Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2648: Five Emperors

Undoubtedly, Mo Zihan has now become a powerful opponent in the eyes of the geniuses and descendants of the emperor-level sects. 81 Middle

The strength of the Immortal King Palace is also reflected from the other side.

One and two Emperor Chu!

Perhaps for Fenghuo City, the terrifying existence of Saint Demon Gate is nothing.

But for those emperor-level sects with one gate and one emperor, it was a dangerous and powerful signal!

The two emperor princes will not necessarily become emperors!

But this can already threaten the interests of ordinary emperor-level sects!

The Immortal King Palace, at this time, also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to announce this to all the people in the world!

"Mo Zihan! This time in the Thousand Emperors Realm today, he will be the most powerful enemy."

Many geniuses wrinkled their brows deeply, even if they were from the emperor-level sect, they would be cautious when facing such opponents!

In history, there is no lack of some superb geniuses who turned out to be born, stepping on the so-called enchanting emperor-level sects, and finally achieving their own peak martial arts road.

They don't want to be a stepping stone for Mo Zihan to ascend to the throne of God.

After Mo Zihan appeared, he didn't make a sound, but quietly closed his eyes and meditated.

It's just that around him, you can faintly feel a huge will, and even the powerful Martial Emperor dare not approach it, as if even his own soul is shaking uncontrollably.

"Emperor Chu! He really stepped into that state!"

Seeing Mo Zihan's breath, Princess Yaoji smiled, but there was no fear in her eyes.

"This person is indeed the princess's enemy."

The old woman beside her also nodded, but it could be seen from her face that Mo Zihan was still about the Palace of the Immortal King. Although the Saint Demon Gate attached great importance to it, she had not reached the level of fear.

One family and three emperors, the history of the existence of the Saint Demon Gate is extremely ancient, and it is almost impossible for anyone to shake it in southern Xinjiang for hundreds of thousands of years.

Lin Langtian, Huiyue Mountain Villa, Imperial Court Valley, all powerful emperor-level sects appeared in Tianmen City.

In a short time, so many emperor-level sects appeared, enough to see that for them, the thousand emperor realm was an inevitable battle.

"The people from Fenghuocheng are here!"

Naturally, among so many emperor-level sects, such as the Saint Demon Sect is naturally so powerful that even ordinary emperor-level sects must be afraid of three points.

But compared to the Saint Demon Gate, this time naturally there are more powerful forces coming.

Wind and Fire!

One door and four emperors!

Even among so many sect families in Shenshengzhou, it is extremely rare!

Sure enough, I only saw the void, a wind train rolling in! It is as dazzling as the sun before it comes.

"Windfire City!"

This time, even the old woman at the Saint Demon Gate narrowed her eyes.

The Saint Demon Gate can ignore the general emperor-level sects, such as Lin Lang Tian, ​​Yulong Water Sky, and Ice and Snow Qi Sect.

But facing a Fenghuo City of Four Emperors, the Saint Demon Gate was naturally full of guard!

After all, Fenghuo City is a terrifying force capable of shaking the Saint Demon Gate.

One sect with three emperors and one sect with four emperors can definitely be regarded as among the top sects in Shensheng Prefecture today!

"Hahaha, it seems that we are not too late!"

The wheels are rolling, the flames are blazing!

At this time, everyone could see clearly that the one pulling the cart was not an ordinary monster, but two monster birds with flames all over them!

I only saw that the two monster birds each had a body of hundreds of meters, and the wings spread out to cover the sky! Yinyin actually has some similarities with the legendary Primordial Beast Phoenix.

"What a terrible monster! What kind of monster is this?"

Someone couldn't help but asked with emotion.

"That is the Heavenly Phoenix Bird cultivated by Fenghuo City itself!"

Some strong eyes flickered and murmured.

Heavenly Phoenix Bird! From this name, we can see how terrifying Fenghuo City's ambitions are!

Tianfeng, Tianfeng! Obviously, he wanted to have a relationship with the Primordial Beast Phoenix.

And the outside world rumors that Fenghuo City itself has an inextricable relationship with the sacred beast Phoenix, and Fenghuo City has the blood of the Phoenix family!

Although no one knows the true or false, but after so many years, Fenghuo City, one family, four emperors, huge! This is the answer!

"Sky Phoenix Bird! Is it a descendant of the sacred beast Phoenix?"

Many people took a long breath after hearing this.

If they were really descendants of the beasts, just two phoenix birds would be enough to sweep everything! Not to mention the martial emperor powerhouse present, even if the emperor is here, he must weigh it.

"Hmph, what kind of descendants of mythical beasts, but Fenghuocheng himself put gold on his face!"

With a cold snort, the people from Fenghuo City have just arrived, and there is a terrible breath again!

When everyone looked at it, they only saw the void being torn apart, and then a group of people stepped directly out of the void in the void, and their terrifying eyes instantly swept across the entire Tianmen City, even some of the emperor-level sect experts were slightly cold behind!

That is an instinctive sense of danger!

"Oh, who am I to speak so loudly? It turns out to be a group of old stubborn stubborn people in Dongzhou."

On Fenghuocheng's side, he was a young man, young and energetic, with a trace of caress on his face. After seeing the group of people stepping out of the void, not only did he have no fear, but on the contrary, he faintly returned with a hint of provocation. past.

"Feng Yang! What did you say?"

"What didn't you hear? It seems that your Dongzhou people are not working well now."

Compete and match!

Many people held their breath after watching it!

There are some strong men who are obviously curious. The two groups of people here are famous for Fenghuo City, and they have naturally heard of them. There are four emperors, a giant.

But who is this sacred person afterwards?

"Dongzhou Helan's house!"

"Not only, not just the Helan family, it seems that Dongzhou has done a lot this time! Those people belong to the Helan family, but this is one person, not the Helan family!"

An ancestor of the Great Teacher narrowed his eyes, and he was considered an old monster who had lived for more than 10,000 years, and he naturally had more knowledge than young people.

Seeing that group of people, I was suddenly shocked!

"It's Dongzhou Ye Family!"

Finally, someone revealed the truth.

Dongzhou, Ye family!

Those who don't know are okay. After hearing this, almost all of them have subconsciously changed their faces, with a touch of panic and a touch of fear!

"Damn! Why are they here!"

Many people have an urge to scold their mother!

Dongzhou Yejia!

But there were still young people who were puzzled and asked, "Which Dongzhou Ye family?"

Some strong men couldn't help rolling their eyes, which Dongzhou Ye family? There is only one Dongzhou Ye Family in Shenshengzhou!

One of the descendants of the ancient people in Dongzhou!

Dongzhou Yejia! One Five Emperors!

Knowing all this, the people who were still ignorant suddenly forgot to breathe!

One Five Emperors? What is that concept? !

That is simply the rhythm of the gods blocking and killing the gods and the Buddha blocking the killing of the Buddha! The entire Shensheng Prefecture is a terrifying family walking sideways!

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