Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2678: A different "hometown"

"This is Shenshengzhou."


Li Ye almost widened his eyes!

Absent exclaimed, the princess of the Saint Demon Gate flashed a subtle expression.

"Brother Dao, why is it so exclaimed?"

Her eyes seemed to have some kind of light that penetrated people's hearts, but Li Ye concealed it well, and her expression returned to naturalness, "No, I just felt some evil and cold air just now, but now, it seems that I can't detect it anymore."

She shook her head, Princess Saint Demon Gate did not doubt, or she knew that Li Ye really wanted to conceal something, even if she asked, she couldn't ask any results.

At this moment, Li Ye was already asking the Heavenly Dream Saint about the origin of the things she just said.

"This is Shenshengzhou? How is it possible?"

Yes, Shenshengzhou! The center of the Three Realms and Nine Realms! In other words, it is a holy place for human ascetics! It is the world alongside the Demon Realm and the Nine Nether Realms!

Even the Emperor Tianjian was quite surprised!

"This is indeed Shensheng Prefecture, or in other words, the former Shensheng Prefecture."

This is a bit intriguing.

Once Shenshengzhou?

Could it be that Shenshengzhou has also experienced some great changes that have never been recorded?

Before Li Ye asked, Emperor Tianjian suddenly sighed, "Sure enough, this emperor had doubts back then! But there has been no evidence to prove it! Here, it really is like..."

He didn't say anything further. It seems that Heavenly Sword Great Emperor came here back then, and he has some clues, but after all he couldn't find any evidence, he could only put the doubt in his heart.

"what happened?"

The two sang together like this, which made Li Ye even more curious.

"This matter is related to the secrets of the year. You know it now, it is not good for you. But this is indeed Shenshengzhou, or that is, this is where the real Shenshengzhou is!"

The Heavenly Dream Saint shook his head. As the oldest existence today, although her strength has declined a lot now, only she knows many ancient secrets.

This point, even the Baili Mohist school, is inferior.

"Then what is Shenshengzhou now?"

This is Shenshengzhou, but what about Shenshengzhou outside?

Naturally, Saint Heavenly Dream didn't know this secret, because she had fallen into a deep sleep or suspended animation, waiting for her resurrection in countless years.

Therefore, the only person who can explain is the Emperor Tianjian.

"Boy, it's not a secret. In fact, someone has discovered very early that Shenshengzhou today seems to have many similarities with the ancient record of Shenshengzhou, but it lacks the most important points!"

"What is it?"

"The purple qi is coming from the east! Or explain it in a way you can understand now, that's imperial qi!"

"Imperial spirit?"

"Yes! Emperor Qi! According to ancient records, the Great Emperor was not as difficult to cultivate as it is now. In the Primordial Era, there were even countless terrifying powerhouses above the Great Emperor! Why is the Great Emperor so rare today?"

Li Ye was taken aback for a moment, then came to understand.

"Imperial spirit?"

"In fact, the so-called imperial qi, this emperor can't say clearly, because even the emperor has never seen it! Or, I have felt it! But according to ancient records, the world with imperial qi is the true center of heaven and earth. ! Under the nourishment of imperial qi, it will be very easy for the ascetics to feel the Dao!"

That's it!

The most difficult thing to become a great emperor is how to perceive the great road! Then create your own way of heaven!

"Even so, how to prove that the current Shenshengzhou is not the real Shenshengzhou?"

A rhetorical question made the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor fall silent, and then he heard him say, "This cannot be proved, or that there are people in every age, but no one can confirm it! Maybe..."


"Maybe someone in Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace can prove it! But they can't come forward."

Wushen Mountain!

Medicine King Palace!

The two holy places of mankind now known! It is also the oldest rumored heritage.

"Okay, these things are not your kid's ability to intervene! No matter what secrets are hidden in Shenshengzhou today, unless one day, you can go beyond the most peak state of the emperor that year, and maybe you have the qualifications to explore one or two! Otherwise, still It's better to consider the question of your cultivation of the Five Elements Body!"

Yeah, if you don't know how many tens of thousands of years of hidden secrets, what if he knows it?

However, if the world in front of you is once the real Shenshengzhou!

Li Ye's eyes flashed, because he suddenly felt that the sea of ​​death in front of him seemed to be familiar!

He had felt it before, but he hadn't thought about that.

With a flash of figure, Li Ye was ready to confirm his guess!

Seeing Li Ye doing something, Princess Saint Demon immediately followed!

As for the others, they sneered slightly.

"That kid still doesn't seem to give up, and I don't know why the princess of the Saint Demon Gate is walking with him!"

If it weren't for the relationship between Princess Saint Demon Gate, no one would care about Li Ye.

This is what Li Ye wants!

"Brother Dao, it seems that something has happened?"

Finally, without knowing how long she had been away, a hint of surprise appeared on the face of Princess Saint Demon Gate!

Because according to the experience of everyone before, this period of time should be back to the distance in circles!

But now, they have come to a quiet mountain and river.

"Sure enough! It really is! It really is!"

Li Ye's face became exceptionally wonderful!


Because the mountains and rivers in front of me are covered by the endless sea of ​​death, but some outlines can still be vaguely seen!

"Jiangnan Road!"

Li Ye really didn't expect that his body was shocked so hard that his guess was actually true!

Gangnam Road! The place where he was born is also the place where everything started!

I didn't expect him to come back, but obviously, this Jiangnan Road is not the other Jiangnan Road!

Broken city state!

Cracked earth!

Everything in front of me is so familiar, but so strange.

Suddenly, Li Ye made a shocking move!


Li Ye jumped directly into the sea of ​​death!

Princess Saint Demon Gate was surprised, but it was too late to stop!

This time, she did not follow Li Ye, because even she could not guarantee what the consequences would be if she fell into this sea of ​​death!

I only saw a touch of struggle on her delicate and pretty face!

She is a princess of the Saint Demon Gate, but also a generation of Emperor Chu!

But the next moment, as if she had made a certain determination, Princess Saint Demon Gate also jumped straight into the sea of ​​death!

And this scene happened to be witnessed by someone who followed their footsteps from a distance!

Helan’s treasure boat! People from the Baili Mo family and the Helan family! Witnessed this scene directly!

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