Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2731: Killed Wei Kexu


Seeing Li Ye appear, Wei Kexu roared!

"Being depraved, you really deserve to die!"

A hand appeared on Wei Kexu's chest, directly penetrated his chest, and then grabbed his heart. ??

But at this time, the heart was flowing out of foul black water, and even small faces with teeth and claws could be seen on it, and the hideous faces and teeth seemed to be biting up.

He squeezed the devil's heart in one hand, and Wei Kexu burst out a heart-piercing scream in an instant!

At the same time, the devilish energy on his body quickly faded, and in the end the whole person returned to the original state. It's a pity that he is like a dead dog at this moment. How can it be seen that he was once one of the peak powers of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou?

The destruction of the devil's heart is almost equivalent to the complete loss of all power of a demon repair!

Not to mention that Li Ye can't kill him now, even if he doesn't kill him, he can't bear the pain of magic backlash!

In a short time, Wei Kexu was old.

The whole person is dying, but there is still deep resentment in his eyes!

He resents!

He is unwilling!

He counted the people of the world! Calculated those who were kind to him! Do not hesitate to carry the infamy of the three-surnamed domestic slaves! Just to reach the top!

He is only one step away! But it was finally destroyed in Li Ye's hands.

"You are regretting."

Li Ye stood in front of him, the former high-ranking emperor, now is just a dying person.

"Yes, I regret it! I regret not killing you at all costs on the Cliff of Enlightenment!"

Yes, Wei Kexu regrets it! It's not that I regretted to provoke Li Ye, but that I didn't kill Li Ye!

There is no need for Li Ye to do anything, the devil's heart is destroyed, and Wei Kexu's vitality is fast passing by. But he finally chose to stop himself! With the last trace of strength, I broke my heart, and ruined my consciousness and soul!


A high-ranking emperor, even at the end, the power of self-detonation is terrible enough.

It's a pity that Li Ye guarded against this move, and was not hurt by Wei Kexu's last madness.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Helan Tianlang patted his palms lightly, "This is a wonderful battle, and I now appreciate you more and more. In the future, there will be ten great generals in front of me. If you want to, there will be one of you. !"

After Wei Kexu was demonized, his strength was not even weaker than the two elders of the Helan family! But still died in Li Ye's hands.

This kind of strength is worthy of his full recruitment.

The expressions of the two old Helan parents behind him are not very good-looking, after all, they are not even qualified for such glory.

"Helan Tianlang, even if you surrender to your hand, you can say that if you kill, let people kill in front of you. It's really amazing!"

Li Ye suddenly laughed, but Helan Tianlang's face sank!

"Little beast, what are you talking about?"

An elder of the Helan family shouted angrily.

However, Li Ye shook his head, "Even those who surrender to you can't get your protection. What qualifications do you have to make me surrender to you? Moreover, the person in this world who can let me surrender has not yet been born! The genius is indeed powerful, but it is only the defeated general of Emperor Hengtian! Such a feudal genius is not worthy of being trusted."

He sighed slightly, but Helan Tianlang's face was completely green!

The thing he hates most in his life is that some people take the matter of his defeat in Hengtian's hands!

"It looks like you were playing around with me just now?"

"Oh, I can see it, it doesn't seem to be too stupid. It's a pity, the strength is a little bit worse, and even Emperor Hengtian can't beat him. Do you really think that this era will respect you?"

Emperor Hengtian! There are tens of millions of them, and there are countless emperors, but there are very few who are really famous for generations and are talked about by future generations!

Among them, Emperor Hengtian is definitely one of them! Because in that era, even other emperors dared not fight with him! Throughout the era, everyone surrendered under his light.

This point, hundreds of thousands of years after the Great Emperor Hengtian, really few people can do this!


A wisp of terrifying will, almost suffocating!

Helan Tianlang did not continue to persuade him, because he saw that Li Ye was actually like him!

Unruly and proud! Even the heavens cannot let them bow their heads!

This kind of person is impossible to surrender to the feet of others, just like he was unwilling to surrender to Emperor Hengtian!

"It seems that between you and me, only one is destined to exist in this era!"

Helan Tianlang had a strong killing intent.

Because in Li Ye, he saw a threat! A threat that even the young master of Fenghuo City Saint Demon Gate Princess had never brought him!

That kind of threat hasn't made him feel for a long time!

Even he himself once forgot this feeling!

The last time he felt this threat was when Emperor Hengtian first appeared!

At that time, he was already a world-famous pride! He is the peerless genius of the Helan family! He is the youngest imperial reserve in Shenshengzhou!

But Emperor Hengtian is nothing! An unknown pawn!

But on that day, it became his nightmare!

Although he said lightly, Li Ye didn't dare to have any underestimation!

Feudal genius! That is a terrible figure who has accumulated countless years!

Far stronger than the people who stepped into the realm of God in this era! Because they have already reached the closest distance to the summit in their own time!

Whether it is Mo Zihan, Feng Yang, or Princess Saint Demon Gate! Unless they are given decades or even a hundred years, they may have a chance to catch up with the realm of feudal genius!

This has nothing to do with talent, this is an accumulation!

"Last chance, surrender or die!"

"Hahaha! Don't talk about surrendering, what I dislike the most is being restrained! If you are a peerless beauty, I might still consider one or two, but it's a pity..."

Li Ye laughed, although he was under the so-called pressure before! It even made him feel a sense of oppression when facing the emperor.

But let him lower his head? At least such people have not yet been born!

"In that case, I can only kill you cruelly!"

Helan Tianlang sighed quietly and shot directly!

Heaven's sigh!

Under the emperor! He is this sky!

That is the real avenue! Not an ordinary Daofa will! It is above that, the power of heaven!

With a roar, Li Ye seemed to show the most boiling red all over his body! That is the blood boiling, burning!


Kill! damage! flame! The three will merge instantly!

The battle at the pinnacle was even more dangerous than the battle between Wu Daoya and Mo Zihan!

If you lose, you die!

The will of the heavens collided with the will of Daofa, and the latter was instantly shattered! That is an original suppression! Unless one day, Li Ye can open his own way! To compete with it!

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