Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2479: Self-eating

The old man in Yuexingwan roared almost instantaneously, and he stretched out his hand to save him!

Unfortunately, Li Ye didn't give him a chance! Direct thunder and thunder can't cover your ears, and you can destroy the body and spirit of people directly!

Everyone was stunned!

Whether Li Ye wins or loses, it is not enough to shock them like they are now!

For how many years, the disciples of the six forces have been rampant outside, only they killed people, when were they killed?

And was a casual repair?

"Little beast, you are looking for death!"

The person who came to Yuexing Bay this time was an extremely terrifying old man! Gong Gong old man! The realm of the middle emperor!

His disciple was killed, and that Xinjin was his disciple and grandson. How could he not be angry at this time? The shot was almost instantaneous, and with a big hand, it turned into a palm print of the sky, and Li Ye would be killed directly in the ring!

The old man Tongluo is no ordinary person, the middle emperor is angry, and the world changes color!

Li Ye felt the irresistible weakness most realistically, and even the terrifying will made his whole body tremble!

The middle emperor! It's not just as simple as raising a realm over the next emperor!


Li Ye spouted a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, the muscles on his body cracked and the blood ran!


With a terrible roar, Li Ye punched directly! Like a broken star, it directly collides with the invincible will of the old man Tong Gong!

The old man Tongluo shot too fast, and there were only a few people who could stop him, so everyone reacted!

Li Ye was blown out, spurting blood all over, but he quickly stabilized his body!

"Old stuff!"

Feeling the pain of almost falling apart, Li Ye was also afraid! If it weren't for his Fighting God Jue broke through to the eighth level some time ago! If he still stays at the seventh level, just like that, he will be severely disabled if he is not dead!

However, while he was shocked, the old man Tongluo was even more shocked than him!

He is the middle emperor! You can squeeze to death a junior who is not even Emperor Wu! Even the next emperor would not dare to make a move in front of him!

A junior, after he shot his anger, he hasn't died? It even seems to have just sprayed a few bites of blood?

A trace of horror ignited an unprecedented strong killing intent in the heart of the old man Tongluo!

He felt danger in a junior!

Almost instinctively, he is ready to kill the killer!

"This son, can't stay!"

However, when he shot, he was suddenly suppressed by a force far above him. √


This frightened him! As the middle emperor, he was directly suppressed by others?


The majestic voice instantly made the old man Tong Gong shiver! Knowing who made the shot, a trace of helplessness flashed in my heart.


Only those strong like Qingyue Emperor who were present were able to suppress the middle emperor like Tongluo Old Man so lightly without any temper.

A realm, especially after the Emperor Wu, the gap between each realm is beyond ordinary people's imagination!

The old man Tongluo can cross the border of the ancient city, but he can only be a man with his tail clamped in front of the upper emperor.

"Master Qingyue, this son is tyrannical and cruel! He must be severely punished for murder!"

Although he was suppressed, the old man Tongluo had a blue complexion. Xin Jin was his disciple after all. He watched being killed by others. It is natural that he, a master, could not be angry!

Not to mention him, the rest of the powerhouses in Yuexing Bay are all breathing fire with their eyes!

On the contrary, it is the people of the other five disciplines, all of whom look at the nose and the heart, and do not express opinions.

At this time, Li Ye also stabilized his injury, and the eighth body of God of Fighting Art was even more terrifying than he thought! Under the blow of the middle emperor Han's anger, he was only slightly injured!

He looked at him without fear, and looked at the old man Tongluo! The horrible gazes of the two sides seemed to collide in the void, but Li Ye did not retreat, and even faintly had the momentum to fight against the strong like the old man Tongluo!

"What a terrible kid!"

The old man Tong Gong is shocked! Although this is not the place to truly embody the cultivation level, but being able to look at him so aggressively, the younger generation can count it with one hand! But he couldn't find one in Yuexing Bay!

The more so, the more murderous in his heart!

It's just that Qingyue Emperor couldn't make a move.

"In the arena, life and death are a life and death. I remember this is a rule set by the six before!"

Li Ye would not be afraid, and said loudly, this sentence made the expressions of the strong men in Yuexingwan even more ugly! The old man Tongluo almost regretted why he had to say that just now.

He never expected that his disciple would be so easily defeated by an unknown junior!

"This kid, who is he?"

On the island of the lake, the strong in the Hall of the Evil are frowning. When there are geniuses near the border of the ancient city, they will recruit them as soon as possible.

They do know that the wind travels, but the appearance of Li Ye made the people of these two schools secretly startled!

On the side of Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai, their faces were expressionless! They had conflicts with Li Ye, and they naturally knew that Li Ye was great. Moreover, Yuexing Bay slumped, they were also happy to see it! After all, one less competitor is a good thing for them.

Life and death!

Indeed, it was just from the old population of Causeway in Yuexing Bay who personally said it!

It's just that they never thought it would be such a result at the time!

"Since it's life and death in the arena, that's how it will be decided."

Yuhengli said lightly on the side of Yuheng Villa. At the same time, the people on the island in the lake and the Hall of the Evil also nodded slightly.

Although they couldn't swallow this breath, Yuexingwan couldn't help it. The most important thing was that they had said the words themselves, and even if they were shameless, they would not regret it immediately. It's just that, it made the people in Yuexingwan become hostile and even murderous towards Li Ye!

Everyone had never expected that after killing Yuexingwan's disciples, Li Ye could really enter the second round alive! Suddenly, many casual cultivators screamed in excitement. Although they didn't make it to the second round by themselves, Li Ye was not a disciple of those big sects at first sight. He even slapped many powerful men in Yuexing Bay in the face. , How not to make them excited?

The point is, I also reported the revenge that Feng Zhongxing was conspired by the Yuexingwan master just now!

Li Ye didn't care when he felt the hostile gaze of many powerful men in Yuexing Bay.

Anyway, he had already feuded with Longjiazhai Yuetianbao, and it was not too much to get involved with a few more before leaving.

In addition to seeing that Feng Zhongxing was conspired by others, he even made his moves for Bai Jingyun whose cultivation base was banned behind the Qingyue Emperor!

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