Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2542: A man who can refuse Tianshan snow

Everyone is not a fool, it is clear that Li Ye has rejected Tianshanxue's kindness, but secretly he is even more mad than before!

You know, Tianshan Xue's requirement is to defeat Mo Zihan! And Li Ye's answer clearly shows that he has no fear of Mo Zihan, the first genius of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou.

"What if you have a family? If you defeat Mo Zihan, I don't mind."

The boldness of Tianshan Snow, not to mention Li Ye, even the many powerhouses present were slightly ashamed. But everyone who knows Piaoxue Mountain Villa knows that the women who come out of Piaoxue Mountain Villa have always been like this! It can even be said that Piaoxue Mountain Villa itself is a special heritage with only women.

"Damn, how come this kind of good thing can't be my turn? That's Tianshan Snow! Don't even talk about the double cultivation with her, even if it is an overnight romance, I will lose a hundred years of life!"

"Are you dreaming! Just like you, you still have a romantic relationship with Tianshan Snow? How many enchanting geniuses in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou want to win this kind of opportunity!?"

"Don't dream, Tianshanxue said that you have to defeat Mo Zihan! It's Mo Zihan! Who can do it?"

I don't know who said something, and suddenly a group of people fell silent.

Yes, defeat Mo Zihan!

Looking at each other, there were still people who were jealous, and they calmed down.

Apart from other things, they didn't even have the courage to face Mo Zihan directly!

Let alone Mo Zihan, the Tyrant Sword stood in front of them. Many people estimated that their legs began to tremble before they started to stand. What else did they talk about?

It's just that although they understand this truth, they still have a mentality of envy and jealousy. After all, the best women like Tianshanxue are rare in the world! Who can become the minister of her skirt, that is also the ancestral grave.

Even some veteran strong, smiled bitterly and shook their heads. But it is undeniable that this kind of proposal is very attractive! Even many of them are slightly moved.

Among them, Baili Hongyan's complexion was green, and his eyes were full of flames of jealousy!

Even if he is a member of the Baili Mo family, he has no chance to make friends with Tianshanxue!

Because the strong, only the strong can approach! His strength is simply not in the eyes of Tianshan Snow! Not to mention approaching and winning the hearts of women like Tianshanxue.

"The girl's kindness is still in her heart."

Li Ye refused again. This time, Tianshanxue finally couldn't calm down with the expression just now, a slight irritation flashed in her beautiful eyes, but there was a faint smile on her face, "Oh? Am I not as good as the woman next to you? nice?"

In terms of appearance, Tianshanxue is confident that no one can compare to her in the sixteen countries in Xizhou!

In terms of talent, in these sixteen countries in Xizhou, she was only lost to Mo Zihan! Even if it is the Tiandaomen's unparalleled sword-body Tyrant Sword, the two have played against each other twice, and they both won and lost each other.

In the past few years, there have been many people who have pursued her. There are geniuses from large sects and descendants of ancient families, but she has never seen her ever interested.

She is confident that as long as she wants, no man can resist her!

But today, apparently she met one.

"Girl Bingxue is smart."

Li Ye smiled slightly, but there was a burst of inhalation from everyone!

Bingxue smart? Isn't it clear that Tianshan Snow guessed it right?

Sure enough, Tianshan Xuejiao snorted, even the deepest person in the city can't help it at this time!

As for the elders such as the Peacock Emperor, they laughed bitterly.

Li Ye's performance and astonishing strength amazed them, but this arrogant side also made people compelled.

Even facing women like Tianshanxue can have no scruples, they don't know how to evaluate.

"You!" The snowy plump chest of Tianshan rises and falls. In recent years, those so-called geniuses and evildoers have all flattered in front of her and took the opportunity to please her. Like Li Ye, they didn't put her in the eyes at all, but they were the first time.


A sweet laugh interrupted everyone's consternation.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Yu Shan blushed.

Speaking of it, her first impression of Li Ye was not good at first, but now she seemed to have undergone some changes and she suddenly became interested.

"He can actually refuse Tianshan Snow, is there really a woman around him who is more beautiful than Tianshan Snow?"

Also as a woman, Yu Shang is also a peerless beauty who is all over the country. Naturally, he knows how much Li Ye's refusal is for a proud woman like Tianshanxue.

It was her who was going to vomit blood out of anger.

But originally her relationship with Tianshanxue was not good. The so-called same-sex repulsion, plus the two are the heirs of the Peacock Emperor and the heirs of Piaoxue Mountain Villa, both of whom were born with golden keys. There is a tendency to compete.

Sure enough, Tianshanxue's face was not good-looking, but she did not furiously because of it, but her pretty face was cold, and the terrible cold even made the lower emperor tremble slightly.

No one can be underestimated by anyone who can compare with Mo Zihan, the Batian Dao.

Just when everyone thought that Tianshanxue would be angry and shot, but suddenly saw that she didn't know what she was thinking of, as the eyes flowed, there was a smile but a smile, and their eyes stayed deeply on Li Ye for a few seconds.

Because of the appearance of Tianshan Snow, it was obvious that Mo Zihan's original high war spirit gradually disappeared.

"You and I will have a battle in the future, if I make a move today, I won't be able to win!"

Mo Zihan is Mo Zihan after all. Although Li Ye defeated the Tyrant Sword and aroused his inner fighting spirit, he still did not choose to shoot in the end.

Many people showed a look of disappointment, especially Baili Hongyan, who even gritted his teeth! You know, if Mo Zihan made a move, it would probably prevent Li Ye from getting the title other than Yum! If so, he has an excuse for revenge!

But now, for the sake of fame, Mo Zihan chose to fight another day, which undoubtedly broke his last hope.

On the contrary, some of the older generation nodded slightly.

"The boy of the Baili Mo family is really rare."

"Indeed, the boy at the Life and Death Platform has challenged 99 people in a row, including the Tiandaomen's Tyrant Sword. Now if he shoots again, regardless of the victory or defeat, he will have a reputation for falling into the ground."

At the point of Mo Zihan, winning or losing is important to him, but reputation is what he pays more attention to!

Even if he defeated Li Ye on the stage of life and death today, no one would be convinced! So he suppressed the fighting spirit in his heart and chose to fight another day.

But in this way, if Mo Zihan doesn't make a move, who can stop Li Ye from getting the title of King of Yum?

The wisteria emperor's face was a little gloomy, but the peacock emperor showed a smile.

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