Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2499: Cut Lingyue

Suddenly, a voice was very ethereal, but the six experts and Qingyue Wuhuang in the stands were slightly taken aback. √

Emperor Yinyue!

Seeing the smile on his face, everyone was puzzled.


suddenly! A crack appeared in the immortal golden talisman on Lingyue!

The voice was crisp, but Ling Yue's mad laughter stopped in an instant.

Everyone also fell silent all at once.

Click! This time, it's clearer!

At the same time, I saw numerous cracks on the immortal golden talisman on Lingyue's chest!

"Could it be..." Everyone's eyes widened.

In the next moment, the immortal golden talisman on Lingyue's chest was directly shattered! Turned into golden light! At the same time, the effect of the immortal golden body on his body disappears directly!

"Indestructible golden talisman... broken?"

Lingyue suddenly didn't react. This was an indestructible golden talisman, an invincible defense that even the middle emperor could not break in a short time within an hour!

Everyone is also sluggish, including the six strong.

They didn't expect that in less than half a cup of tea time, the immortal golden talisman would actually break?

Without the immortal golden body effect, Ling Yue was like a little girl stripped naked, her whole body trembling with horror! His face was pale!

Where is the kind of madness just now?

Without thinking, he turned and ran!

joke! He is not Li Ye's opponent at all, and even his biggest hole card, the indelible golden talisman is broken, he is naturally not a fool!

I left the green mountain without worrying about having no wood to burn, and now he is dead here, even if the teacher avenges him with hatred, it has something to do with him?

Unfortunately, he wanted to run, but Li Ye would not let him run!

A **** light flashed, and Ling Yue was cut off in the air. In an instant, a faint light appeared from the cover of his heavenly spirit, wanting to flee away.


Even if the body is destroyed, as long as the soul is not destroyed, there is hope of rebirth! Even if it may not be able to recover to the peak in the future, at least it can survive.

"Li Ye! Today's hatred, I will be tomorrow..."

Before the ruthless words were finished, Li Ye had already appeared in front of Lingyue Divine Soul, and instantly frightened the soul to the point where the Divine Soul almost disappeared.

"No! You can't kill me!"

However, Li Ye didn't care about it at all. Suddenly a huge mouth of blood appeared beside him, swallowing the spirit of Lingyue in one mouthful, and then disappeared.

Even the Emperor Qingyue didn't see exactly where the big mouth of the blood basin came from.


The quiet surroundings are a little weird. Everyone didn't expect that the spirit that had the strongest hole cards and was invincible would be so defeated? And even the soul did not escape? Swallowed by some existence?

Many people suddenly feel cold all over!

That is the genius of Yuetian Castle second only to Yue Wuxi!

Sure enough, everyone saw that on the side of Yuetian Castle, Emperor Qi Yu and the others were almost murderous! Grim face!

They didn't believe that Li Ye would dare to kill, but when they thought that Li Ye had killed two disciples of Yuexingwan and a disciple of Yuetianbao, what was it strange?

"Li Ye!"

Qi Yanwu's emperor was shaking all over!

For thousands of years, he has never had such a terrible hatred for a person! Not because Li Ye killed Lingyue, but because he killed Lingyue almost didn't put him in the eyes at all!

he! The middle emperor! Among the six sects, that person is also the best! Actually watched his disciple being killed in the ring?

The other disciples of Yuetianbao were shocked, but did not dare to speak.

Lingyue's strength is second only to Yue Wujin, even he was killed, do they still want revenge?

Among them, the son of the Sea Emperor, who is the more fundamental spirit, has a pale face. He can't figure out how Li Ye's strength has improved so fast? Zhengxiong with Li Ye? Now give him ten thousand courage, he dare not.

As for Qianye, her eyes lit up!

"This person, I didn't expect to be so strong. If he can be lured, it shouldn't be a big problem to escape from the magic hand of Yue Wu Endless."

Regardless of everyone, the more the spirit died in Li Ye's hands, and it was the kind of immortality.

Everyone was silent.

When Li Ye killed Yuexingwan disciple Xin Jin, countless six disciples condemned!

When Li Ye defeated the star picker, the six strong men were furious!

However, now, Li Ye was in full view, killing Yuetian Castle's Lingyue, and for a while, no one said anything.

"Damn...too awesome!"

"This person! Really is the hope of the casual cultivator world! That's it! Let the people of the six disciplines see that our casual cultivators are not all weak! Why are they superior?"

Many casual repairs exploded, but they were excited!

The strong man of the six doors was silent.

The key is that they couldn't understand why the immortal golden talisman on Lingyue's body shattered? Isn't it claiming that it can at least block the upper emperor's attack?

"Does that kid's strength have reached the level of the upper emperor?"

This thought flashed through the hearts of the six strong men, and instantly made them tremble!

The upper emperor! The entire six doors, that is, the most mysterious master is the upper emperor!

With such an emperor-level force like Tianci Pavilion, the upper emperor can occupy a high position!

Thinking of this, they are naturally afraid!

But suddenly, a voice calmed them down.

"It seems that the indestructible golden talisman has lost too much effect because of its age."

Qingyuehuang said slightly, his expression seemed to have returned to calm.

His words instantly made all the Six Sects' hearts settle down.

"What the lord said is that this is the reason."

"Indestructible golden talisman, that is the case, it seems that it is indeed because of the age, the effect is not as good as before."

"The point is, otherwise, even if the kid's strength is against the sky, he will not be able to break the defense of the indestructible golden talisman in such a short time. It is a pity, it is a pity that if it is an indestructible golden talisman, this battle The result is another story."

Everyone exchanged their spiritual thoughts. Although Emperor Wu Qiyu on the side of Yuetian Castle could accept this reason, he still couldn't let go of his disciple's death.

On this point, the old Tongluo in Yuexingwan thought the same way as him.

"This son can't stay! If he is allowed to worship the Qingyue Emperor's family, the future will be too threatening to our six families!"

Among the six gates, only Yuheng Villa did not make a statement at this time.

"Great Uncle!"

Yu Heng was fearless. At this time, he completely replaced the position of Yu Heng Jue and stood directly next to Yu Hengli, who was also a prominent figure among the elders of Yuheng Mountain Villa.

"Fearless, you have a personal relationship with him, but you can't ignore the six."

"Uncle Tai! You don't know him. I came with him from the Lower Nine Realms, and I know the best. There is no good end for him as an enemy, but those who make friends with him, more or less, benefit !"


Yuheng Wuwei obviously didn't want to draw Yuheng Villa into a position of being hostile to Li Ye. He knew Li Ye best, and was against him? He gave a wry smile.

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