Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2497: Safe and secure?

On the side of Moon Sky Castle, Emperor Qi Yu Wu Huang had a smile on his face. Although he didn't know where Ling Yue got an immortal golden talisman, he wanted to see Li Ye suffer!

Invincible defense! Immortal golden body!

Lingyue felt like he was in charge of all things at this time, and he was a little fluttering.

He is not weak in his own strength, at this time, after breaking his worries, he once burst out terrifying power!

"What a terrible strength! Although it is with the help of the indestructible golden talisman, the strength of Lingyue is not comparable to Yue Wu Endless, but it is also one of the enchanting evildoers of this generation! It is a pity that he is always suppressed by Yue Wu Endless's edge. ."

Since Shengyu and He Shengliang, the more Ling stood out from the day, there was always someone on his head! Even if he is working hard, he cannot change that result.

Unwilling? anger? Naturally, he can't be willing to succumb to others!

So this time, he was going crazy!

A terrifying edge burst out from his eyes! Even at that moment, everyone already had an illusion!

Lingyue at this time was not much weaker than Yue Wuendi! Even more dazzling!

"He has been forbearing!"

The cold light flashed in Yue's endless eyes! Even if the two belong to the same category, he will not tolerate threats to his status!

However, Lingyue had always been very respectful before, in front of him. But now, that burst of ambition made him feel unhappy.

Especially, at this moment, the more Ling burst out a far more terrifying aura than before!

Not only the effect of the immortal golden talisman!

"Six Taoist rhymes!"

Someone exclaimed!

You know, under Emperor Wu, mastering the three rhymes is a genius! The four are definitely evildoers! More than five kinds are enough to run rampant!

The reason why Yue Wuendi is so terrible is because he has mastered and understood the six Taoist rhymes! Even the seventh shadow has been faintly manifested!

No one thought that Ling Yue had endured for so many years! Obviously there is a hole card that challenges the endless moon, but it has always been low-key without showing it.

Even Li Ye was taken aback!

"This battle may be an accident!"

"Lingyue, what a deep scheming! He wants to use this battle to prove his power! He wants to compete with Yue Wu Endless!"

Many people were surprised to see Ling's true strength that had been hidden for a long time.

Including Emperor Qiyu Wu, although Ling is more of his disciple, he doesn't even know that he is a disciple, so he can stand it!

"It's a pity, Ling became a little more impulsive. If his immortal golden talisman was used when fighting against Yue Wujing, it would be a good show!"

"Indeed, but maybe he doesn't want to turn his face with Yue Wujin right now. After all, Yue Wujin has a high prestige in Yuetian Castle, and his spirit is still a little worse."

No matter what everyone thinks, the spirit of this time is already in hand!

Strength, he is not much weaker than Yueyue endless! Even now, he is enough to defeat the original star picking!

And he is invincible within an hour now!

"Indestructible golden body! Even the lower emperor or even the middle emperor can't even think about breaking it in a short time! Li Ye! Do you have any means to use it, let alone I didn't give you a chance!"

Being able to resist the terrible attack of the middle emperor is enough to see that Ling Yue is determined to win this battle!

Li Ye didn't say a word, his whole body turned thousands of times into a terrifying power!

Dragon Fight Hoshino! Qianlong out of the abyss! An angry blow!

This punch directly broke the Martial Emperor Kingdom that had picked the stars before! Even if it is just a rudimentary form of a kingdom, it is not a real Martial Emperor's kingdom, but let people know the terrible part of this punch!

"It's useless!"

Lingyue laughed, and he couldn't tear his golden light at all!

"The immortal golden body is indeed well-deserved! Although it is not a true immortal golden body, it can be called invincible within an hour! Perhaps only the existence of the real invincible powerhouse, the upper emperor, can break this invincible defense. "

Seeing the invincible side of Lingyue, so many people were shocked, and so many people showed jealous or regretful expressions.

This invincible posture is not owned by Lingyue, but brought by the immortal golden talisman on his body!

It is a pity that any talisman is a one-time consumable and will disappear when used up.

"The sacred talisman that Emperor Wu will covet! If there is such a talisman, even if you encounter a powerful enemy, you will have a chance to escape!"

"Damn, it's a waste to use it in such a place!"

Most of the people felt it was a pity, but Lingyue obviously had plans long ago!

Surrounded by golden light, like a god! Invulnerable to swords, guns, fire and water! All laws are immortal!

Not to mention the many casual cultivators, even some of the strongest among the six disciplines, for a time, could not find a way to defeat Lingyue. Including some lower emperors!

Even if the middle emperor was as powerful as Emperor Qiyan Wu, he showed a smile.

"Lingyue, it seems that the last time he accidentally entered that secret realm, he also gained something, the immortal golden talisman, it is a pity, if it is used for..."

After all, Lingyue was his disciple. Although Yuetianbao wanted Yue Wuxi to worship the Qingyue Emperor, Yue Wuxi was not Qiyan Wu Huang's disciple. Privately, he naturally hoped that his disciple would be on top!

It's just that he knew better that his disciple could not be Yue Wuendi's opponent, so he felt it was a pity. If the indestructible golden talisman suddenly gushes out when fighting with Yue endless, you can definitely kill one by surprise! It might be really upset!

"Master Qingyue, is this indestructible golden talisman really unbreakable?"

A six-sect expert asked in a low voice. Although they had also heard the rumors of the immortal golden talisman, there is no such top talisman in the border of the ancient city, that is, they heard it.

When Qingyue Emperor heard this, he was a little hesitant. To put it bluntly, it was the first time that even he saw the Immortal Golden Talisman! Although he came from an emperor-level power like the Tianci Pavilion, the Tianci Pavilion also does not have a character like a Saint Rune Master!

After all, the Saint Talisman is enough to be on a par with the pavilion master of their Tianci Pavilion, the Tianci Great Emperor.

"According to the legend, the indestructible golden talisman, even the worst one, is sufficient to withstand the attack of the upper emperor. The top grade is enough to resist the three tricks of the great emperor in a short time!"

As soon as he said this, an inspiring sound was suddenly heard.

Can the worst low-grade immortal golden talisman withstand the attack of the upper emperor? The top grade can resist the emperor's three ways?

What does it mean to be strong? That is really the pinnacle of omnipotence!

"According to the adults, the more stable and undefeated the Yuetianbao disciple in this battle?"

The old Tongluo in Yuexingwan naturally wanted to see Li Ye being defeated or even killed, and asked quickly.

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