Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2532: Test the knife

The terrifying and peerless sword light cut through the sky!

At this moment, the light on the stage of life and death flickered frequently, and the three martial emperors could not control the cooperation!

It can be seen how terrifying the knife that the Tyrant Cleavage made was.

"Damn, the generation of the Heavenly Sword Sect is really favored by God! It doesn't count as a scalp, but also a more heaven-defying Tyrant Sword! Is this still alive?"

Someone couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, Hu Yidao is a born sword body, and the future is limitless. This tyrant sword is rumored to be an unparalleled sword body rare in thousands of years! Some people even suspect that he is the reincarnation of a certain strong man, too defying Up!"

Everyone looked at that unparalleled knife, but each one was shocked.

"That kid is dead!"

"If you can force the Tyrant Sword to make a move, even if you die, you will be considered famous! It's a pity, if it weren't for the Tyrant Sword, that kid would be enough to make a name for himself in Xizhou Sixteen."

Being able to stand on the stage of life and death for so long is enough to make everyone admire.

It's a pity that this world is always the winner and the loser, and the Tyrant Blade appeared, so that everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Among the crowd, Ah Da looked nervous!

If Li Ye had three long and two short, he didn't know how to explain to Fu Bo!

Although his identity cannot reach the high level of the Killing Temple, he is also clever to see that Li Ye is definitely an important figure in the Killing Temple! You know, Fu Bo's identity itself is not low, let Fu Bo act as an old housekeeper, it is conceivable!

"No! If something happens to the young master, it will be bad!"

He couldn't imagine what the result would be if Li Ye died on the stage of life and death, under the sword of the Tyrant Blade.

At least, the Heavenly Sword Gate is not an ordinary little sect, but the people who kill the temple are killed by others, naturally they will not let it go!

Not only Ah Da, many people are concerned about Li Ye's life and death.

Feng Zhongxing looked regretful, "Blame me! If it weren't for me, Brother Li wouldn't..."

Even the ghost emperor’s face is uncertain at the moment. He believes that Li Ye cannot die so easily. You know, he has seen countless genius evildoers in his life, but Li Ye alone is the one who thinks he can truly achieve the pinnacle of great cause. people!

However, there is no absolute saying in this world!

Unless it is the son of God, who can guarantee that even if it is a peerless evildoer, it will not die halfway?

For countless tens of thousands of years, those terrifying evil spirits, Tianjiao, who have been born out of nowhere, swept the present and even the ancients, have also lost some examples of their lives.

Li Ye, will it be next?

The Peacock Emperor also frowned, and the strength of the Tyrant Sword also surprised him.

Lian Yu, who was defeated by Li Ye just now, was also involuntarily raised at this time, "He... won't he just die like this, right?"

This knife is too terrifying, even if the panic appears, unless she uses the phoenix that the Peacock Emperor gave her to resist, otherwise with this knife, she will not die and will be seriously injured!

She is very proud, but not arrogant! As the granddaughter of Emperor Tianyan and the disciple of Emperor Peacock, her talent is beyond doubt, but compared to the Tyrant Sword and others, Yu Shan is obviously not so passionate about martial arts practice.

Knife annihilated, death!

Everyone thought that Li Ye must die!

Including Batian Dao!

Said it was three moves, but the Batian Dao didn't think Li Ye could stop him even with a single shot! You know, after losing to Mo Zihan a few years ago, he was almost insane in his practice retreat. Even the veterans of the Heavenly Sword Sect were frightened and afraid that he would not be seen for ten thousand years. He had to give birth to a talented genius with an incomparable sword body, and he was ruined just like that.

Fortunately, he endured it and even made a breakthrough in one fell swoop!

The whole scene is very quiet.

Everyone was still immersed in the terrifying and unparalleled demeanor just now, including some martial emperors, and even they found that apart from the cultivation realm that can dominate the sky sword, they are simply incomparable in other aspects!

"Unparalleled sword body, it is really terrible!"

"No wonder the Heavenly Dao Sect values ​​their descendants so much, even Hu Yidao, who has an innate blade body, can only be second. With such descendants, any sect will be treated as a treasure!"

"Yeah, this kind of talent is so persistent in martial arts, and the road to the peak in the future is just around the corner!"

A group of people couldn't help sighing. The Heavenly Sword Gate has a long history in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, but it never gave birth to a truly invincible powerhouse.

In Shenshengzhou, although the upper emperor can be called an invincible master, it is still not invincible!

Why kill the temple, Baili Mo Family and Jubao Pavilion can overwhelm the heroes and become the Big Three, just because there is an invincible generation like a great emperor sitting in town!

"Heavenly Sword Gate, perhaps a real Sword Emperor is about to be born! By then, the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou will be divided into the Big Four!"

The expression of the Peacock Emperor narrowed slightly.

He admired the genius of the Tyrant Blade, but as a member of the Treasure Pavilion, he felt a little crisis.

Of course, it was just a passing thought, no matter how dazzling the Tyrant Sword is now, but no one knew the difficulties better than him if he wanted to embark on the road to becoming an emperor.

How many high-ranking emperors can't make that step in their entire life?

Hope to become an emperor does not necessarily mean that you can really become an emperor!

Only the powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Sect are all very excited!

The stronger the Tyrant Sword, the more exciting it is for the Heavenly Sword Gate.

But soon they realized that there was no smile on the face of Tyrannical Blade that had cut off his opponent. Instead, he had a solemn look on his face!

"Something's wrong!"

Suddenly there was a strong voice.

Soon, everyone else noticed this.

"Can block my sword! You are indeed qualified to be the opponent of my Tyrant Sword!"


The smoke disappeared, and Li Ye's figure was also revealed.

A scary knife mark appeared directly on his chest! That knife mark seemed to tell the world the terrible knife intent just now.

Seeing Li Ye's appearance, everyone couldn't help taking a breath!

For the first time, there was a touch of horror in the eyes of Tyrant Blade!

"Block the sword intent of the Heavenly Sword Gate with your body?"

Someone screamed in disbelief!

No one can tell how terrible the knife just now is, but even the powerful people like the lower emperor dare not try it personally! It's clear.

Actually use your body to block this knife?

What kind of crazy person can this be done?

"Madman! This kid is a madman!"

I don't know who suddenly said such a sentence, and immediately everyone else nodded in sympathy.

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