Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2516: Five Elements Fire

There are five powerhouses in Killing Temple.

Emperor Yinyue, Mo Wu, Old Yu, and lunatics and drunks.

Anyone is the honor of the upper emperor, and his status is unmatched.

But the five powerhouses who made people fearful in the outside world have now become Li Ye's teachers.

Of course, among the five, Li Ye was most afraid of Yu Lao! Because the strength is the strongest, the attack is the hardest, and he is the most severe.

"Hahaha, your kid is also afraid of the old man. It seems that all of us are too gentle to you."

A laugh came out of the void, followed by an unsharp, sloppy man belching wine while appearing, and a sloppy man covered in alcohol appeared. As soon as he appeared, he carried a wine gourd and poured a few mouthfuls into his mouth.

"Good wine! Good wine!"

Drunkard, if you want to say that Li Ye is most afraid of the old man in the killing of the temple, but if you want to say that the most difficult to deal with, it is naturally the alcoholic.

"Boy, do you want a couple?"

Seeing Li Ye shaking his head, the drunkard was obviously a little disappointed, "Hey, sir, you don't drink, what do you think!"

After that, he took a few more sips. Many times Li Ye was curious about what was in the wine gourd in his hand. At least he had not seen the wine in the wine gourd drunk.

"Huh? The dead lunatic is back? I flashed first. It's no good that the lunatic is here."

Before the words were over, the drunkard disappeared, and at the same time a burly and rampant figure tore through the void and jumped out.

As soon as he appeared, he didn't say hello at all, and he hit Li Ye with a punch!

This punch directly turned dozens of miles around into dust!

Li Ye's complexion changed, and the muscles all over his body folded up, as if a layer of dragon scales appeared, and he also punched out!


With a spout of blood, Li Ye smashed into the ground.

"Crazy man, be gentle."

Seeing Li Ye's tragic situation, Mo Wu shook his head and smiled bitterly. The five of them had been teaching Li Ye recently, but in the end, it was not Yu Lao but a lunatic who made the move.

Unlike the outside world, lunatics are calmer than anyone else, but the reason they have such a title is that very few people in the Temple of Killing know the reason.

"This kid is too fragile. If he hadn't practiced some kind of physical exercises, it would be good. With just this little three-legged cat, leaving the Temple of Killing, the death outside may be greater than anyone else."

Although the shot is heavy, the lunatic is not really crazy enough to be irrational. He immediately stopped when Li Ye was injured, but snorted coldly, "This kid has been more than half a year, although the progress is OK, but the distance to be able to go to the teacher is still far away. The lord handed him over to me, so naturally I will not relax my request."

Li Ye lying on the ground rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Not progressing fast?

Far away?

For more than half a year, he has almost turned into a human sandbag. Under the name of the five powerhouses taking turns in the name of ‘Guide’, he has a black nose and a swollen face every day.

But the effect is also significant.

If when he first came to Shenshengzhou, Li Ye could at most defeat an ordinary lower emperor on the border of the ancient city, and could barely defeat the middle emperor, if he now meets the old Tongluo of Yuexingwan and Qiqi of Yuetianbao once again Emperor Wu, he is at least 70% sure that he can defeat them!

You know, he is not the Emperor Wu now! But already has the potential to defeat the middle emperor!

"If you want it, you can't achieve it. Do you expect him to meet the requirements within one or two years? Even if you and I weren't so fast back then, it's unexpected for this kid to have this degree."

"It makes sense for you to say that. Maybe I was too anxious. I really want to talk about the degree of cultivation. This kid is considered the top in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou. The little things of Baili Mojia and Jubaoge are not as good as him. ."

Getting up from the ground, Li Ye rolled his eyes again.

In the past six months, he was almost stunned by these five powerhouses.

After all, being a sandbag every day is not something ordinary people can afford.

However, the effect is also remarkable. Not only does Li Ye have no resentment, but full of gratitude.

"Okay, this kid can actually try to survive the emperor's robbery now, the chance should be great."

"It's not possible right now. The few of us trained together can't be worse than the Baili Mo Family and Jubao Pavilion! Although he is not going to cross the emperor's robbery now, it is not too dangerous, but he still wants to hit a higher realm. The chance is slim."

Li Ye naturally couldn't hear the communication between Mo Wu and the lunatic, but he knew what he expected of them.

The emperor, a calamity that countless cultivators talk about!

Only through the emperor's calamity can you step into the realm of Emperor Wu, but throughout the ages, even in the upper three realms, not many people can really survive.

More people flew into ashes and annihilated under the emperor's robbery.

Of course, Li Ye was not worried that he would die under the emperor's robbery. What he wanted was to survive the emperor's robbery in the most perfect state!

A few days later, Li Ye appeared at the same time as the five masters in the Temple of Killing.

"Li Ye, now you have actually reached a bottleneck. It is difficult for you to continue to improve at this stage with ordinary methods."

Yu Lao spoke first, and Li Ye also nodded. He knew his own situation best.

He is now the peak of the king, even if he is promoted to the half emperor, it is actually of little significance, because the difference between the half emperor and the king is only in the control of Dao Yun!

In this regard, he even did better than many lower emperors!

Among the five powerhouses in the Temple of Killing, Yu Lao had the highest cultivation level, even Emperor Yin Yue and the others respected him.

"Indeed, this kid has reached a bottleneck that cannot be broken by ordinary external forces. Unless he gives up his current solid foundation and directly chooses to attack the imperial realm, otherwise it is too difficult to continue to improve in this realm."

Alcoholic drinkers are rare and drunk and nodded slightly.

Li Ye knows his own situation.

It's not that he can't attack the emperor, but his ambition makes him not satisfied with simply stepping into the next emperor!

The body of the five elements!

This is the physique closest to perfection in the words of Emperor Tianjian! Only among the thousands of ancient tribes, the Golden Spirit Clan, who claimed to be jealous of even the gods, had this kind of physique by nature!

"Now in my Five Elements, Fire Spirit is Dzogchen, Water Spirit is just a beginner, and there is no clue about the three types of Jinmu and Earth."

To complete the body of the five elements, you must be before the emperor! The reason why Heavenly Sword Great Emperor was unsuccessful back then was because when he really started, he was already at the level of Emperor Wu's cultivation level, and ultimately fell short.

Since staying in the Temple of Killing couldn't improve much, Li Ye's thoughts naturally fell to other areas.

However, before leaving, he had temporarily settled Xiao Lin Tian at the rudder of the Temple of Killing. Compared to his irresponsible master, staying here would be more beneficial to his cultivation.

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