Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2712: The restaurant looks good

It can be said that if you drink this wine often, it is also very beneficial to cultivation!

Suddenly, he became interested! You know, ascetics reach a certain level, they already have bigu and do not need to eat at all. ??? Not to mention, drinking and practicing!

"Brother! What's the matter?"

Li Ye admired slightly here, and on the other side, the disciples in the Sanying Building all had a gloomy expression!

One person looked towards the young man, but the young man's face was gloomy.

He did make a move just now, and this is not the first time he has done this!

But for some reason, nothing happened at all? That's why he was afraid of his brother being angry, and suspected that his men were merciful!

The restaurant guy reacted fairly quickly. He thought that something would happen again, but he didn't expect that nothing happened.

After regaining his senses, he quickly smiled and said, "A guest official is a person who knows goods."

Li Ye smiled and said, "Unfortunately, there is only this cup, which is somewhat regrettable."

With that, Li Ye looked towards the restaurant mate, "I don't know how to buy this wine?"

Although that little increase in true vitality has no effect on him today. But for ordinary practitioners, this kind of wine is definitely comparable to a panacea!

You must know that taking a pill to promote cultivation is not without worries, and it often has some side effects.

However, as an alchemist, he can clearly perceive that although this bone-corrosive brew has a similar effect, he can hardly perceive any side effects and sequelae!

Although the effect is not as obvious as the pill, there is no sequelae, which is enough to make people scared.

"This, the guest officer, it's not that the villain doesn't say it, but the bone-breaking brew is an exclusive formula, and it is available in limited quantities, no one can buy.

It seems that this is not the first time someone has made such a request, and the restaurant guy is not surprised, and said slightly apologetically.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

If you change to other monks, you may get furious. Perhaps they will persuade each other, and even seek other ways.

But Li Ye didn't, smiled, and stopped asking.

However, he gave up, but it does not mean that someone has revealed the matter.

"The ignorant hillbilly, it's hard to find money for bones, not to mention a lowly casual cultivator, even if the emperor is strong, he is not qualified to ask for it!"

"Haha, brother, casual cultivator is casual cultivator, and letting casual cultivator drink the bone-roasted fermented stuff is simply insulting the name of the stale-flaked fermented stuff. If it's not for the eccentric character of the restaurant owner, how can they have such blessings?"

A few people sang a harmony.

But there was a chill in his eyes.

Just now I wanted to see Li Ye's embarrassment and did not succeed. At this moment, all of them still had a hint of doubt in their hearts.

"Brother, this person is a bit capable, wait for me to test him again."

One person whispered, and then suddenly slapped!

This time, he didn't dare to do it casually. The failure just now made him lose face. This time, he didn't hide anything!


The table in front of Li Ye shattered directly, and the wine and vegetables scattered all over the floor.

At the same time, there was laughter from the people in Sanying Building.

For them, bullying an unknown person and a casual cultivator has no worries at all. Here, the disciples of Sanying Building can be said to be habitually aggressive.

The restaurant clerk was also hesitant to speak, and even some other drinking people in the restaurant were watching coldly at this time.

After all, the disciples in Sanying Building are not easy to provoke, let alone no one will help a casual cultivator to get ahead.

It was only Li Ye's reaction that surprised them all.

The table in front of me was broken, and the drinks and dishes fell on the ground, but he was not angry at all.

The disciples in Sanying Building were still laughing, but the next moment, the table in front of them suddenly turned over, and they were caught off guard. The bodies, faces, and clothes of several people were all overwhelmed with drinks and dishes.

Although there was no damage, they instantly stunned them who had originally laughed at them. With the leaves on their faces, let alone how wonderful they were.

They laughed a while ago, suddenly furious!

"Boy! You are looking for death!"

Although I don't know what was born, some Sanyinglou disciples thought of Li Ye for the first time! After all, only Li Ye has the motivation to do it!

One of them slapped Li Ye directly, and a powerful aura burst out! This person is a strong man in the realm of the king!

But the next moment, Li Ye didn't move at all, but this person slapped his companion directly with a palm.

Only a scream was heard, and another disciple of Sanying Building vomited blood and roared, "You are crazy, why are you hitting me!"

The person who did it was also stunned. Why did he hurt his brother when he shot Li Ye?

Before he could understand, there was a wind in the back of his head, and the next moment he didn't know what was going on, and he was knocked out in front of him.

At the same time, there was a cold snort, and after a closer look, it was the young man who made the shot.

The young man looked down at the next moment, and he was also stupid.

If they haven't reacted at this time, they are really stupid and hopeless!

"Boy! What sorcery did you use?!"

Upon closer inspection, the table in front of Li Ye was intact as before, with drinks and dishes. Looking at them again, each of them had a black nose and a swollen face.

As the disciples of the Sanying Building, they were actually played in a calm manner. How ugly the face is!

"Dare to do something to our people in Sanying Building! Boy, don't you want to live anymore?"

As everyone knows, they were the ones who made the provocative words in the first place.

However, these people are obviously used to being arrogant. No matter right or wrong, they feel that they are wrong at the moment. They have a quick glance at each other, and at the same time they shot Li Ye!

After a few breaths, Li Ye put down the wine glass slightly.

On the side, a few disciples from the Sanying Building lay on the ground all the way.

From start to finish, he didn't even move a finger.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, it is so weird that it makes them cold behind!

"Guest, guest officer, they?"

I looked at a few disciples in Sanying Building. At this moment, they were all in a state of confusion. Just now, in front of everyone, they staged a wonderful scuffle of you and me. Oneself beat oneself, that one was wonderful.

"Don't worry, you can't die."

Li Ye smiled, but the guy in the restaurant was sweating heavily on his forehead, "Well, guest officer, if you don't want to leave quickly, if the people in the Sanying Building know about it, you will be in trouble."

"Why leave, are the people in Sanying Building so domineering?"

"Keguan, don't you know! The host of the Sanying Building is the upper emperor! There are tens of thousands of disciples under the clergy, but it is not easy to mess with! The key is that these Sanying Buildings are the peripheral forces of the ancient family of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, Baili Mo Family. ! You go quickly! Otherwise, there will be no chance!"

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