Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2483: Leave a fist mark on the middle emperor's chest

A group of people are silent!

It's not that their nerves are too weak, but that all these developments are completely beyond their imagination.

Moon Star Bay, one of the six forces! A genius disciple is holding a middle-grade imperial weapon, and even the lower emperor in the loose cultivator might not dare to say that he can easily win!

Why is San Xiu so crushed by the six sects? Can't stand up?

However, at this moment, many casual cultivators were completely dumbfounded.

They guessed that the person who saved the wind and killed Xin Jin, the disciple of Moon Star Bay, could not be a weak one! But never thought that it could be so powerful!

The old man Tongluo stood up suddenly, and a terrible killing intent surged out of his body!

Two people! Two disciples in Yuexingwan died!

And still died in the hands of the same person!

The scene was quiet, but soon there were breathing sounds.

"I'm not mistaken, am I? That kid... is against the sky!"

"A punch to the Yuexingwan disciple who has a middle-grade imperial weapon? Where did this guy pop up? Why is it so perverted?"

Quite a few casual cultivators woke up, it seemed that they didn't know the origin of Li Ye.

And the few who knew who Li Ye was, their eyes widened!

Soon, someone revealed the origins of Li Ye!

Born in the next nine domains!

In an instant, countless people were moved!

Many casual cultivators are incredible, with expressions like fantasy!

The people of the six sects, except for Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai, the other four sects were stunned!

Born in the next nine domains? Lie!

Can people from Xia Jiuyu be so perverted?

"This son, really came from the nine domains?"

Emperor Qingyue also reacted instantly, his tone was a little stranger than before, and at the same time he looked at Emperor Yinyue next to him.

People in Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai don't know how to answer, especially Yuetianbao! I suffered a lot from Li Ye's hands before, and even wanted to force Li Ye to join Yuetian Castle. After failing, he became murderous!

Now they are scared, in case Qingyuehuang suddenly wants to accept disciples, it is definitely bad news for Yuetian Castle!

The powerhouses of Longjiazhai also had similar expressions, and Long Dingtian's eyes flashed a terrifying edge.

"Interesting, interesting."

Yinyuehuang smiled and said nothing else.

"Master Hui, this son...this son is indeed from the lower nine domains."

Paper can't contain fire. On the side of Yuetian Castle, Emperor Qi Yan nodded bitterly, but quickly said, "But my lord, this child is unruly. After coming here, he has been hurt a lot. People, don’t put our six doors in your eyes."

What they fear most is Li Yebai's entry into the Qingyue Emperor! For them, not to mention how big a disaster, it will be at least as disgusting as eating ****.

"Brother Qi Yan is right. This son is difficult to tame, and he has no respectability, and his shots are extremely cruel, his Dao heart is impure, and he will easily enter the devil path in the future!"

Longjiazhai has always been at odds with Yuetianbao, but in this matter, they are surprisingly consistent, and they are also talking about it.

Yuexingwan won't talk about it. Two disciples died in Li Ye's hands. The old man Tongluo couldn't wait to tear Li Ye by himself!

The Evil Hall and the island in the lake have nothing to do with them, and they don't want to interfere.

No matter what, Evil Hall and Huzhongdao will not be on the side of Li Ye, a casual cultivator.

Qingyuehuang frowned slightly, and said nothing else. When everyone saw that he was silent, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, at least the Qingyue Emperor did not act like he wanted to accept disciples.

"Hmph, as long as that kid doesn't enter the Qingyue Emperor's clan and wants to clean him up, there are many opportunities!"

Many people snorted in their hearts.

Tong said nothing, but he was actually a little frightened!

Li Ye's performance has exceeded his expectations! But the same is true, the more he is greedy for the rest of Li Ye's back! Greater greed!

If it was said that Li Yeyou's emperor scripture was reported before, it was a tactic and a temptation of him! So now, he is absolutely convinced that Li Ye has the emperor scripture or a rare adventure comparable to the emperor scripture!

Otherwise, how could the origin of the Lower Nine Regions be so against the sky, even more terrifying than the bloodlines of the ancients?

Once the Yuexingwan disciple died, the imperial weapon in his hand flashed, and he was about to shoot away!

But at this moment, suddenly Li Ye shot! He directly pressed his palm on the imperial weapon. Although a terrible force bounced back from the imperial weapon and wanted to break free, Li Ye hummed and increased his strength! It even implies a trace of invincible will! The terrifying way of killing has turned into a terrible will, even if the magic weapon is alive, at that moment, he feels a slight threat of death.

"Junior presumptuous!"

The killing of the two disciples made the old man Tongluo angry, but now that Li Ye actually wanted to suppress his imperial weapon, he suddenly roared!

Regardless of the rules, just shoot!

Or he is just waiting for this moment!

Two disciples died! The old man Tongluo has been murderous! And as soon as you shot, there is no reservation!

"not good!"

In the casual repair, several Emperor Wu made a bad sound when they saw the secret path, but they had no time to stop it.

In the stands, Emperor Yinyue Wuhuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

A supreme powerhouse of the middle emperor, anger shot!

Li Ye suddenly felt a death threat!

The middle emperor! It is not comparable to the lower emperor! Even if his God of Fighting Art reached the eighth level, and was directly slashed by a palm, he would not die or be half disabled!

At this moment, he didn't care about suppressing the imperial weapon, and immediately let go of his hand, a blood burst out of his body, and his eyes turned into an endless sea of ​​blood. In front of the middle emperor, Li Ye didn't dare to support it! Unless he is desperate!

Dragon Fight Hoshino! The dragon roars! The sky is shaking!

At that moment, Li Ye didn't have any reservations!



Two avenues are pouring out! He knew that if he couldn't stop this move, it was his death date!

No one thought that Li Ye could resist! Under a middle-ranked emperor's anger, he can fight back!

However, this is even more stimulating to the old Tongluo, and even intensified the murderous intention!


The world is broken! Almost countless people with a weaker cultivation base spewed blood, and many people were directly stunned!

On the six-door side, some strong men deployed defenses to avoid injuries to their own disciples. However, casual cultivators suffered heavy casualties, and many people with weaker cultivation bases were directly shaken out and died on the spot!

This is a full shot under the fury of a middle emperor, can swallow the sun and the moon! Can break mountains and rivers!

A figure was madly shaken out, covered in blood! Look closely at Li Ye!

"He is not dead?!"

Everyone was shocked!

Just seeing the old man Tongluo show his figure, but what made them gasp is that the corner of the old man Tongluo's mouth was a faint red, and a fist mark appeared on his chest!

Is this going against the sky? The faces of everyone are incredible! Six powerhouses! Including Qingyuehuang! All are extremely moved!

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