Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2568: A bowl

Some regret it, others are happy. Bayi Chinese Network

The person who won the auction is now proud of it!

"Haha, even if the dilapidated emperor soldiers can't find the Saint-level craftsman to take action, many sects are willing to buy it back at a high price! This is a big profit!"

Many people around were jealous, although they were broken imperial soldiers, once they were repaired, it was enough to make any sect a treasure of the sect!

Even those emperor-level sects that have a great emperor themselves, no one would think that there are too many treasures like emperor soldiers. Not to mention those sects and aristocratic families without a great emperor!

Compared with the imperial soldiers, the cost of repairing the imperial soldiers is much lighter.

Li Ye also looked surprised, while Fu Bo smiled and said, "Master, your first visit to Tiandi Baozhai is naturally unexpected. Emperor Duobao has always been like this, but for so many years, what he has done in his hands , Are not ordinary goods, so people who are truly capable will not hesitate too much."

There are not many people who have fought for it just now. Naturally, it's not that they don't want or doubt it, but that they are here today for a bigger goal!

Soon, Emperor Duobao took out the second auction item.

It was a white jade bowl. It looked ordinary, even similar to the porcelain used in the collection of ordinary mortals in the world.

"Ten Thousand Saint Crystals!"

Duobaohuang's complexion was neither cold nor hot, so he threw it aside and spoke coldly.

With the previous experience, those who came to Tiandi Baozhai for the first time were not in doubt.

Including the strong of Di Baotang, the eyes are also bright at the moment.

"Twenty thousand holy crystals!"

He immediately spoke as soon as he couldn't wait. The broken gourd just now was a broken imperial soldier, maybe this ordinary white jade bowl was also?

It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, someone said coldly, "Five thousand holy crystals!"

This sound shocked many people!

Double the price instantly! It's not the courage that ordinary people can have!

"It's from Huang Tiandaozong!"

"Isn't that the Dao Zun Yu Ran! You deserve to be an emperor-level sect, and you can't compare it with your shot."

Not everyone has this kind of background if they say that fifty thousand sacred crystals are five spirit stones.

It just so happens that Huang Tiandaozong has such confidence.

Li Ye was also observing the white jade bowl. He didn't see the origin of the broken gourd just now, but the white jade bowl made him frown.

"Boy, get that bowl!"

Suddenly the voice of Emperor Tianjian popped out of his mind.

"Old ghost, recovered?"

"It's almost, boy, get the white jade bowl at all costs!"

Hearing Heavenly Sword Great Emperor say in this rare tone, Li Ye was also surprised, but he knew that Heavenly Sword Great Emperor would not harm him, so he immediately said, "Five thousand five holy crystals!"

His opening surprised many people.

Although it was an auction, many people hesitated consciously when they saw that Huang Tiandaozong's Yuran Dao Zun was inevitable. Even if it is a damaged emperor soldier, is it worth enmity with an emperor sect?

As for those who have the confidence to talk to Huang Tiandaozong's frontal anus, they will not tear their skins for a small treasure.

"Li Ye!"

Seeing that the person asking for the price was Li Ye, Ling Zixu's face suddenly became cold! His master wanted this white jade bowl and also wanted to gamble once, just as the first broken gourd ended up being a broken imperial soldier.

"Sixty thousand!"

Another voice came out.


When everyone saw it, they all took a breath.

The person who spoke was the Tyrant Blade!

Unlike Ling Zixu, he has a special position in the Heavenly Sword Sect, and even faintly becomes the next sect master of the Heavenly Sword Sect. He has great power, so he can naturally bid himself.

He was originally not prepared to bid, because his goal is innate treasure. But seeing Li Ye bid for the competition, he couldn't help but export without knowing why.

Emperor Duobao is still half-dead, and no matter who is who, he is only responsible for who bids the highest and who gives the goods.

Li Ye frowned slightly. Although there were a lot of sacred crystals in his pockets, he naturally couldn't go shopping with the Dao Zun Yu Ran who had Huang Tian Dao Sect behind him, and the Tyrannical Dao supported by Tiandaomen.

"Seven thousand!"

This is the bottom line in his heart. If it weren't for the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor to ask him to take it, even if it was a damaged emperor soldier, he wouldn't care very much.

Emperor soldiers? Not to mention damaged, even if it is intact, he has at least two of them!

Seven Star Sword! The personal excalibur of the Big Dipper back then!

Panlong sword! The inheritance of Wu's dynasty, even he suspects that the Panlong Sword is far more terrifying than the Emperor Soldier! Until now, he has not been truly recognized by the Dragon Sword! It can be seen.

Treasures like Emperor Soldiers are not just for use, and the cultivation base is not enough to be in your hands or even not as practical as the imperial weapon.

Not to mention, the broken Imperial Soldier!

Daozun Yuran's face sank, "One hundred thousand sacred crystals!"

This price is also his bottom line. Huang Tian Daozong is an emperor-level sect, and there are naturally emperor soldiers. Although a broken imperial soldier is attractive, it is not that important.

Li Ye hesitated. Although he had Saint Crystal on his body, this was only the second auction item.

"Boy! Listen to this emperor, that bowl is worth more than one hundred thousand holy crystals! More than one million!"

Emperor Tianjian's tone was a little hurried.

"One hundred and ten thousand!"

Li Ye spoke again.

But soon on the side of Tiandaomen, Ba Tiandao smiled coldly, "150,000!"


Everyone was in an uproar!

Even Yu Ran Dao Zun was startled, and then frowned. Huang Tiandaozong had a bad relationship with Tiandao Sect in the first place, and it was even regarded as a grudge. He thought it was the Tyrant Blade who targeted him Huang Tian Daozong, and he immediately weighed it before giving up.

The Heavenly Sword Gate had never been born a great emperor, and there was no emperor soldier who naturally wanted one. But Huang Tiandaozong didn't demand so deliberately, he didn't need to waste the holy crystal here.

"Did no one bid?"

Emperor Duobao looked up lazily.

"Boy! It's right to listen to the emperor!"

The Great Emperor Tianjian urged Li Ye to smile again.

He is only two hundred thousand sacred crystals. He is not stupid looking at the posture of the Tyrant Sword. If he wants to follow the bidding, the Heaven Sword Gate will definitely smash to the end! Anyway, although the Heavenly Sword Gate is not an emperor-level sect, but in terms of ancient times, it is much older than many emperor-level sects, and its background is not bad.

At this moment, Cheng Yaojin suddenly shot out.

"Grandpa Duobao, I will exchange it for a Sky Water Ice Phoenix Pill."

When these words came out, Emperor Duobao also looked surprised.

Looking up, I just saw a charming figure with a hint of smile on his face, beautiful and moving, so many young young Junyan couldn't help but look frequently.

Li Ye saw it too, and he was taken aback, because the person who spoke was Yu Shan, and she was making a playful grimace at Li Ye.

"Tianshui Ice Phoenix Pill! The elixir of the next emperor grade!"

Someone exclaimed!

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