Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2590: One hundred thousand year old monster

Emperor Tian Yan!

Do not! It should be said that it is a half emperor of Tian Yan!

Bai Mei Danzun didn't dare to let go, but the old monster Qingsu gave a weird smile. 8『1ChineseΔ』Net

"Tian Yan, you old thing is still alive."

After all, the two were considered strong men of the same era, and they were somewhat grudges back then.

"Boss Qingsu! Why, do you want to talk to the old man?"

In Li Ye's impression, Emperor Tian Yan was a kind-eyed elder who favored his granddaughter. But at this time, he revealed his domineering as the supreme powerhouse of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou!

The sound is not loud, but it makes the Qingsu old monster slightly stunned.

Although he was arrogant, he didn't dare to act alone when he felt the weak imperial might.

There is a place in Tianyan Bandi Town, everyone is afraid to say anything.

It's just that Bai Mei Danzun held back for a long time, and he snorted, he was a little unwilling, but an old Wu could still tear his face and it would be a big deal from then on to go to the sky.

But they all heard about the temperament of Half Emperor Tian Yan, and it was really going to be a big deal. Even if he is from the Baishou Palace, it is still unknown whether he can walk out from here safely by then.

Suppress all dissatisfaction strongly!

Li Ye also watched the blood surging!

What is absolute strength!

The appearance of the Tianyan Half Emperor made him understand that even in a place where the power is like a cloud in Shen Shengzhou, the rule of respecting the strong still remains unchanged, even more obvious than the lower nine domains!

What reason and rules are not as important as strength!

"No one has an opinion?"

Half Emperor Tian Yan had always admired Li Ye, a young man, and now he didn't hesitate to use his old face, even if someone pointed at his spine behind his back and accused him of selfishness, he didn't care at all.

Only at this time, Li Ye said, "Seniors, whether the medicinal pill of the younger generation is exaggerated or not is naturally unfounded. You want to prove it, you can!"

Suddenly Li Ye's conversation turned, making Tian Yan and half the emperor choke, almost no blood spurted out, he finally calmed the scene, Li Ye's opening made his wishful thinking completely lost.

"This kid!"

He smiled bitterly in his heart, but he also saw that Li Ye, a young man, was arrogant, and he was obviously not prepared to use his power to get through the current predicament.

Although depressed and depressed, it also made him interested in how Li Ye would prove it.

Not only him, but Mr. Wu, Emperor Duobao, Emperor Peacock and others all have similar ideas.

"Huh, it's light, how do you prove it? Is it yourself?"

Bai Mei Danzun didn't dare to treat Wu Lao and Tian Yan half emperor, but facing Li Ye, he didn't look good at all.

"Of course it's not me. If I prove it, you will definitely have doubts in your heart."


Bai Mei Danzun snorted coldly. As for the others, this matter actually has little to do with them. It really has a deep interest in this matter, one is Baishou Palace, and the other is naturally the Bingxue Qizong!

"How can I prove it?"

Although Emperor Duobao believed in Wu Lao's vision, the Shoudan Li Ye took out had never heard of what he had seen and heard for tens of thousands of years, so he still wanted to witness it with his own eyes.

Old Wu didn't say a word, although he had a hint of speculation in his mind, he was still not sure in the end.

He also wanted to see if his judgment was not wrong.

Li Ye didn't rush, picking up the pill bottle, "It's actually very simple. Whether the pill of the younger generation is actually effective or not, it is better to find a Martial Emperor who is about to reach the limit to personally verify it. Isn't it clear at a glance?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

"Yeah, why didn't I expect it?"

"Indeed, compared with other alchemists to verify whether this pill is effective, directly find a strong person who has reached the limit to take it personally. Naturally, it will be clear!"

This proposal made many people nod their heads.

Even Baimei Danzun and the people of Baishou Palace could not find a reason to refute.

Yes, is there any effect of the medicinal pill? Find someone to take one in person and know the result soon?

However, the problem is that with so many people present, no one is coming to the end.

The kind of strong man who is almost waiting for death either finds a place to live in seclusion, or puts himself in a gap in the space for survival. How can he still have leisure and come to such a place?

"Huh, at this moment, go there to find a strong man who has reached the limit to help you verify?"

In Baishou Palace, a disciple sneered.

Naturally, they didn't believe in Li Ye. Originally, they wondered why Li Ye was so calm. Now when I think about it, no one can be a candidate here!

Yu Guizi looked at his master Ice Emperor, but the Ice Emperor didn't care about Li Ye's pill at this time. What he cared about was the Ice Phoenix Sword in Li Ye's hands! A pair of eyes were like the sun, the moon and the stars, and the terrifying Hanbing almost couldn't help trembling with Yu Guizi who was a disciple.

"Who said no one?"

At this moment, an old voice came out.

Immediately afterwards, I saw an old man walking out step by step with a cane.

Seeing the old man, someone suddenly exclaimed!

"Baili is stunned!"


Everyone couldn't help showing their emotions!

Not to mention that he was the strong of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, even the Ice Emperor who was far away in the northern barren land showed a hint of amazement!

Baili is stunned!

People of Baili Mo Family!

At this time, the old man was supported by a young man, and when he took a closer look, it was Baili Hongyan who had been cut off by Li Ye before at the stage of life and death!

After he appeared, his eyes were filled with terrible resentment, staring at Li Ye. However, he is not as arrogant as he was today, and he doesn't know if he suffered a little bit after being broken by Li Ye, and he restrained his arrogance.

However, his broken arm is now being reconnected. After all, with the background of Baili Mohist school, this kind of thing is not difficult.

"Baili is surging! He is not dead yet?"

"How is it possible! This old thing has survived to the present?"

Seeing the old man, I don’t know how many people present were shocked!

Including a character like Tian Yan Bandi, his face changed slightly!

Fu Bo's expression changed drastically, and Li Ye frowned.

"Baili Jingtao! He was the patron of the Baili Mo family one hundred thousand years ago! I didn't expect to live to the present!"

One hundred thousand years!

What concept?

Even if the lifespan of Emperor Wu can reach tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years, one hundred thousand years is enough to make any peak Wu Emperor, even the emperor and half the emperor, turn into a pile of loess!

One hundred thousand years, those long years, can even be traced back to ancient times!

Such an ancient invincible suddenly appeared, and most importantly, he was a member of the Baili Mo family! The relationship between Li Ye and Baili Mohist school is not so friendly today!

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