Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2675: Step into the sea of ​​death

Xueyoulan! A name that few outsiders know!

But in the Frozen Frost Sect, that is a special existence that makes countless people dare not take a breath!

Including the ice emperor's disciple Yu Guizi, who is also the pride of heaven in Frozen Qizong! But in front of him, he can only lower his head and dare not have any thoughts of competition. ?

Because he knows that no matter how good he is, no matter how hard he works, in front of that person, he is nothing!

"Young Master Youlan, we meet again."

Facing the invitation, Princess Demon Ji smiled slightly, with boundless amorous feelings and a certain nobleness that made people hopeless.

The two extreme temperaments merged perfectly in her.

"The princess is single this time. It seems that the Emperor Guizong is quite relieved about the strength of the princess."


Many people look tight!

Including Ye Qingyu, although he was very arrogant, he frowned slightly when he heard the name.

In the entire Saint Demon Gate, or the entire Southern Xinjiang, there is only one person who can be honored as an emperor!

Emperor Bingyi!

Xue Youlan looked towards Li Ye. He naturally had a certain ambition for the descendants of the Saint Demon Clan!

Whether it is the strength of the Saint Demon Gate, or the value of the Demon Princess herself! Enough for him to fight for!

As an emperor-level sect that has just risen in the past ten thousand years, Frozen Qizong has always wanted to find an opportunity to be truly recognized by the world!

Rather than the successor of Ice Wind Valley among the population!

Obviously, the Saint Demon Gate is indeed a good choice!

"Brother, the princess of the Saint Demon Gate is with that kid, but it's hindering your plan, senior! Would you like Junior?"

Yu Guizi asked in a low voice, the entire Ice and Snow Qi Sect was convinced of Xue Youlan's potential! If he can be allowed to marry the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, the two sects will naturally form an alliance, and the north and the south will respond!

However, the obstacles are quite big!

Among other things, although the Saint Demon Sect does not prohibit the descendants from searching for their own Dao partners, it is the background of the Saint Demon Sect and the three emperors, not to mention the ordinary sects. Not necessarily qualified!

Now, there are more branches, and there is an extra Cheng Yaojin halfway!

Xue Youlan's eyes turned slightly gloomy, and she was also looking up and down at the strange face of Li Ye.

Li Ye naturally didn't know, just because he appeared with Princess Demon Ji, he became the thorn in the eyes of Frozen Qizong and Xue Youlan. If you know, you will be laughed at!

"What a strong will to die!"

Although I saw a sudden change in the world before, I felt that terrible death.

But when facing this sea of ​​death, I can fully feel the terrible things that are enough to swallow people's hearts.

"The younger sister thanked the son for his kindness, but this sea of ​​death, the younger sister believes that Brother Dao will naturally have a solution."


and many more?

Li Ye came back to his senses, and now he didn't know when things changed in a subtle direction.

Especially, in Bingxue Qizong, a young man is looking at him with a terrible look! Do not hide the powerful murderous in it!

Soon he understood what was born, and glanced at a certain woman who was pretending to be innocent, neither admitted nor denied.

At this time, whether he admits it or not, there is actually no difference.

But he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, whether it is the secular world or the monastic world, beautiful women will always bring unnecessary trouble!

Especially, the princess of the Saint Demon Gate is obviously still a figure who will actively cause trouble.

"Huh! Just rely on him?"

Someone sneered!

Those who have thoughts about Princess Saint Demon Gate are not the only ones who belong to Frozen Sect, Xue Youlan!

Including the descendants of several emperor-level sects, they all have ambitions!

Therefore, Li Ye instantly became the target of public criticism.

Except for Fenghuocheng, Feng Yang smiled, but he had no idea about Princess Saint Demon Gate. In his capacity, any woman in the world will let him choose! In other words, he himself is not interested in ********, he is more interested in the game world.

"Fun, interesting! Princess Saint Demon Gate!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously preparing to watch a good show!

But several other people in Fenghuo City are a little jealous!

"Young Master, what is that kid's background? How come the Saint Demon Gate Princess actually came with him?"

Feng Yang is not ambitious at all, but it doesn't mean that Fenghuo City's other geniuses are not.

It's just that Feng Yang didn't speak, and they couldn't make a sound.

"Hey, it's not just right, if the princess of the Saint Demon Gate moves Chunxin, then there is a good show to watch!"

On the other side, several people snorted coldly.

One of them is even directly difficult!

"The princess shouldn't believe in some bluffing little people. This sea of ​​death is extremely dangerous. If there is no magic weapon to resist those death will, it would be too dangerous to cross over."

"Yes, with a princess's daughter, you can't take risks!"

Li Ye didn't care about their sarcasm.

His eyes linger on this sea of ​​death, and after sweeping it around, he seems to have an idea in his heart.

"Brother Dao already has a solution?"

Princess Demon Ji was the first to notice the change in Li Ye's eyes, and a slight strangeness crossed her eyes.

However, Li Ye didn't pay any attention at this moment, and his figure flashed instantly, and he appeared above the sea of ​​death.

His sudden move has surprised many people.

Someone laughed directly, "Looking for a dead end! Don't you know that this sea of ​​death can't be crossed by humans?"

Only soon, this person was slapped in public!

Because Li Ye appeared on the sea of ​​death, at first, as everyone expected, his figure shook and fell directly.

However, when everyone was waiting for Li Ye to fall into the sea of ​​death, there were no bones left, their eyes widened!

"how is this possible?!"

"Damn! I'm not blind, right?"

I only saw that Li Ye stepped on the sea of ​​death, but his whole body was weightless, step by step, step by step the terrifying black sea that even Emperor Wu could swallow up the black sea.

The brightness was unpleasant, but in the blink of an eye, Li Ye was in the sight of everyone, leaving only a small back!

If you say, the Helan family was prepared before! Brought a powerful treasure ship!

Then Li Ye's current performance could not even be understood by such giants as Fenghuocheng, Ye Family, and Saint Demon Gate!

How did he do that?

That scene, it was like a huge mouth that was thrown off all of them fiercely!

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