Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2724: Smoke bomb in Sanying Building

"Brother Wei, it seems that our plan is going well."

In the depths of Yinglong Mountain, at the entrance of a cave, several people were smiling.

Near them, a few people could be seen being pushed aside in fear, their bodies stained with blood. One of the old men spit out a mouthful of blood, with a sharp expression: "Nan Yulong! What do you mean by this?"

Takashi Nanyu!

If anyone is present at this time, they will definitely look shocked!

Because of the name Nanyu Takashi, it is very famous in this area!

The third person in the Nanyu family! He is also the younger brother of the current Nan Yu Family Patriarch!

He appeared here at this time, but it seemed subtle.

The key is that you can see a lot of powerful Nan Yu clan around, and the injured old man is an elder in Sanying Building! He was seriously injured at the moment.

"Hey, Saint Crystal Mine, such a precious land, Sanying Building wants to monopolize, have you asked us?"

It turned out that there was a sacred crystal vein in Sanying Building, and he wanted to secretly occupy it for himself! Even if you can't own it for a long time, you must at least try to mine for a while!

After all, the Saint Crystal Mineral Vein, this is a huge temptation for any school!

Thousands of disciples under the school, even if they cultivate a few geniuses and evildoers, the consumption of the holy crystal is huge!

More importantly, Saint Crystal is the circulating coin of the Three Realms and Nine Regions! So when the Sanying Building was actually a sacred crystal vein, it was immediately controlled by someone.

Unfortunately, the news still leaked out.

"Nan Yu Long! Don't your Nan Yu family want to fight my Sanying Building?"

The face of the elder of the Sanying Tower was uncertain. Although he was the elder of the Sanying Tower, he cherished his life more. Seeing sensational and violent, in fact, he didn't dare to continue to shoot.

After all, let's not say that Nan Yulong, the third person in the Nan Yu clan, is himself the pinnacle of the middle emperor, much stronger than him. As for Nan Yu's family this time, but three martial emperors came! They all stared at him!

Just now, he was seriously injured by the trio and the other disciples all died in battle.

"Sanying Tower, don't think that Nan Yu's family doesn't know the thoughts of Sanying Tower! If it weren't for the support of Baili Mo's family, Sanying Tower would not even fart in front of my Nan Yu family! This time, you should have not informed about the Saint Crystal vein. Baili Mojia? Want to secretly mine?"

As soon as this remark came out, the old man in the Sanying Building suddenly became speechless.

There are not many people inside Sanying Building who really know the details of this matter. He is one of them, otherwise he would not be arranged to sit here.

It's a pity that people from Nan Yu's family came too quickly.

"Everyone thinks that Yinglong Mountain is born with auspiciousness, and that the treasure of heaven and earth is about to appear, but they don't know that all this is the trick of your Sanying Building. Want to draw the world's attention with this? What a pity, what a pity, this trick is in my Nan Yu It was not successful in front of home."


Xiang Rui was born? Are all the tricks of Sanying Building?

If this is said, I don’t know how many people will scold Sanyinglou for being shameless!

In order to monopolize the Saint Crystal vein, he did not hesitate to make such a big battle.

"Nayu Takashi! The old man doesn't know what you are talking about."

"Don't know? It's okay, when my Nanyu family has completely controlled this vein, you should make the right choice in Sanying Building!"

Nan Yu's family has spent a lot of money this time!

Not only Nan Yu Long, the number three figure, appeared in person, but also brought at least 40% of the powerful Nan Yu family.

It's just that at this time, some of those strong people have already laid the veins, and with their degrees, they have mined many holy crystals in a short time!

For an ancient family, there are countless people, even if it is just within the Nan Yu family, there are at least tens of thousands! With so many people, the consumption of Saint Crystal is naturally an astronomical figure.

So after learning the news, Nan Yu's family did not hesitate at all!

Sanying Tower wants to monopolize this vein, and his Nanyu family also wants it!

"Nan Yu Long! You are bringing the disaster of destruction to your Nan Yu family!"

"Hahaha! The disaster of extinction? You don't have the skills in Sanying Building! Perhaps the Baili Mo Family has it, but the Baili Mo Family is still in the dark by your host! When my Nan Yu family takes away the holy crystal here, What if the Baili Mo Family knows it! Will his Baili Mo Family still destroy my Nan Yu Family because of this? The Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou is not just what the Baili Mo Family says!"

The Nan Yu family is indeed afraid of the Baili Mo family, but there is also a backing behind the Nan Yu family! Although it was not in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, but the Baili Mo family and other forces wanted to take action, the backer behind the Nan Yu family would naturally not sit idly by.

When the time comes, it will be the gods fighting, but this group of people under them can't control it.

"Brother Nan Yu, don't forget the previous agreement between you and me."

At the entrance of the mine, one person frowned slightly at this time. There was a slight coldness on his serious face. He was the same Wei Kexu who used to talk to the host of Sanying Building.

It's just that no one thought that he secretly reached an agreement with Nan Yu's family.

"Brother Wei, please rest assured that the agreement between you and me will not change. In this sacred crystal vein, my Nanyu family gets 60%, and you alone get 40%!"

Nanyu Takashi was talking, but he was a little unhappy in his heart.

Speaking of it, Wei Kexu just provided them with a piece of news to the Nan Yu family. Whether it is a contribution or a contribution, it is his Nan Yu family that operates. However, Wei Kexu must be given 40% of the benefits!

It's just that he knows the identity behind Wei Kexu, so the two sides will not easily tear their faces.

Wei Kexu knew in his heart that the Nan Yu family would certainly not simply allocate 40% of the benefits to him, and sneered in his heart, he would not only have one hand to prepare!

A holy crystal mine! The benefits can be imagined!

If it can be thoroughly mined, even the emperor-level sect will be jealous.

No wonder that Sanying Building and Nan Yu's house are so impatient!

It's just that they didn't expect that in the dark, they have a pair of eyes always watching all this.

"Holy crystal vein?"

It turned out that Li Ye found here all the way under the guidance of the ghost beast.

But I didn't expect to run into such an unknown scene.

"Nan Yu's family? It seems that the opponents of Sanying Building are not as useless as they thought."

But he was even more surprised that he met an ‘acquaintance’ here.

Looking at the figure from a distance, Li Ye's mind appeared at the beginning of Wudao Cliff!

"I said, the next time I meet, I will kill you! I didn't expect the opportunity so soon."

On the cliff of Enlightenment, Wei Kexu was crushed by his own strength, but the upper emperor wanted to kill him several times! Now I met again, but this time, the positions of the two sides were directly transferred.

In Li Ye's eyes, the upper emperor is nothing at all!

He even dared to fight the Emperor Chu! What's more, just an ordinary upper emperor?

"The Saint Crystal mineral vein, although it is not the one in the rumors, but this one, if it can be obtained, is indeed amazing!"

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