Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2481: Crows in the world are as black

What is the background? !

What is the place where powerful sects and inheritance are daunting? It is not the invincible power born in a certain era, but the foundation accumulated over countless thousands of years, which ordinary people can't imagine!

One shot, directly in the middle of the imperial weapon!

This is to make it clear, don’t play fair with you! Directly crush you with the gods!

Some casual repairs can't pass! Suddenly someone shouted!

"Medium-grade imperial weapon, can the disciples of the six sects just can't afford to lose like this? Directly use the magic weapon to suppress others! Even if you win, it is not a victory!

A San Xiu shouted loudly, and suddenly other San Xiu shouted. After all, Li Ye is now considered to be the only genius in this competition except for six disciples!

If people were eliminated at the beginning of the second round, the casual repair world would be wiped out!

Even if many of these people don't know who Li Ye is, as long as they know that Li Ye is not a disciple of the Six Sects, they will naturally stand behind Li Ye!

"Yeah! What kind of heroes are you to suppress people with magical soldiers!"

He is also a powerhouse in casual cultivation. Although he is not a genius of this era, he is a powerful cultivation base that even a powerhouse of six sects cannot be underestimated!

The lower emperor! In casual cultivation, anyone who can cultivate to the next emperor is commendable!

"Six doors, you can't afford to lose! If you can't afford to lose, why let us participate in casual cultivators? Just close the door, and you won't be able to compete with your own genius? On the surface, courtesy and corporal, fair competition, in the end, it is a black box. operating!"

Even more indignation, they are not supporting Li Ye, but now Li Ye is the last face in the world around their ancient city!

Traveling from the wind was secretly injured and eliminated by black hands. The appearance of Li Ye was their only expectation. Bayi Chinese Network

A group of casual cultivators filled with outrage and yelled. Although Liumen was strong, it was a bit embarrassing on this occasion.

Especially since Emperor Qingyue himself was still there, they didn't dare to mess around casually.

"My lord, look?"

Although it was a disciple of Yuexingwan who played in the battle, an old man in Longjiazhai here asked the Qingyue Emperor respectfully. After all, the selection of the disciple was the Qingyue Emperor himself. If he was dissatisfied with the Six Sects, Instead, the gain is not worth the loss.

Liu Sect naturally didn't want to leave this opportunity to casual cultivators. Over the past ten thousand years, some geniuses of Liu Sect have successfully worshipped the Tianci Pavilion, which is also the key to making them stand tall!

Some casual cultivators also looked at Emperor Qingyue. They knew that the only thing that could change the situation was Emperor Qingyue himself!

"Qingyuehuang is one of the elders of the Heavenly Gift Pavilion! Naturally, it is impossible to be as indifferent as the villains of the Six Sects!"

"Yes, after all, it is Qingyue Emperor who selects his disciples. He should choose some truly talented geniuses instead of those villains who rely on magical soldiers and family background!"

The scattered cultivators were unable to confront Liu Sect head-on, but they were expecting Qingyue Emperor to make the most fair judgment.

This one, before the fight, caused an uproar, naturally because of the special reasons for the positions of both sides.

Everyone is waiting for Qingyuehuang's final attitude.

That's the case for the six-door powerhouse, and so are the many casual cultivators.

Long Dingtian's eyes were slightly filled with terrifying cold light, but Qingyue Emperor didn't speak, he naturally wouldn't jump out! Although he was born in Longjiazhai, he is now more inclined to be a disciple of Tianci Pavilion!

But when necessary, he will naturally prefer Longjiazhai.

Li Ye didn't rush to shoot, he also wanted to see what Qingyuehuang's attitude was.

The emperor-level sect naturally has the bearing of an emperor-level sect.

However, the scene that disappointed him happened.

The Qingyue Emperor finally spoke, but his voice was cold and without a trace of emotion, "The magic weapon is also a factor that determines the strength of a person, and shooting with the magic weapon is not considered bullying."

Although I didn't say it too absolute, this voice has already stunned many casual practitioners!

In the end it turned into a strong disappointment!

Qingyuehuang, actually made such a judgment?

Not to mention Li Ye, those loose repairs are simply unbelievable!

Especially the top powerhouses in casual repair, the lower emperors, their eyes widened!

"How could it be! Qingyue Emperor actually..."

Whether they believe it or not, Qingyuehuang spoke, and the six-sect powerhouse sneered. Especially the old man from Tongluo in Yuexingwan gave a chuckle, "Master Mingjian."

In this way, on the ring, the disciple of Yuexingwan gave out bursts of triumphant smiles. He looked at Li Ye, grinning with white teeth, but with a trace of sorrow, "It seems your last chance , Also lost!"

Since the magic weapon is not cheating, the disciple Yuexingwan immediately thought that he had a chance to win!

How about being strong? What about killing Xin Jin?

He is stronger than Xin Jin! Also holding a middle-grade imperial weapon! Even if he meets some of the lower emperors in the loose repair, he dare to fight!

Among the six gates, on the side of Yuheng Villa, Yuheng Wuwei was slightly surprised, and when he wanted to speak, he was caught by the woman who came with him.

"Seven brother, a casual cultivator, why bother to offend Master Qingyue for him? Even if you and him were both from the Lower Nine Realms, don’t forget, now you are a member of our Yuhang Villa. An outsider offended Master Qingyue."

There are three geniuses in Yuheng Mountain Villa this time. In addition to Yuheng Fearless, there is another man and a woman. The man is the arrogant Yuheng Jue before, and this woman is Yuheng Bird. In Yuheng Mountain Villa, they are all prostitutes. Born and talented, he was expected by the elders of Yuheng Mountain Villa.

This time the Qingyue Emperor selects his disciples, and Yuheng Mountain Villa also wants to fight for it. After all, Yuheng Mountain Villa has been somewhat declined in the past few hundred years, and wants to use this to climb the Qingyuehuang thigh.

"Yes, seven brothers and nine sisters are right, but don't be arrogant! Otherwise, Tai Uncle and his old man will be unhappy!"

On one side, the Yu Heng Jue was yin and yang strange. They knew that Yu Heng Wuwei and Li Ye knew each other, and Yu Heng Wuwei wanted to confront Qingyue Emperor and the others, but they absolutely did not allow them to be hated by Qingyue Emperor for this reason!

Among them, Yu Heng Jue was very displeased with Yu Heng Wuwei, a genius who had been distributed back then. On the contrary, it was Yu Heng Sparrow, but it was a bit interesting to Yu Heng Wu Dao. Yu Heng Wu Dao was able to catch up with Yu Heng Li, the first elder of Yu Heng Villa, and she played a considerable role in it!

In the end, Yu Heng Wuwei still sighed. He really couldn’t understand Liumen’s approach, but just like Yu Heng Jue’s threat, he still hasn’t got a firm foothold in Yuheng Mountain Villa. If he angered his uncle, he And those people who have high hopes for him are no good.

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