Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2526: Overlord!

I don't know when, many people appeared around the stage of life and death.

There are terrifying powerhouses who are full of lawful light around their bodies, there are also young generations with arrogant faces, and some of them are powerful presences among the various forces.

The Life and Death Platform itself belongs to a special place in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou. For so many years, it has not only been a channel used by Jubao Pavilion to select some powerful geniuses, but also a choice for some other forces to tap talents.

After all, the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou is not only a powerful force in Jubaoge.

Baili Mo Family, Killing Temple, are all supreme giants!

And under the Big Three, there are still some terrifying families and sects that are not comparable to the Big Three.

These sects and aristocratic families even have a lot of inheritance history that is longer than the Jubao Pavilion and the Killing Temple. The only thing missing is that there is no peerless generation like the emperor, and it cannot be compared with the Big Three.

But even so, these ancient inheritances are enough to make anyone outside the Big Three dare not look down upon them. Even the Big Three will not take the initiative to engage in evil with them unless it touches their fundamental interests.

Tiandaomen is one of them!

"Look! The Tyrant Sword is here!"

I don't know who exclaimed, and immediately everyone saw that there was a man in the distance, with a huge ancient knife on his back, a step like a shuttle for thousands of years, and there was a terrible breath all over his body.

"Sure enough, it is the Tyrant Blade! Seeing his appearance, after losing the last time in the Yum Challenge, he went back to retreat and made a breakthrough!"

"Yes, although he hasn't stepped into the emperor realm yet, but in his current state, the ordinary lower emperor is definitely not his opponent! There is even a chance to challenge the middle emperor!"

Many people took a breath when they heard it.

Before stepping into Emperor Wu, you can fight the next emperor! The entire sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou have been counted for thousands of years, and any person will become a terrifying figure in the future unless he dies halfway.

Tiandaomen is the marquee of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou and naturally has its own news channels.

The stage of life and death was opened, and the Yum Ring was challenged, and naturally it quickly spread to the eyes of the Tiandaomen.

"It seems that after Hu Yidao lost to that man, Tiandaomen couldn't sit still!"

"Hu Yidao is after all the genius in the Heavenly Dao Sect, second only to the Batian Dao, but I think that the Batian Dao can be closed early. Hu Yi Dao's defeat is just an introduction. It is someone who really makes him unable to sit still. In the arena of Yum, he defeated nearly eighty people one after another! If it continues, the record he has kept for nearly a thousand years, which is the closest to Yum, will be broken. With his pride, he will naturally not sit idly by!"

Someone who was familiar with Tiandaomen and Batiandao suddenly sneered.

Seeing the appearance of the Tyrant Blade, a strange expression flashed across some people's faces. In the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, although the Big Three are powerful and terrifying, they rarely interfere with the outside world, especially the Temple of Killing, which is mysterious and unpredictable. Many people's understanding of the Temple of Killing is just a legend.

"Tiandaomen, what are you going to do?"

"Hey, in the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou, the Temple of Killing has always been indifferent to the world. The Baili Mo School is also in a state of retreat. The Jubao Pavilion has always been harmonious and rich. Under the Big Three, the Heavenly Sword Gate is definitely one of the best, and the style of behavior is even better. With toughness. Before Hu Yidao lost to the boy on the stage of life and death, now the Tyrant Sword appears, it seems to be looking for the place back."

On the stage of life and death, Li Ye also saw someone looking at him with a terrifying look.

However, everyone was surprised at the appearance of the Tyrant Blade, but Li Ye did not.

Because he didn't even know the Tyrant Blade.

And now, he just defeated the eighty-first challenged opponent.

"That kid from Tiandaomen, interesting."

From a distance, Emperor Peacock and Emperor Wisteria also noticed the movement of the Heavenly Sword Gate. As the powerful and ancient Tiandaomen among the sixteen countries in Xizhou, both of them are naturally familiar.

The Peacock Emperor smiled slightly, "I remember this little guy had challenged life and death before."

"My lord, this person is called the Tyrant Saber. He is the best talent and strength among the disciples of the Tiandao Sect generation. He has won the battle with 87 people on the stage of life and death before."

One of the two guards behind the Peacock Emperor bowed his head and said respectfully.

"Oh? Eighty-seven consecutive victories, good strength."

Back then, the Peacock Emperor also fought against the geniuses of the powerful on the stage of life and death. Naturally, he knew that the longer he could stand on the stage of life and death, it would require terrifying strength and persistence in martial arts.

No ordinary person can do it.

"My lord, in the past thousand years, only one person has successfully stepped down on the stage of life and death. This Tyrant Sword can be regarded as the closest person to success in the past thousand years. He vowed to stand a second time after hearing the last failure. On the stage of life and death, you will win a victorious record!"

With the current strength of the Peacock Emperor, it is natural to see that the current Tyrant Sword indeed has the confidence to complete the Yum-Sheng arena.

If it weren't for Li Ye, he might have some surprises.

But now, his eyes fell on the stage of life and death.

"Yu Shan."


"You have a try on the life and death stage."

No one thought that the Peacock Emperor would let his disciple go to life and death.

After all, on the stage of life and death, most of them want to become famous in a battle, or to join the power of the geniuses in the Jubao Pavilion. But as a disciple of the Peacock Emperor, Yu Shang didn't need to prove himself through life and death.

However, Yu Shan did not refuse his master's request, but smiled sweetly, "Master, you are going to be a disciple to cut off all opportunities for others, it is too bad."

The two behind the Peacock Queen also smiled, "My lord, if the lady is on stage, wouldn't everyone else have no chance?"

"Yes, with the young lady's talent and strength, even if she only wields 70%, it is enough to win Yum. If this time comes on stage, that kid will not have a chance at all. Even if the swordsman's Tyrant Sword came to stage that day, perhaps in front of the lady , I can't make ten moves!"

The two have followed the Peacock Emperor for many years, and they naturally know how powerful the Peacock Emperor is. Under his training, Yu Yu is one of the best geniuses in the Jubao Pavilion today.

As one of the Big Three, an imperial giant, Yu Shan is not at all comparable to the so-called geniuses of those sects or even casual cultivation.

Even though Lian Yushang himself did not refuse, he was obviously not at all concerned.

Seeing his disciple's attitude, the Peacock Emperor sighed slightly, "Don't underestimate the heroes of the world, as a teacher back then also walked out of the stage of life and death."

As soon as this statement came out, although the tone was not harsh, it also shocked Yu Shan and the two behind them slightly! They knew that the peacock emperor was instructing them.

"My lord's teaching is."

Only Yu was worried, and said with a smile, "How can they compare with the master, since the master let me go to the stage of life and death, the disciples will go up and show off a little."

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