excessive demands. But only one thing was unexpected!

Li Ye directly gave her the Longevity Pill!

Without saying a word, it was not like taking out a longevity pill that is considered the best in Xizhou today, a longevity pill that can make the peak powers dry out and have 30 to 50 years of life!

It was like throwing out a Chinese cabbage. If Baili Yunyan hadn't opened the pill bottle and had a look, there was absolutely no fault with that kind of pill, she doubted whether Li Ye was playing with her.

"Don't thank me, this birthday pill is not given for nothing, you owe me a favor! Remember, it is not the Baili Mo family, but you yourself, owes me a favor!"

One favor! Baili Yunyan was silent for a long time after hearing the words, but did not reply.

No matter what the conditions, she could not refuse. A favor, she naturally knew that compared to any conditions, this was the most unpredictable, but she still took the pill and left.

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