Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2729: It's just a clone

"The birth of the young master will surely make the whole world surrender in front of you!"

The two elders of the Helan family have a pious face, even if they are also famous strong men in the Helan family, they are even the first-class elders.

But in front of Helan Tianlang, they were juniors.

Yes, even the two ancient and rare old people, really want to talk, do not know how many generations lower than Helan Tianlang.

Even many of the oldest ancestors of the Helan family today are lower in terms of seniority than Helan!

Not to mention, Helan Tianlang is almost truly invincible today without the Great Emperor.

"Unfortunately a genius, if he can be used for me, it would be a wonderful thing."

With just one move, this cave was almost reduced to ashes.

But only those shining holy crystals were intact. Even the cave did not collapse.

Wei Kexu was trembling on the side, he is actually very conceited! After all, it is enough for him to be proud of himself to cultivate to the upper emperor with a prose!

Even he looked down on the so-called geniuses of aristocratic families and sects. After all, given him the same resources, he was confident that he could step into the realm of Emperor Chu long ago!

But today, in front of Helan Tianlang, he has a kind of fear!

That is a kind of trembling that really comes from the depths of the soul!

Seeing him, Helan Tianlang smiled coldly. He enjoys the look in the awe-inspiring eyes, because in this way can he reflect his power!

"Young Master Helan, that kid is irresponsible, and he deserves it if he died. However, today it is an honor to see Young Master Helan, who was once listed as the pinnacle of the world with Emperor Hengtian, take action today! Young Master Helan doesn't dislike it. Starting today, Mr. Wei is willing to offer dogs and horses in front of Young Master Helan!"

Wei Kexu is a smart person, or he is smarter than anyone!

He can almost see the future of Helan Tianlang!

A new emperor is almost standing in front of him. If he takes refuge at this time, once Helan Tianlang becomes the emperor, he will definitely be a worthy minister! Compared with Helan Tianlang, after he became a great emperor, he was not qualified to serve Helan Tianlang in his capacity.

And this is exactly the purpose of Helan Tianlang!

He was born in this era, in fact, he is running away with ambitions that were not completed back then!

proclaim oneself emperor!

Even the Great Emperor Hengtian!

And any great emperor, except for those mavericks, has countless courtiers around him!

Just a Helan family is not enough to satisfy him!

His ambition is greater! More exaggerated!

"Since you have a heart, I will accept you for the time being!"

A slight smile appeared. As a superior, Helan Tianlang knew how to buy people's hearts.

Wei Kexu was extremely excited. After all, his hope of becoming the emperor in this life is very slim. If so, why not rely on a powerful figure who may be in charge of an era in the future?

Although there cannot be only one great emperor in an era, the great emperor is divided into three or six or nine classes! He saw a shadow in Helan Tianlang like the Great Emperor Hengtian back then!

After all, the two were born in the same era, but it's a pity that Helan Tianlang could only sigh faintly. In desperation, dust yourself!

But in this era, no enchanting character like Emperor Hengtian was born, so no one can stop Helan Tianlang from becoming emperor or even monopolizing the world.

The two sides hit it off, Helan Tianlang needs dog legs, and Wei Kexu happens to be the best candidate! At the same time, he hasn't understood what loyalty is all these years. As long as it is profitable, he can turn his face instantly!

Even if he now holds the identity of a Baili Mo family Keqing elder, but compared with Helan Tianlang, ten Baili Mo family can't compare.

Pop, pop, pop!

At this moment, crisp applause sounded.

Helan Tianlang's expression sank instantly! The terrible breath even caused the two Helan elders around him to vomit blood!

"It's really a beautiful play, it's breathtaking!"

A voice sounded, a person who is absolutely impossible to appear, but now exists in this cave.

"Impossible! How could you still be alive?"

Wei Kexu exclaimed!

Because the person who clapped out loud was not someone else, but Li Ye! That Li Ye who they thought was 100% dead in Helan Tianlang's hands!

Helan Tianlang's eyes showed a serious look for the first time!

Since waking up and being born, he has never revealed his true strength.

Because no one is qualified to let him really make a full shot!

Even just now, he just did it casually! But it is enough to make any Emperor Chu dare not take it easily today!

However, at this time, his eyes were deep and long, and wisps of terrifying edge passed through his eyes!

"It seems that I underestimated you."

"You really underestimated me. If your deity shot it yourself, it might indeed put me in danger. But just a clone, do you think you can kill me?"

The expressions of the two elders of the Helan family changed drastically as soon as this remark came out!

Even Wei Kexu's eyes widened!


The Helan Tianlang in front of you is not the deity? Just a clone?

Helan Tianlang's eyes burst with terrible light! But the next moment, it converged.

"How do you tell?"

"It's very simple. As a feudal genius, you who were in the same era as the Great Emperor Hengtian, if you are the deity, you can't be so weak. If you really only have such strength, it is not worthy to be compared with the Great Emperor Hengtian!"

Li Ye said it all!

But Helan Tianlang's expression sank slightly.

Then he suddenly laughed, "Okay, okay, okay!"

With three good words in a row, the two Helan elders and Wei Kexu could not bear it, but Li Ye remained unmoved.

"This seat originally thought that after the sky, there is no one in this world who can make this seat attractive! I didn't expect one to appear."

Helan Tianlang's words are absolutely arrogant to the extreme!

Because in his eyes, with the exception of the Great Emperor Hengtian of the year, even the Great Emperors of the Hidden World today are not in his eyes! Because of his arrogance, he thought that once he became emperor, even those great emperors would not be his opponents.

His opponent will always be the only Emperor Hengtian who dominated an era back then, and even many great emperors stayed away!

The person who is truly called invincible in history.

In his opinion, being able to be favored by him is the blessing of several generations of cultivation!

"You are indeed a talent. If you are willing to surrender to this seat and tell the secrets of the Golden God, this seat is willing to share with you! You will also become the next fighter in this seat!"

These words changed the expressions of the two elders of the Helan family!

Not to mention Wei Kexu, who just took refuge in him!

Fighter! This is clearly that Helan Tianlang's recognition of Li Ye has reached a very high level!

Even the two elders of the Helan family, a high emperor like Wei Kexu, never let him promise such conditions!

And, share the secrets of the Golden Temple!

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