Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2570: Shengjing doesn't have much, but he has medicine!

With 150,000 sacred crystals, Tyrant Blade couldn't help but sneer.

Even if it is just a broken bowl, it will have no effect! But he has the confidence to go to ruin!

purpose? It's very simple for him, frustrate Li Ye's spirit!

He was defeated in the battle of Life and Death, so that he has not yet recovered his vitality.

However, even if he was defeated in the battle of life and death, he still did not put Li Ye in his eyes!

In terms of talent, he is a Wushuang sword body, one of the innate emperor bodies!

In terms of origin, the Heavenly Sword Sect is extremely ancient, and it is not even an emperor-level sect that it dare not look down upon it! In the future, he will be more confident and embark on the road of killing for the emperor!

Emperor Chu! Even the real emperor!

"Brother, isn't it..."

Hu Yidao made a slight noise, but saw the cold expression of Tyrannical Dao, and he could only smile slightly.

In fact, his relationship with the Batian Dao was not as incompatible as many outsiders guessed.

In the eyes of outsiders, he was originally the first descendant of the Heavenly Sword Sect. After the appearance of the Tyrant Sword, he not only lost his position as a descendant, but he even honored the Tyrant Sword as a senior.

But few people know that the relationship between the two is actually pretty good. Although Tyrant Sword is domineering, but many of the disciples in the door are actually very caring, belonging to the type of cold-hearted and warm face.

He knows his brother's thoughts. People like his brother are so proud. After losing in the last battle, he couldn't swallow this breath. It's just that the injury hasn't healed yet, that is to say, it's a little bit of prestige on this occasion.

"What he wants, I will let him know that with your background, everything is just a delusion!"

The cold voice of Tyrant Blade made Hu Yidao helplessly shook his head. His brother is good at everything, but he has a bit of grudges and a high regard for his birth.

Yu Shan can only give up now.

After all, although she was favored, she couldn't compete with the Tyrant Sword who had the entire Heavenly Sword Gate as its support.

Seeing, the white jade bowl was about to fall into the hands of the Tyrant Sword.

at this time.


A voice interrupted everyone.

It was Li Ye, everyone thought he would give up, but he didn't expect him to suddenly speak out at this last moment.

When Tyrant Sword looked at it, he sneered. Fighting Shengjing, he was true.

As for the others, Huang Tiandaozong's side, seeing Li Ye also slightly cold. Especially Ling Zixu, compared to the Tyrant Sword, he is simply different because of Li Ye's birth and being uncomfortable with defeating him, but he has already included Li Ye as a strong opponent.

"That kid, do you still want to compete with the Heavenly Sword Gate?"

"Although the Heavenly Sword Gate is not an emperor-level sect, it is not much worse than an emperor-level sect, let alone extremely ancient. Such a little sacred crystal will not make them hesitate at all."

"Yes, better than the background, or the inheritance hegemony that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and the accumulation of countless years is enough for their descendants to splurge."

Some people are curious about Li Ye's origin. After all, there are still a few people who know him.

"Where is this sacred?"

"Competing with the Heavenly Blade Sect, is it also a descendant of a powerful inheritance?"

In their opinion, such a huge number of holy crystals, and facing the momentum of the Heavenly Sword Sect, which seems to be determined, unless it is full of confidence, otherwise most people will consider giving up again and again.

There are strong people from the sixteen countries of Xizhou, naturally they recognized Li Ye.

Some people's expressions changed slightly, "This kid, isn't he the same kid who won the King of Yum on the stage of life and death before? I didn't expect him to come too!"

"The King of Yum! That life and death stage?"

There are other strong people frightened!

"This kid, but got the jade orders from the two peaks of the Peacock Emperor and the Tianyan Emperor. It seems that he is backing by those two behind him, so he has no scruples!"

It was reported some time ago that Emperor Peacock and Emperor Tianyan gave their own jade orders to a certain young man, which aroused many people's surprise at one time.

At this time, when some people saw the young man in front of the rumor, they also secretly looked at it.

In their view, Li Ye is so confident that he naturally has an inevitable connection with the Emperor Peacock and Emperor Tianyan behind him.

Including the tyrant sword!

"Things who do not know how to live or die, do you really think that with Emperor Tianyan and Emperor Peacock, you can have no scruples?"

Ling Zixu sneered, even with the support of two peak emperors, it would only make the average strong person worry. But compared to his descendants of such an ancient emperor-level sect, it is still far away!

A group of people were all wondering whether Li Ye would compete with the Batian Dao.

Even one hundred and fifty thousand sacred crystals, in the eyes of many people, are far beyond their bottom line.

Emperor Duobao didn't change his expression too much. To him, everyone is the same, and the price is paid. This is his rule for so many years, and no one can change it.

"Senior, can I exchange the treasure for this item?"

If it weren't for Yu Shan, he almost forgot about it.

Originally, he was preparing to auction his alchemy in exchange for the holy crystal to compete for the innate treasure, but he did not expect that Tiandi Baozhai was only operated by Duobaohuang at all, and there was no channel for sending auctions.

But now, since things can be exchanged for things, everything is different.

"What do you use?"

Emperor Duobao didn't raise his brows. You know, even the Tianshui Ice Phoenix Pill can't make his heart move, and he didn't expect a junior to come up with anything good.

Tyrant Sword also sneered, and didn't rush to speak, he also wanted to see what Li Ye could bring out.

But he was not in a hurry, and some people couldn't help but laughed.

"It's ridiculous, Senior Duobaohuang can't fool around with anything, even Junior Sister Yu's Tianshui Ice Phoenix Pill is not qualified, can you come up with a better one?"

Ling Zixu!

Not only him, but also a voice with a hint of sarcasm.

"Some people have never seen the world, but don't know what they can bring out. Don't let everyone down."

This sound came from the other side.

Fire Dragon! As a disciple of this generation of Earth Martian Emperor, he is naturally qualified to come to Tiandi Baozhai, but he was severely injured by Li Ye before, and now he has not fully recovered, and the blood on his face looks somewhat pale.

Compared with internal injuries, the Zixin flames in his body were almost taken by Li Ye. Although he was eventually saved, his vitality was greatly injured! The enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and he naturally hated Li Ye too.

However, Li Ye ignored the two of them, but directly took out one thing and sent it to Emperor Duobao.

"Pill bottle?"

Seeing what Li Ye took out, many people were curious.

Tyrant Dao squinted his eyes. Although Ling Zixu and Huo Longzi were disdainful, they also had a hint of curiosity.

After all, they also wanted to know what Li Ye could bring out.

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