Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2705: The biggest suspect

Although the Hall of Sound Soul is ostentatious, compared to the Dongzhou Ye Family of the Five Emperors, even the inspection of the Hall of Sound Soul makes these powerful people understand that the Temple of Sound Soul today is far from enough!

"Dongzhou Ye Family's people have also been poisoned?"

"This matter should be heard soon! Everyone, if you can't find out the identity of this person, the anger of the Dongzhou Ye family will not only be borne by my Baili Mo family!"

Baili Yunyan's remarks secretly warned everyone.

The style of the Ye Family in Dongzhou is famous throughout Shenshengzhou!

Their people died here, not to mention that the Bailimo family who was a local snake couldn't escape!

Even the other emperor-level sects who came this time couldn't get rid of the relationship!

Soon, Fenghuo City's Sacred Fire Vehicle also returned to Tianmen City.

Seeing the crowd more or less adoring, Feng Yang looked surprised, "What gave birth? Could it be that I missed something wonderful?"

Everyone looked at Fenghuo City with almost no loss, their eyes narrowed slightly.

Baili Yunyan even sneered slightly, "Young Master Feng is very interested, but I don't know, is the road back smoothly?"

The rest of the people also moved in their hearts!

If anyone really dared to attack the people of Dongzhou Ye family, then Fenghuocheng is the most suspicious!

After all, the grievances between Fenghuocheng and Dongzhou Ye's family have been around for a long time, and various conflicts between the two families have continued, and they have not stopped for millions of years.

"Hey, Fenghuo City, a four emperor, did not expect to do that secretly."

Someone sneered.



With an angry shout, the ridiculer screamed directly, and the whole person was blown out, spewing out a large mouthful of blood. When everyone looked at it, almost the entire chest was sunken, and the whole person was like a gossamer, and a life was gone. Article.

The person who shot is an old man in Fenghuo City!

"Old Storm!"

When everyone saw it, they all trembled!

Someone whispered!

It turned out that the old man had always been hidden among the people in Fenghuo City, even if he stayed in Tianmen City without being noticed. At this time, his identity was suddenly exposed, and a strong man was hit hard, and everyone was immediately shocked.

"Storm old man! This old immortal actually came in person! It seems that Fenghuo City is indeed protective of their young master!"

Someone exclaimed in a low voice.

Some strong men also showed a slight look of fear.

The name of Elder Storm, the younger generation may not know much, but everyone who is familiar with Fenghuo City will be shaken by this name!

This is simply a killer of Fenghuo City!

"Little Lord!"

"Bo Feng, what did you give birth to?"

"Back to the young master, on the way back to Tianmen City, all the main gates encountered mysterious people sneak attack, and the loss was not small."

The old man of the storm looked like an old man, but no one dared to look down upon it. The strong man who was hit hard just now was pulled back by his companions, daring to be angry but not speaking! Because he also heard the name of the old man storm.

The once famous God of War! Countless murders in a lifetime!

The key is to be loyal to Wind and Fire City!

Feng Yang wasn't a fool either, he immediately understood.

"Interesting, interesting, it seems that this person is trying to make me take the blame."

Knowing the intention of the other party, Feng Yang was not worried. The eyes swept away from everyone, "My Fenghuo City has always been upright and aboveboard. This matter has nothing to do with my Fenghuo City."

"Huh! Nothing to say! Young Master Feng needs to think clearly!"

"Hahaha!" Fengyang laughed loudly when he heard the words, then his face sank, and he shouted angrily, "Huh! I am going to kill in Fenghuo City, and allow you to come back alive?!"


Everyone sucked in air!

All were shocked by the domineering and arrogant Fenghuo City!

But after thinking about it carefully, with the strength of Fenghuo City, they are really going to be wiped out, and there is indeed a chance! The key is that everyone's understanding of Fenghuo City does reveal a lot of strangeness.

All of a sudden, everyone fell silent.

Feng Yang frowned slightly.

A mysterious casual repair?

In his mind, the shadow of someone flashed quickly.

"What suspicious person did Young Master Feng think of?"

Baili Yunyan observed carefully, and suddenly there was a touch of surprise passing in Feng Yang's eyes.

"There is indeed one suspicious person, but since this matter has nothing to do with me, Fenghuocheng, I don't want to get involved!"

"If this is the case, it is better to join forces with the major sects. Anyone who has returned to Tianmen City from the Thousand Emperors Realm is suspected."

The inspection of the Sound Soul Palace made a smile, but many forces nodded slightly.

Although some people think it is wrong, this time it is indeed important, and all the major forces have suffered losses. If you can't find the person who started it, you can't swallow it.

Within three days, 6 people returned to Tianmen City.

Especially the disciples of several emperor-level sects, after returning, they were all guarded by their elders.

But obviously, for the emperor-level sect disciples, they are the least suspect. Because almost all the people who came back were wounded, even if they were not injured, in the eyes of many strong people, their strength could not be able to ambush the descendants of the various sects.

The moment Li Ye stepped into Tianmen City, there were almost no less than ten terrifying auras, which instantly locked him in.

"Catch this person!"

Drink in a low voice! Then someone shot!

Li Ye opened his eyes! The terrible will to death burst out in an instant!

The few people who shot were caught off guard, and one of them was turned into ashes, and the whole life moment was gone! But the other few people didn't react slowly, and they retreated with a violent roar!

Opening his eyes, Li Ye frowned slightly.

At this time, many powerful forces in Tianmen City looked at him with cold eyes.

Faintly, with a hint of cold and killing intent.

Only a handful of people have complicated eyes.

"Uncle Master!"

Someone screamed. It turned out that the disciple of the person who was stared to death by Li Ye just now was holding the corpse and crying.

"It looks like this is the person!"

It was the voice just now, and Li Ye also saw the opponent.

Baili Yunyan!

"Why do you want to shoot me?"

After returning to Tianmen City, he received such a big battle. Li Ye faintly felt a little suspicion in his heart, and at the same time his eyes swept towards everyone, more and more frightened!

"Don't listen to his nonsense! If you take this person, you can naturally ask the leader behind!"

The Inspector of the Sound Soul Palace smiled coldly and shot himself!

You know, the inspector envoy of the Music Soul Palace is the pinnacle of the half emperor! With this shot, he even turned into a cage of heaven and earth, and he wanted to lock Li Ye in.

With a cold snort, Li Ye took a step, implying the will of the earth spirit of the five elements, as if his whole body and the ground under his feet became one!

No matter how suppressed the prison cage, it is impossible to suppress this land!

"Sure enough, I have some ability, no wonder I dare to attack the disciples of the big sects!"

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