Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2636: I'm afraid he dare not come!

Everyone was naturally not surprised to see the Immortal King Palace appear. 81 Chinese Network

After all, Mo Zihan was the head of the Palace of the Immortal King, the proud disciple of Emperor Duanmu, and the only descendant of his disciples, it was no longer a secret.

"It's the Immortal King Palace!"

"It seems that the Immortal King Palace will not cancel this battle."

In the beginning, many people thought that the Immortal King Palace would not come as promised.

It’s not that they didn’t dare, but since it was reported that Li Ye had failed on the Cliff of Enlightenment, and was rejected by the will of the sky to become a man of heaven. In the eyes of many people, facing such a future opponent who will ultimately be ineffective, they are as proud as ink. Zihan naturally wouldn't make a move at this time.

But they are obviously wrong!

The appearance of the Immortal King Palace already represented Mo Zihan's decision.

In this way, everyone is looking forward to another party at the top of this decisive battle.

"Since the Immortal King Palace is here, I don't know which one will appear?"

"It should be impossible. For him, this battle is actually unnecessary."

"Indeed, a person of Tian Jue has no relationship with the Dao in this life, and it will be impossible for the whole life to understand that the Cangtian Dao breaks through the emperor realm. If it is me, I will not come. It is clear that I am looking for abuse!"

Many people shook their heads secretly.

Although there is ridicule in the market today, most people are calmer or sensible.

Even if Li Ye is a man of Tian Jue, he can use his Shou Dan ability, the world can go!

In these sixteen countries in Xizhou, there are also countless terrible existences and ancient heritages, willing to throw an olive branch.

"I heard that Jubao Pavilion and Baili Mo Family both intend to recruit this Li Ye."

A strong man couldn't help but sigh, "Although he is a man of heaven, the road of martial arts has been cut off hope. But on the alchemy path, since people who can make Baimei Danzun of Baishou Palace leave dingy, naturally The future is limitless."

Hearing this, many people nodded slightly.

One of them said, "Jubao Pavilion itself has a good relationship with this son. Although the Baili Mo family had a little conflict before, the ancestor of Baili Jingtao came forward. As long as the person in charge of the Baili Mo family is not a fool, he can understand. , Befriending this son definitely has more advantages than disadvantages for the Baili Mo family!"

With the support of the two giants of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, it is naturally the biggest reason why no one dares to touch Li Ye, a young junior.

It's just that in today's battle, whether it will end in a horrible way, this is what everyone is most concerned about now.

At this time, the Palace of the Immortal King was suspended not far from the cliff of Wudao.

Mo Zihan did not appear, perhaps, he was also preparing for the upcoming battle.

Since his debut, he has always tried his best to fight against anyone.

"Mo Zihan! The first person of the current generation in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou is indeed well-deserved!"

"The only disciple of Emperor Duanmu, may become a master of Yueqi, a generation of giants in a new era!"

Many people are expecting that Mo Zihan will become a new generation of emperors of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou!

After all, how many years it has been, many people can hardly remember it!

The Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou were originally extremely powerful in Xizhou. However, for tens of thousands of years, it seemed a bit quiet!

It has been a long time since there was no invincible powerhouse born.

Although one era after another, the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou has no shortage of geniuses and evildoers, but there are very few who can really stand on top!

"For Mo Zihan, this battle is not actually a battle of crossing the catastrophe. His opponent is no longer the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou."

An ancestor-level strong man couldn't help but sigh.

Anyone can't help but feel envious of Mo Zihan's genius!

I even envy Emperor Duanmu to find such a disciple! Light door lintel.

Time passed bit by bit.

An hour has passed since the appearance of the Immortal King Palace.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Someone can't help it anymore.

"Don't you dare to come?"

Some comments came and went.

After all, in their opinion, they will not come in this battle if they are replaced by themselves!

Regardless of dignity, since he knows he is invincible, coming to fight is not a proof of bravery, it's more like a dead end.

"Hey, I think that kid will not come! Mo Zihan is the first person in the sixteen countries in Xizhou today, and even some of the older generations are not his opponents. Now it is even more rumored. He is already With only one foot stepping on that threshold, you can comply with the fate and realize the great road with just one foot! At that time, it will be a generation of Emperor Chu!"

A strong man sneered. Although he has nothing to do with the Immortal King Palace, it does not mean that he has no source of information.

Although the Palace of the Immortal King is only a palace, it is natural that someone will reveal the news.

Emperor Chu!

Many people were shocked!

But suddenly someone couldn’t help being born to retort, “It’s nothing to step into the Imperial Reserve with one foot, this son of Li Ye, but not long ago, he just complied with the destiny and enlightened the Great Dao! And this son is even worse than Mo Zihan. Young, in terms of talent, this son is still above Mo Zihan!"

When this person opened his mouth, it made the previous person a little speechless.

But soon, he sneered, "So what, as a man of heaven, he is rejected by the will of heaven after all! What awaits him is the foreseeable difficulties in the future! On the contrary, Mo Zihan has a bright future. , Not only the emperor, but may even become a brand-new emperor of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou! Create an era that belongs to him! There is no comparison between the two!"

Obviously, the two have different positions.

Some of the other strong people around recognized Mo Zihan, and naturally there were others who supported Li Ye, a young junior.

It's just that the former is more dominant. Comparing the two, Li Ye does not have the advantage regardless of origin, reputation, mentorship, or other aspects. What's more, the biggest problem lies in the identity of the man of heaven.

"No matter what, Tian Jue does not matter, even if there is no achievement in martial arts, Li Ye Zhezi's accomplishments in alchemy, at least in life alchemy, are obvious to all! Don't forget this, everyone."

In the end, it was a well-known ancestor who spoke and prevented the quarrel between the two sides.

At this time, even the people who supported Mo Zihan stopped talking.

They can say that Li Ye is a man of heaven, and martial arts cannot make any achievements in the future. But on the alchemy path, they couldn't find any reason to refute.

"Let’s see if this son will come as promised today. If he comes, even if this battle is defeated, it is a relief for him! In the future, immersed in the alchemy, there may be even greater breakthrough!"

"I'm afraid he won't come!"

Someone sneered.

An hour.

Two hours.

After four full hours, most people have become a little impatient!

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