Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2639: The first person fight

In the eyes of ordinary people, the upper emperor is definitely an invincible powerhouse!

But in the eyes of the real superpower, it is still too far!

Just one move!

Many people gasped slightly!

"As expected of the former emperor!"

Thousands of years ago, the Duanmu Emperor's generation of Tianjiao shocked the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou!

Although it fell short in the end, his reputation has never been reduced.

Thousands of years later, once again shot, suppress an upper emperor with one move!

Such means, such domineering!

Let countless people be a drop in their hearts!

"Emperor Duanmu, what do you mean?"

Wei Kexu gritted his teeth, he dared to offend anyone, but he did not dare to offend the Immortal King Palace! For nothing else, unless he also ascends the throne of the emperor one day, the Immortal King Palace is like a giant mountain in front of him, insurmountable.

The dignified and powerful emperor, being so humiliated by others, has long been resentful for his character! In fact, he hated Duanmu Emperor and Immortal King Palace very much in his heart! But on the surface, he dared not show it.

Li Ye glanced at Emperor Duanmu, and he could feel that this invincible arrogant of a thousand years ago had no good affection for him, and even had a trace of hostility.

Helping him?

Do not!

He just didn't want people to disturb his disciple's peak battle!

"This kid's life belongs to this disciple. No one else can interfere!"


But as the owner of the Immortal King Palace, Emperor Duanmu has this qualification!

If the emperor does not come out, who will fight for it!

Even if it is an old monster that has lived for 100,000 years, Baili is not willing to fight against Duanmu Emperor, who is in his prime of life, unless he is forced to do so.

Even if Baili Jingtao is stronger, he doesn't have much blood to lose!

Wei Kexu snorted angrily and gave Li Ye a fierce look. There was endless hatred and killing intent in his eyes!

In fact, there is no direct conflict of interest or deep hatred between the two.

However, in the martial arts world, sometimes there is no need for any hatred, the strong have any right to do anything!

In Wei Kexu's eyes, as long as Li Ye threatened him a little bit, or any sentence that offended him, it was enough!

Li Ye can naturally feel the hatred towards him, but he is not afraid at all!

The upper emperor?

Now he may not be able to pose much threat to the upper emperor, but it does not mean that it will always be so!

As long as he wants, he can break through continuously in an instant!

Not to mention the upper emperor, even the half emperor, he dared to fight a battle!

The dominance of the Immortal King Palace also made many people look forward to the outcome of this battle.

"It seems that the Palace of the Immortal King attaches great importance to this battle!"

"Mo Zihan personally wrote the battle book. For so many years, he has never seen an opponent who has made him so important. This shows how much he attaches importance to this battle!"

Many strong people have discussed.

"It's just a pity. If Li Ye is not a man of heaven, this battle will leave a fortune in the entire history of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou! Maybe it will be the pinnacle of a genius showdown!"

The Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou has been around for too long, and there have not been enough powerhouses to resonate throughout Shensheng Prefecture.

Even in the past ten thousand years, the status of the sixteen countries in Xizhou has dropped sharply!

In the opinion of the older generation of strong people, excluding the view of the door, the sixteen countries in Xizhou really need to emerge from one or two strong people to prove it!

Baili Mo Family, Jubao Pavilion, Killing Temple, Heavenly Sword Gate.

One by one, there are people coming for the ancient heritage that is extremely powerful.

After all, it is about the ownership of the true first genius in this era. Whether it is Mozi Hansheng or Li Yesheng, it is of great significance to the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou.

At this time, Li Ye had already boarded the Cliff of Enlightenment!

The two climbed to the top of the two mountain peaks and shook their eyes.

"I will not show mercy in this battle."

Mo Zihan shook his head slightly before taking the shot.

There is no killing intent and no high fighting intent, but his words seem to contain a great way!

Li Ye's eyes flickered slightly!

"It seems that you are very close to that step."

This feeling is very familiar to him.

Before at Wudaoya, he felt a similar mood, and because of this, he will cause the will of heaven to descend!

However, he chose a path that almost everyone could not choose!

Refused to heaven!

Crazy decision!

But he will not regret it!

The body of the five elements! The perfect physique in the legend! Even the gods must be jealous and envy!

He wanted to see how invincible he would show once he succeeded!

He needs the most powerful means to come to Ye Family!

Let the whole Ye family regret the decision made at the beginning!

Regret for breaking up his parents! Regret even more, send someone to kill him!

Over the years, he has never forgotten Ye Yanghan's contemptuous eyes that almost regarded him as an ant, and he has not forgotten Ye Qingyu's attitude of wantonly **** in front of him like a pig and a dog!

And Aunt Yun who took care of him since he was a child!

All this, he will personally use his hands to collect them one by one!

At a thought, Li Ye's eyes became firmer!

This change made Mo Zihan stunned.

But he didn't hide it and nodded.

Mo Zihan once seemed indifferent, but the arrogance in his bones cannot be changed by anyone!

His indifferent origin comes from the same generation of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, no one can compete with him!

Until the appearance of Li Ye.

That's why he will start the war!

There will always be only one young generation first person in the sixteen countries in Xizhou!

Almost at the same time, the two shot together at that moment!

Li Ye didn't underestimate the enemy, Mo Zihan also prepared for this battle for three months!

"Who will win?"

This is the curiosity of many people at this time.

The entire Cliff of Enlightenment was almost shrouded by the terrifying aura that destroyed the world!

The mountains of thousands of miles will annihilate and disappear in the face of this power.

But Enlightenment Cliff is unbreakable!

The invincible will makes any power stand tall even in front of the sky!

This place used to be the place where the Great Emperor Hengtian enlightened Dao, where he left his most invincible will.

However, seeing the fight between the two, countless people couldn't help but twitch fiercely!

"These two people are really just juniors?"

Some martial emperors even have a sense of self-defeating decadence!

There are even some middle-ranked emperors with pale expressions!

At this moment, the invincible aura on the Cliff of Enlightenment can even easily tear the middle emperor into pieces! That is the power above Wu Huang!

"These two people, no matter who they are, are terrible!"

An ancestor couldn't help taking a breath and whispered.

Many strong people nodded slightly, even some high-ranking emperors had serious faces! Because neither Li Ye nor Mo Zihan has stepped into the Emperor Realm yet!

However, its strength is actually better than their upper emperors!

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