Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2658: Basalt

Is it wise?

Li Ye actually knew in his heart that it was indeed very dangerous to provoke the Ye Family with his current strength in advance. 8『Δ1 Chinese Network

Before his fledgling, his behavior was undoubtedly putting himself in danger. Not only will it not help, but all the previous achievements of all efforts will be discarded.

But the moment he saw Ye Qingyu, he really couldn't control it.

"Boy, Dongzhou Ye Family, it's not your goal now! When you finish the Five Elements Body, it's not too late to go there!"

The body of the five elements!

Li Ye took a deep breath, why did he come to the Thousand Emperors Realm this time?

Just because of one thing!

"Old ghost, you said that there are basalt stones hidden in Qiandi territory?"

Basalt stone!

The innate treasure of the legendary soil attribute, even in the millions of years of history, not many people have seen it.

Known as the most indestructible treasure in the world!

"The emperor will deceive you! At the beginning, the emperor spent a lot of money to investigate, but the emperor is not sure whether it is specific or not! But in this world, where is the most likely basalt stone, only The opportunity here is the greatest!"

In fact, Emperor Tianjian didn't say a word, there must be basalt stones in another place! It's just that place, let alone the current Li Ye, even if he was at his peak, he dare not go! Because of that place, even if the emperor goes there, it will be a dead end!

So he didn't say it, at least in the Thousand Emperors Realm, the chance is even greater.

"The ancient book records that the basalt stone can suppress and keep a world safe! It was transformed by the sacred beasts of the four directions in the distant mythological age. Although the legend is not credible, the basalt stone is not so much the innate treasure. Said it is the Supreme God Stone!"

In Li Ye's mind, a record of basalt stones flashed.

There are not many records even in the ancient books in the ancient castle of Inheritance Space.

But there is one thing, basalt stones are indeed rare in the world among the treasures of earth attributes! Even more precious than the **** meteorite!

"Okay, there are many secrets in the Thousand Emperors Realm, even the Emperor didn't fully investigate them back then. But there is one thing, the Thousand Emperors Realm can be so special, not affected by the outside world, even the Heavenly Dao can't restrict it here, the biggest It may be because of the suppression of basalt stones."

The Thousand Emperors Realm is extremely ancient, and the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor has naturally also entered.

It's just that he was just an unknown person, and no one knew him.

"The Thousand Emperors Realm is so big, I can't let me dig three feet, and slowly dig it out, right?"

"Stupid! The real secret of the Thousand Emperors Realm is no longer here, do you think this is where the real Thousand Emperors Realm is?"

Not the real Thousand Emperors Realm?

Li Ye thoughtfully.

Sure enough, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor quickly explained, "This is just the world of the Thousand Emperors Realm connected with the outside world, and it is also a place of death. But your kid has experienced the rebirth water, those death storms are not a big threat to you. Wait, time It's almost here! When the time is up, the Thousand Emperors Realm will naturally appear!"

The real Thousand Emperors Realm!

Li Ye suddenly thought of what the Ye family members seemed to be looking for before, "Old ghost, do the Ye family members also know?"

"Nonsense! Dongzhou Ye Family is older than anyone thought! This time they came, it seems they want to make an attempt. You just hope that the secret of the basalt stone is not known by others, otherwise, hehe, If anyone knows that there are basalt stones here, it would be great fun!"

There is one thing that Heavenly Sword Emperor did not explain to Li Ye!

Basalt stones are not only as simple as those recorded in legends!

That is enough to wake up those ancient heritages from their deep sleep and take them away!

That is a treasure that can keep a family and a sect from decay in millions of years!

It has been a few days since the crowd entered the realm of the Thousand Emperors, and various shocking manifestations came from time to time!

Such as secrets, such as ruins, and even some ancient tombs have been excavated!

Pieces of treasure were found, and more people fell into it!

This is not a treasure hunt, full of dangers.

Bear the brunt, after a few days, everyone finally found a pattern!

Every six hours, there will be a death storm! The omen is that the sky has changed and turned into a gray!

Under the death storm, there is no protection, even the Emperor Wu will fall!

Whether you are a lower emperor or a middle emperor, just a few breaths in front of the death storm will turn into a corpse, and even the soul will be completely drained!

Only the upper emperor can barely resist, but the vitality will be greatly injured.

The geniuses of all major sects are prepared before they come in.

Especially the emperor-level sect, there are many treasures, and there are strong leaders.

As for some small sects and casual cultivators, a few days later, less than one in ten, most people died in the death storm.

Some people were killed by monsters and beasts during the exploration because of the discovery of ruins and secrets.

Finally, when the tenth day comes.

"about there!"

In front of a certain mountain, a group of people from the Baili Mo family had a hint of excitement on their faces!

They found this place on the fourth day, no matter where other sects are everywhere, they always stick to it.

These few days have indeed attracted the attention of many people.

Among them, the Dongzhou Helan family, as an alliance with the Baili Mo family, was the first to receive news.

There are also some emperor-level sects who have also noticed the abnormal behavior of the Baili Mo School.

"It seems that the Baili Mo Family really knows the Thousand Emperors Realm well!"

"They had an inextricable relationship with the Thousand Emperors Realm back then, keep an eye on them! If any of us can find the entrance, it must be from the Baili Mo family!"

Almost the powerhouses of the major sects have delivered the news.

At the Jubao Pavilion, Yu Shang and the rest of the geniuses in the Jubao Pavilion also got news. In other words, they were the second to come to this mountain after Dongzhou Helan's family, always watching from a distance.

More and more emperor-level sects came, and although the people of the Baili Mo family were cold, they didn't move.

Finally, on the tenth day, the entire Thousand Emperors Realm, or the world, changed.

The sky completely turned into thick darkness.

The whole space is shaking, as if the end of the world is coming.

But the top of the mountain found in the Baili Mo family seemed to be split directly by an axe from the sky!

At the next moment, a huge portal appeared!

"Thousand Emperor Realm!"

Baili Mo Family, Helan Family, Yulong Shuitian, Saint Demon Gate, each of the incomparably powerful inheritances could not help but move!

"Legend, it really is true! Don't have a hole in the sky! Realm in the realm!"

A terrible divine light from far to near finally revealed his figure, and his eyes flickered when he looked at the portal that appeared.

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