Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2665: Emperor Spirit

Emperor Soul Orb! This is the biggest purpose for many emperor-level sects to enter the Thousand Emperor Realm!

After all, the Emperor Soul Orb is too rare in the world, and it is only possible to find it in the Thousand Emperor Realm.

"Young Master, there are a lot of wandering souls here! It seems very likely that there are emperor-level wandering souls in the valley!"

Those who came with Master Yulong were a few geniuses in Yulong Shuitian, but naturally they weren't so famous under the light of Master Yulong.

However, as the geniuses of the emperor-level sect, they naturally also have a powerful strength that ordinary people cannot match!

Of these people, the weakest can severely damage an ordinary lower emperor.

One of them had a look of excitement, "Emperor Soul Orb! If the Young Master can get an Emperor Soul Orb, he can definitely comprehend the Dao to become the Emperor Chuan within a year!"

As the descendant of the emperor-level sect, Young Master Yulong is self-defeating.

However, even the genius cultivated by the emperor-level sect, it is very difficult to step into that realm.

Otherwise, after millions of years, there may not be so few emperor-level sects in Shenshengzhou. Even among the emperor-level sects, many have gone through a generation of great emperors and have since declined!

The ancient inheritance of a family of three emperors such as Saint Demon Gate and even a family of four emperors such as Fenghuo City is very rare.

The key reason is that even the emperor cannot personally teach a heir who will completely inherit his own mantle!

"Hey, our young master is the dragon among the people, the next generation of great emperor. Mo Zihan, although he has become the emperor now, it does not take long for the young master to catch up and completely crush him! At that time, The world naturally knows this world, and only our young master can dominate!"

A few disciples of Yulong Shuitian didn't mean their flattery at all, and Master Yulong smiled openly.

But he still snorted somewhat, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, do the business first! Emperor Soul Orb, this Young Master is determined to win! This time, if you can get the Emperor Soul Orb, this Young Master will have your benefits! Maybe after this young master understands the great way, he will also give you a chance to experience it!"

As the heir to an emperor-level sect, Young Master Yulong naturally knows a set of methods to win people's hearts.

Sure enough, those disciples under the sect all immediately smiled.

But they knew that things like the Emperor Soul Orb, under the Great Emperor, those ancient existences, the Great Sect ancestors, were all greedy. It is impossible to get them in turn!

Li Ye, who saw them coming from a distance, dispelled his plan to enter the valley to find out.

"Young Master Jade Dragon? It seems that their target is also the Emperor Soul Orb that may appear in it."

Originally he was ready to act, but now, naturally, someone is happy to help him find the way.

Be preempted?

Li Ye sneered, if the Emperor Soul Orb was so easy to get, it would have been looted by people sent by countless Emperor-level sects over the years!

It can be seen from the trace of fear that everyone showed towards the Thousand Emperors Realm at the beginning, it is not so safe here.

Sure enough, a disciple of Yulong Shuitian first entered the valley to inquire, but not long after entering, people outside heard a heart-piercing scream from inside!

The scream stopped instantly, as if it was cut off by someone.

At this moment, Young Master Yulong and others outside just turned a little hard to look.

"Little Lord?"

"What are you afraid of! As long as you can get the Emperor Soul Orb, you can pay any price!"

He snorted, but with the lessons learned, he didn't dare to carelessly, "A group of unconscious wandering souls are just lonely ghosts who are bound by this world and unable to reincarnate! Can they stop this young master from becoming a success? "

After finishing speaking, he will do it himself!

The other Yulong Shuitian disciples looked at each other and took a deep breath!

Not to mention, as the descendant of the emperor-level sect, Master Yulong does have a hand! Those wandering spirits outside the valley were completely killed by him without even approaching!

Even if it cannot be completely killed, those wandering souls cannot be resurrected in a short time.

"It's interesting, the descendants of the emperor-level sect are not weak."

Li Ye followed behind secretly, his eyes flickering.

At first he thought he was going through a hard fight, but now that someone does it for him, he is happy and at ease. The only thing that needs attention is that he cannot be spotted as a siskin.

All the way into the valley, the wandering souls appearing in it are getting stronger and stronger.

Even afterwards, the wandering spirit that appeared was no longer in a semi-physical state, but completely looked like a living person!

If it weren't for the full of death and the cold breath, it is really easy for people to think that this one is a living and powerful warrior!

"The one who broke into the emperor's tomb, die!"


Three powerful wandering souls appeared directly in the valley!

Young Master Yulong and others were shocked, and two of them were killed instantly! Even the heart was taken out!

"No! Young Master! It's an emperor-level wandering spirit!"

Two people died in the blink of an eye, and they understood how the disciple who had just entered to find the way died! There are actually three emperor-level wandering souls that appeared before him!


Young Master Jade Dragon is not stupid, if he is just an emperor-class wandering soul, he still has the confidence to deal with it, but three at once, let him get rid of the idea!

It's just that his ambition won't let him stop there.

I only saw him slap three Dharma seals at will, transforming into three mountains and suppressing them towards the three substantive wandering souls!


The three wandering souls were also full of strong killing intent, and at the same time they cut out the weapons in their hands, directly smashing the three mountains into pieces! Even a disciple of Yulong Shuitian who was too late to retreat was directly shattered under the terrible light, and even the soul was completely strangled!

Even the death of four disciples, Young Master Yulong also has a green expression!

However, he was prepared, and raised his hand to hit a treasure, which was directly transformed into a giant golden armor!

As soon as the golden armored giant appeared, he fought the sword directly with the three emperor-level wandering souls! Although it looks huge, it is not clumsy, and even faintly it can exude incomparable Dao Yun power.

"What treasure is this?"

From a distance, Li Ye looked a little greedy.

He naturally saw the power of the three wandering souls. In his view, even the upper emperor could not ask for any advantage in front of these three wandering souls, but the golden armored giant can almost be entangled with them, although His body was scarred, but it was almost indestructible.

With the delay of the golden armor giant, Young Master Yulong laughed, "Emperor Soul Orb! There is definitely an Emperor Soul Orb here!"

Three emperor ghosts appear at once! In this valley, there is bound to be the existence of the Emperor Soul Orb!

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