Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2691: It depends on the Ye family's upset

With a muffled hum, Yu Shan's red mouth spurted blood, and the whole person was shaken out. ?

"It's too weak! Jubao Pavilion is a dignified emperor-level sect, but the disciple is so incompetent. God-breaking cones and other divine things should still be qualified by the strong!"

Ye Qingyu sneered, without any thoughts of pity on Xiangyu.

After all, compared to entering the Golden Temple, Yu Shang is not surprising at all.

He stretched out his hand to directly grab the injured panic, and directly snatched the broken **** cone.

Everyone was silent, the Jubao Pavilion was also an emperor-level sect, the snake of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou. If you dare not put Jubaoge in your eyes, that is, the Dongzhou Ye Family has such confidence!

One Five Emperors is not a joke.

In addition, Fenghuo City may also have this kind of strength, but the style of Fenghuo City is obviously different from that of the Dongzhou Ye Family.

At the critical moment, Baili Yunyan did not make a move after hesitating slightly.

It's not that he can't beat Ye Qingyu, or even he thinks he has a 70% chance of winning against Ye Qingyu.

But he dare not!

The Baili Mo Family is still not as powerful as the Dongzhou Ye Family. He won't offend the Ye family for a misfortune! At least, under the premise of insufficient profit, he will not make a move.

Reason is sometimes better than impulse to make people live longer.

No one shot!

In other words, no one who dared to make a move appeared.

Wind and Fire City, I don't know what I encountered, and did not appear here.

But suddenly!

A hand appeared in the void and directly grabbed Ye Qingyu's arm.


Ye Qingyu was shocked, but was thrown away instantly in the next moment!

"Looking for death! Who dares to oppose my Ye family?"

With a roar, Ye Qingyu has become accustomed to rampant domineering over the years. With the name of the Ye family, even if the emperor-level sect sees it, he must give in three points. Let him develop an arrogant and domineering character, plus he himself is a bully and fearful of hardship, unless it is Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace, who is the Ye Family afraid of?

"A big man bullying a weak woman, he is not afraid to lose the reputation of the Dongzhou Ye family."

An indifferent voice came out, and at the same time everyone saw clearly who was the one who saved Yu.

Unfamiliar face, sallow face, looking sloppy in his 30s or 40s.

But Ye Qingyu suddenly looked gloomy!

Because he has recognized it!

"It's you!"

"It's me, the Ye Family really started writing from top to bottom."

The person who appeared was Li Ye.

When the Golden Temple appeared, he naturally rushed over. Even the Heavenly Sword Emperor was extremely excited! Because he also looked for the Golden Temple back then, but unfortunately he didn't find it.

"It seems that you are really not afraid of death!"

Ye Qingyu's face was gloomy. Before Li Ye called him the dog of the Ye family, if it hadn't been for the appearance of Fenghuocheng to stop him, he would have killed him!

"Death? If you want to die, I can fulfill you. It wasn't Feng Yang who was nosy before, you thought you could live?"

Li Ye said ironically, making Ye Qingyu and the Ye family's faces pale!

But everyone else looked weird.

They didn't know that there were so many births between the two, no one recognized Li Ye's origins, but they were surprised that someone dared to talk to Ye Qingyu like this, and that the tone was so clear that they had enemies with the Ye family!

Moreover, it is also about the Young Master of Wind and Fire City?

"you wanna die!"

Originally, Ye Qingyu was not a good-tempered person, and couldn't hold back his temper. At this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore!

The terrible breath exploded from him!

Although it is not the emperor, but it is enough to shock everyone!

"It's terrible! Ye family members, really can't underestimate it!"

"The heirs of the Ye family have not appeared, and none of the rumors of the Ye Family evildoers have come. Only a Ye family junior can have such strength! A family of five emperors, unfathomable!"

But Li Ye sneered!

Ye Qingyu is indeed stronger than when he met back then!

But now he is no longer the mortal young man who called every day to be inoperable and called the earth to be unworthy!


Step out in one step, all things are born!

Ye Qingyu screamed and retreated madly! There was a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth, his face was full of astonishment and disbelief!

Not only him, everyone was almost stunned!

"Emperor Chu!?"

I don't know who exclaimed!

But soon someone shook his head, "No! He is not the Emperor Chu! But the kind of power just now! Damn! Even if this person is not the Emperor Chu, he is only the last step! Breakthrough may be possible at any time! When will this world come out? Such a number one person?"

If they knew who the person in front of them was, they might not be so surprised.

Especially the Batiandao and others, you must know that the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou knew about the battle of Enlightenment Cliff!

Mo Zihan forced by Li Ye had to make a breakthrough and won the victory with absolute advantage.

"Who are you?"

Ye Qingyu is not a fool, although arrogant but not stupid!

Such a powerful casual repair is rare in the world!

Someone already showed suspicion, but didn't dare to confirm.

Tyrant Sword and Tianshan Snow both frowned slightly, glanced at each other, and they all saw a touch of fright in each other's eyes.

If it is really the person they guessed, it would be really terrible.

Yu Shang was also slightly wary, but she always felt that the figure was familiar.


She shook her head.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What is important is that I am very upset to see your Ye family members!"


A genius from the Ye family shouted angrily, but did not dare to do it. This time Dongzhou Ye Family was delayed because of one thing, and none of the most powerful Tianjiao of the Ye Family came. Only Ye Qingyu brought people here, but they were not afraid, because the name of the Dongzhou Ye Family was well known in the world, no one would dare to do what they did.

Unexpectedly, a monster appeared in Hengkong!

It seemed to have a deep hatred with their Ye Family.

In full view, Li Yeqiang resisted the urge to kill Ye Qingyu.

Now, it was not when he and Ye Family were all enemies, his wings were not yet full, and he needed to continue to forbear.

At this moment, Fenghuo City and his party were also long overdue.

Princess Saint Demon Gate also came.

Seeing the tension in the scene, Feng Yang laughed even more, because he had already seen Li Ye, "Haha, it seems that the Ye family's dog has been taught a lesson. It's so pleasing and pleasing."

Others are afraid of the Ye family, and Fenghuocheng is not afraid!

It's no secret that the two families have rubbed against each other once or twice.

"Golden Temple!"

Princess Saint Demon's eyes flashed, and then her eyes fell on Li Ye, pursing her lips and smiling, "Brother Dao has a way to get in? The little girl is willing to contribute a little."

These hints made many people frown in secret.

The Saint Demon Gate is a powerful force of the Three Emperors, and the descendants reveal the meaning of being close to this mysterious casual cultivation, but it is enough to make people think too much.

On Fenghuocheng's side, Feng Yang showed a weird smile.

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