Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2593: The overall situation is set!

No one has an opinion, even if there is an opinion, who dares to raise it now?

Baili Jingtao didn't show any killing intent after he appeared, but people who knew his name were hanging in their hearts!

But some people dare!


Bai Mei Danzun!

His face was stern, and even if he was biting his head, he still said, "This kid said just now that he can increase the life span of Emperor Wu by at least 50 years. What if he can't do it?"

Baili Jingtao only wanted to increase his life span by 20 years. After all, it was enough for him. Δ81 Chinese Δwen net

But Bai Mei Danzun caught this!

Before Li Ye spoke, Baili Jingtao snorted angrily!

In an instant, Bai Mei Danzun sprayed blood, and the whole person was blown out, almost thrown out of Tiandi Baozhai!

"Where did the flies come from! It's so quiet in the old man's ears!"


The sentence of Baili Jingtao made everyone not only sweat.

That was Dan Zun of Baishou Palace! But when he thought of Baili Jingtao's status and identity, Baishou Palace still didn't know where he was when he ran the world.

Even Bai Mei Danzun did not dare to say anything, because just now, he felt the smell of death!

He knew that if Baili Jingtao didn't want to kill him, he would have died just now!

Even if he is equally powerful! The peak of the middle emperor!

But in front of this old man, he is no different from ants!

"Grandpa Grandpa, he is the Danzun of Baishou Palace."

Baili Hong Yan couldn't help but speak, he naturally didn't expect Li Ye to be appreciated by Baili's turbulent waves. Once that happened, he would never have a chance to avenge him in his life!

"Baishu Palace? What is that!"

A cold snort made a disciple of Baishou Palace couldn't help it!

The so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. The stormy waves of Baili make a group of strong people afraid to speak, but the younger generation rarely hears his name and naturally scolds, "Huh must insult my Baishou Palace! I! Baishou Palace is the best martial art in Xizhou to refine Shou Dan! And it is comparable to others!"


Baili Jingtao was interested in Shoudan now, and didn't see what he was doing, suddenly waved!

Bai Mei Danzun didn't even grasp the pill bottle firmly, and fell into his hands!

This hand shocked all four!

Many disciples in Baishou Palace were furious, but they were stopped by Bai Mei Danzun!

He didn't want to anger the murderer of the year!

"Senior, this is the life pill that the younger generation personally refined."

In terms of Shoudan, Baimei Danzun is still very confident!

However, he did not expect that Baili Jingtao just glanced at it casually, and instantly threw it back as rubbish, "What broken pill! This kind of life pill can not even increase the life of the old man by half a year!"

As soon as this remark came out, Bai Mei Danzun blushed! All the disciples of Baishou Palace were filled with righteous indignation.

Even Li Ye was a little embarrassed, he didn't believe that Baishou Palace's reputation for thousands of years was blown out.

"Bao Lao, you have taken too much longevity pills. If you are an average person, this longevity pills are already good."

Half Emperor Tian Yan still said something fair. After all, Baishou Palace was considered a great sect in Xizhou. The key was to make friends with many emperor-level sects, and it could be regarded as giving them a little face and steps.

Sure enough, Bai Mei Danzun nodded gratefully.


In this regard, Baili Jingtao does not deny it.

If it weren't for the ordinary life pill, he would have almost no effect on him, and he would not risk breaking the seal.

After all, the Baili Mo Family found all the Shou Pills that he could find, and he even took one of the Shou Pills from the Yaowang Palace!

"Little guy, your pill, the old man is looking forward to it. You know, even the old things in the Medicine King Palace can't make good things to kill. The old man has great hope for your pill. !"

Medicine King Palace!

Everyone suddenly felt that most people couldn't climb the Yaowang Palace, but Baili Jingtao could!

Li Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly offered medicinal pills.

Seeing the pill full of vitality in his hand, Baili Jingtao's eyes lit up!

Even powerful alchemists such as Baimei Danzun couldn't help but be shocked!

They are naturally experts, even if they just look at it, they can almost tell one or two!

"What an amazing breath! This pill, maybe it really is so magical!"

"Does this kid really have that talent?"

Many people looked at Bai Mei Danzun, his face was ugly. It's just now still struggling to death.

Everyone is waiting for the result.

Baili Jingtao didn't even think about it, just swallowed it in one bite!

"Grandpa Grandpa! Beware of poison!"

Baili Hongyan exclaimed that he wanted to stop, but it was too late, so he could only look at Li Ye viciously, "Li Ye! If my grandfather had something in case, you would not see the sun tomorrow!"

In the event of an accident in Baili's turbulent waves, the Baili Mo Family will definitely do their best to avenge!

No one will doubt this.

It's just that everyone shook their heads slightly towards Baili Hongyan's mind. Not to mention that Li Ye had no reason to offend Baili Jingtao to offend the Baili Mohist school, he said there was, and it was impossible for a public to do it.


Even Yu Shan couldn't help but utter a foul language, and then couldn't help but vomit a little ****, but no one noticed her now.

When the Longevity Pill was swallowed by Baili Shocking Wave, everyone could almost feel that an exuberant vitality radiated from Baili Shocking Wave, which was almost exhausted!

That powerful vitality, even many of the strong who have lived for thousands of years, couldn't help being shocked!

"This blood!"

Baili's trembling waves showed a terrifying edge in his eyes instantly, and his face was full of ecstasy!

That kind of excitement is more exciting than ever when he defeated his own formidable enemy in his life, and even when he really set foot on the peak!

No need for him to speak, no need for Li Ye.

Everyone is not blind!

The extra vigorous vitality in Baili Jingtao's body can be seen as long as he is not blind!

That feeling is like getting a new life!

An incredibly terrifying aura, instantly filling the entire Tiandibaozhai, and even the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, can be felt!

Countless ancient beings have opened their eyes in the dark. For that exuberant vitality, it is their most urgent thing!

One by one showed a greedy look.


The terrible laughter made everyone unable to help their eardrums being pierced. The terrible power was enough to see that Baili was stunned and the strength was only terrifying, and it could not even be described by Emperor Wu!

Half Emperor! At least half the emperor!

Of course, it's not surprising that people who really know the past of Baili's stormy waves!

Because of the stormy waves of Baili back then! Once was a real Emperor Chu! Even if one hundred thousand years have passed! It seems to have seen the stormy waves that crisscrossed the world again!

no doubt! Baili is surging, and the blood qi and life span in the body have been improved!

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