Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2493: Anxious

Li Ye shook his head, other people don't know him, doesn't he know?

So far, it has only taken him ten years to cultivate from a mortal who even the warriors of the secular world considers a waste to this point!

"Hahaha! Good! Don't let me down too much then!"

In this battle, the two just ended up, but Yu Heng Wuda knew that he still lost. Although he still had the cards, why didn't Li Ye? Even he knew better what the ancestor said to him before leaving the deserted sea.

"Fearless, the young man Li Ye is unfathomable. In the future, if you and him can have a good relationship, don't make enemies!"

He didn't quite understand it at the time, and it could even be said that there was still a little resistance in his heart.

But now, with Li Ye's changes, he suddenly felt that the ancestor's judgment was correct!

He even felt that Li Ye would not stay in this ancient city at all, let alone succumb to the Six Gates, even if it was the Heavenly Ci Pavilion, the so-called Qingyue Emperor, Li Ye might not be eye-catching!

Although he didn't know why Li Ye participated in the selection of the Qingyue Emperor disciples this time, he had a feeling that Li Ye, not this world can accommodate, the sky here is too small!

Qianlong leaving the abyss, one day will travel for nine days!

Yu Heng left fearlessly. Since he was defeated, his mind was restrained. After all, besides Li Ye, there were six other opponents! Even if you lose to Li Ye, there will be six games! He also has a chance!

"Uncle Tai."

At this time, many people in Yuheng Mountain Villa looked at Yuheng's fearless eyes differently.

The disciples of those younger generations all have a look of awe!

The strong is respected, it's the same there!

In the past, they could despise Yu Heng Wu Dao, thinking that he was a disciple from the lower nine domains, and his status was not comparable to them. But now, Yuheng's fearless strength is so powerful that it is close to Yue Wujin and the others. If they dare to do this, there is absolutely no place for them in Yuheng Villa!

Lian Yu Heng Jue's face was always cloudy and sunny at this time. In the past, he was arrogant in front of Yu Heng Wuwei, and he had a taste of calling people. But now, he dare not! Yu Heng is fearless and is definitely not weaker than him! Even stronger!

The only thing he still thinks has an advantage is that he has a high-grade imperial weapon given to him by the elders of Yuheng Mountain Villa!

"Fearless, this time when you go back, the old man will recommend you to his ancestor to practice meditation."

Yu Heng Jue and Yu Heng Que were taken aback!

"Uncle Tai!" Yu Heng Jue yelled even more! Where did the ancestor practice? That's a treatment that even he is not qualified for!

After Yu Hengque was surprised, she was happy! In Yuheng Mountain Villa, the status of a woman is always weaker than that of a man. If it were not for her noble birth, it would be impossible for her to get so many favors and training resources. Now she likes Yuheng Fearless. Naturally, the change in her heart is not Yu Heng Jue is comparable to jealousy.

The confrontation between the two caused a slight change in everyone's expressions.

"That kid at Yuheng Villa, what's the background?"

"I haven't seen it before, there was only one Yuheng Jue who couldn't support the wall, but it seems that that kid is the real descendant of Yuheng Mountain Villa!"

It was obvious that someone had misunderstood, but Yu Hengli didn't explain it in his ears, and even some thoughts of making mistakes were growing in his heart.

This made Yu Heng Jue feel the unprecedented pressure, and the resentment in his heart became stronger.

On the ring, Lingyue's expression hesitated. He wanted to find Li Ye before, but now he is in a dilemma.

However, he turned his eyes and suddenly had an idea!

"Yu Heng Jue, can you dare to fight?"

"Lingyue! Do you think you can defeat me?"

The two shot at the same time, which was originally half a catty strength, and it made the two entangled in a short time.

They are all six-door geniuses. On weekdays, they bow their heads without seeing them. Both sides know each other very well. At this time, they will not hide and tuck each other. In order to defeat their opponents, they even used some of their usual hole cards.

In the end, Yu Heng Jue had the upper hand with the imperial weapon on his body, but it was not easy to tell the winner.

Because of Yu Heng's fearless performance, Yu Heng Jue was extremely anxious at this time!

He wants a victory to show his worth!

And the more so, the more he was in a state of confusion, the more accurate the opportunity was found by the spirit, he seized the moment of absence, and flew!

"Yu Heng Jue, it seems that you still don't grow so much. You haven't made any progress in your strength these years!"

Although the victory was a fluke, Lingyue was very proud!

On the other hand, Yu Heng Jue had a sullen face, and the two of them were equally strong. If it were not for his confusion, it would be impossible to tell the winner in a short time!

In this way, Li Ye won a match, and Ling won a match. For the time being, he was the best among the eight people.

It’s just that everyone knows that the real protagonist hasn’t even shot yet!

The endless moon in Moonsky Castle, the little villain in the Valley of the Evil, and Tian Chun in Longjiazhai.

"Hey, wheel fight, I like this rule."

With a low chuckle, the little evil man's eyes turned on everyone, and then his eyes fell directly on Yu Hengjue.

Feeling that terrible gaze, Yu Hengjue was furious!

The little villain obviously wants to take advantage of his just a fight with others, and his breath has not yet recovered, and a strong victory from him!

The point is, he can't refuse at all!

Bite the scalp to shoot, as expected, there were few moves, and he spurted blood and suffered a fiasco.

Although the act of the little villain is somewhat despicable, no one will stop it.

No one would say anything even at Yuheng Mountain Villa! Because this world is like this, even in the arena, there will never be absolute fairness!

"Yu Heng Jue is too miserable this time."

"Yeah, first I regretted losing to Lingyue, and now he was hit hard in the hands of the little wicked man. Then, for the other five people, he basically has little chance of winning. Maybe he will become the only one who is completely defeated!"

"Haha, if that's the case, his face will be lost! It is said that he is the descendant of Yuheng Mountain Villa. Can Yuheng Mountain Villa swallow this breath?"

"What if you can't swallow? The six-door dispute is not a day or two. Besides, what is Yuheng Jue, I haven't seen another great man in Yuheng Mountain Villa? The kid just made his move, although it's not as good as Yueyue endless. Peerless Tianjiao, but also much more powerful than Yu Heng Jue!"

Everyone's discussion fell into Yu Heng Jue's ears without a word. He was seriously injured and was anxious at this time. He immediately spewed out a large mouthful of blood, and the whole person fainted directly.

When everyone saw it, they were speechless, and they couldn't bear such a blow. Many people showed contempt.

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