Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2523: Want you an arm

Just now Feng Zhongxing stepped onto the ring, everyone was looking forward to it. But when Li Ye went up, many people shook their heads directly.

"The strength is too weak."

"Talent respect to Wang Pinnacle, let alone challenge the Yum! Challenge, even ten people won't be able to do it in a row."

Even the lower emperor of Tiandi Baozhai frowned slightly, but now that the Yum! Ring was opened, he couldn't close it. The point is that the matter also involves people from the Baili Mo family.

"Bai Li Mo Family, don't know what the credibility is?"

Everyone questioned, but Li Ye seemed unusually calm, and even said a little, as if talking to himself.

This can slightly bulge Baili Hong Yanqi's blue veins on his forehead, but he still snorted coldly, "The Baili Mo family, it is credibility! If you can complete the Yum ring, the thing just was wiped out! I even apologize to your friend!"

Hearing Baili Hongyan's promise, some people were surprised, but more people sneered.

They naturally saw Baili Hongyan's thoughts. This Yum is not something ordinary people can step on. Even if they stepped on it, most of them would be embarrassed and eventually thrown down.


"Ben Shao’s promise is already here, but if you can’t successfully challenge the Yum! Ring, not only your friends, but you will have to let go!"

After hearing this, many people all shivered.

"I don't think this condition is enough."

However, Li Ye suddenly spoke, leaving everyone in a daze.

"Not enough?" Baili Hongyan frowned, but he was absolutely confident that he could not lose, so he asked coldly, "What do you want?"

"It's very simple, if I can't complete it, I'll do it with you! But if I complete the Yum Challenge Challenge, I don't have many requests, and I don't need to apologize, I just drop your arm!"


Everyone was in an uproar!

You know, Baili Hongyan is a member of the Baili Mo family. In these sixteen countries in Xizhou, who would dare to dare to touch his hair?

Not to mention threatening to drop his arm!


Baili Hongyan's several powerful people from the Baili Mo family were suddenly furious, but they were stopped by the cold-faced Baili Hongyan, only to see his face filled with a layer of frost, "The courage is not small! But waiting for you After finishing the Yum!

Although he didn't do it on the surface, anyone who knew him knew that Baili Hongyan had already had a hint of killing intent at this time, but he hadn't shown it yet.

"Brother Li, why bother."

Although Feng Zhongxing was injured just now, he was barely able to stabilize his injury. At this time, he smiled bitterly.

"Hehe, you just wait to watch the trick. Young Master never does things that are uncertain. Since he is willing to go up, according to my understanding of Young Master, what Baili Hongyan is going to be unlucky!"

The ghost emperor naturally understood Li Ye as a person, and sneered on the side. But Feng Zhongxing was puzzled, "Why did the predecessors say this? The Baili Mo School is not very popular. In the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, unless it is the Jubao Pavilion and the Killing Temple, there is really no one that can provoke the Baili Mo School. Afterwards, all over."

Wherever, the strong are respected.

This is true for the boundaries of the ancient city, and the same is true for the sixteen countries in Xizhou.

As one of the Big Three, it is an ancient family with a history of hundreds of thousands of years. Under the Great Emperor, even the Emperor Wu dared not provoke it easily.

"What can the Baili Mo Family do? If you really want to make trouble to the end, the young master will be able to retreat!"

Others don't know, but Li Ye knows that Li Ye is now leaning on the Temple of Killing, and the attitude of the Temple of Killing to Li Ye is really dangerous and will never sit idly by.

Others are afraid of the Baili Mo Family, but as one of the Big Three, although the Temple of Killing does not have the long history of the Baili Mo Family, it is enough to prevent the Baili Mo Family from easily attacking someone who the Temple of Killing wants to protect.

In the ring, someone will soon go up.

Respect the king peak!

There is no doubt that the strength of the people who came to power in the first place was weak, and many of them were tentative.

"Please advise!"

After that person took the stage, he was quite polite, but he was not polite at all, and a cold light in his hand shot instantly!


The crisp voice almost shattered all the secret joy in the heart of the shooter. Before he could react, the whole person felt a horrible breath rushing toward his face, and the blackness in front of him immediately lost consciousness.


There was no accident at all, and Li Ye didn't even take the initiative.

"What a powerful physical body! Is this person a practice method that goes along with body refining?"

For a moment, Li Ye didn't move at all. Even Emperor Wu could not see any signs of Li Ye's move, and was directly shocked.

"The sacred weapon can't break his defense."

Then a few people came to the stage to try, but Li Ye didn't do anything at all. He stood still, making those people desperate. No matter who it is, even the magic weapon in his hand cannot cut Li Ye's skin by even an inch.

In a short time, Li Ye directly defeated ten people in this way! This result is not only unacceptable to everyone, but even Baili Hongyan is slightly angry.

Tiandi Baozhai's lower emperor had an urge to faint.

"Brother Li is actually so tough?"

Feng Zhongxing was stunned. He had already spent a lot of effort to defeat ten people just now. If that were not the case, he could last longer in the Yum ring.

"Strong? That little power also wants to shake Young Master's body? Overwhelmingly."

The Ghost Emperor grinned, not to mention Li Ye, even if he was baptized with the blood of the Devil Dragon, he could easily block the treasures of the gods.

In this way, many people who want to do it are stopped.

But some people do not believe in evil!

"I don't believe it, this kid's body is made of TianMeteTie!"

One person shouted, and the light in his hand bloomed and turned into a long knife!


Seeing the weapon in the man's hand, many people whispered.

In the Upper Three Realms, in Shensheng Prefecture, although Emperor Wu was not so rare, he did not walk everywhere. It's not bad for ordinary people to be able to worship a martial emperor, let alone hold an emperor.

Especially for casual cultivators, it is quite remarkable to have a few treasures on his body. At this time, seeing this person offering a quasi-imperial sword, many people exclaimed.

"Open it to Lao Tzu!"

One stroke smashed Huashan, and the terrifying knife intent turned into a huge sword light. If the entire life and death platform was not surrounded by formations, just this one would be enough to tear the ground within dozens of miles!

Seeing this terrifying knife, many casual repairs were secretly shocked.

"Ghost Sword! It seems to be a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

"Look at this cultivation base, at least at the core disciple level, it's not comparable to some casual cultivation!"

Someone exclaimed that such a terrifying intent of the sword, in their opinion, unless it is Emperor Wu, it can be perfectly resisted. Under Emperor Wu, even some evildoers can only avoid the edge.

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