Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2477: Save people

Sure enough, after ten moves, Fengzhongxing completely took the initiative!

Suddenly at this moment, a terrifying light flashed! Originally, he was about to force the opponent's Feng Zhongxing with a sword, but he snorted, and the whole figure uttered, but at this moment, Xin Jin had been prepared long ago, and his face showed a cruel smile!


Everything that was born just now was too fast, and everyone had no time to react, but it was almost impossible for anyone who could stop it!


Li Ye looked cold!

At the same time, on the ring, a figure stumbled and his chest was stained with blood. <<

"The wind is defeated!"

Someone took a breath!

But some people scolded, "Shameless! Despicable! Secret arrows hurt people!"

Although not many people have seen what happened just now, there are also experts in casual cultivating! Suddenly a few elders turned pale!

Li Ye naturally also saw clearly what was born, at that moment, the wind had actually won! But someone suddenly shot him and injured him with a hidden weapon! This allowed his opponent to take advantage of it!

The master moves, any slight difference will affect the outcome! Let alone being attacked by hidden weapons!

"Wind in the wind! You are defeated! It seems that you, the first person in the so-called casual cultivator, but so! But that's right, casual cultivator is a bunch of trash! How can you give birth to a master? I think you should go back and find a woman. Stay for the rest of your life."

On the ring, Feng Zhongxing knelt on one knee, and the blood flow continued, but this was not what made him most frustrated, what made him most frustrated was the injustice to this heaven!

Looking at the wind walking on one knee, Xin Jin sneered, "I'm sorry, the victory you accumulated before is now mine!"

After he finished speaking, he shot directly towards the wind with a palm, extremely vicious, "Now, please roll down!"


There is hardly any extra energy left in this palm! Even with a hint of killing intent!

If it hadn't been for someone to take a shot just now, the winner of this game would definitely be the wind! At this time, Xin Jin's heart was full of crazy revenge pleasure!


"Shameless villain!"

Seeing that Feng Zhongxing was injured, he was going to die at this time, and many people roared even more! A few casual cultivators are even going to the ring to bring people back!

But at this moment, a few terrifying auras suddenly suppressed their group of people! Under that terrifying coercion, even the few strong men in the casual cultivator were all in shape. Although they quickly recovered to nature, they paused for a while, and lost the opportunity to save people!

Seeing that this generation of geniuses in the wind was about to die under such a trick, suddenly someone exclaimed!

In the ring, Xin Jin did not succeed! Even the whole person was directly shaken out by a terrible force, barely standing on the edge of the ring!


A touch of horror appeared on his face! He clearly felt a threat of death just now. If he hadn't changed quickly, he wouldn't have been able to stand in the ring even now.

Everyone saw that a young man appeared on the ring.

"Now that the outcome is divided, is it too much to make another deadly move?"

The person who appeared on the ring was naturally Li Ye!

At that moment, many people were indeed ready to save people! But it was blocked by a few terrifying auras! You don't have to guess to know that they are the strongest of Moon Star Bay!

However, it was useless for him, and at a critical moment, he was rescued from Xin Jin.

"What kind of thing do you dare to stop me?"

Being forced to retreat, Xin Jin was furious! But he is not a fool, even though he is angry, he is full of vigilance!

"I'm not a big deal, but since the outcome is divided, leaving someone a way to survive is also considered a way to survive."

Li Ye is not a nosy person, but it is a pity that he is dead.

At this time, Feng Zhongxing also slowed down, slightly controlled his injury, and arched his hand towards Li Ye, "Thank you, Xiongtai!"

"With a little effort, in fact, you were able to win the battle just now, but you are not as shameless and shameless as some people!"

There is something in this remark, and what he said made many casual practitioners applaud.

However, the powerhouses in Moon Star Bay were breathing fire with binocular eyes, and some of them even yelled, "Little beast, who are you talking about!"

"Am I talking about anyone?"

Li Ye smiled, making the face of the strong man in Yuexingwan blue!

However, they were shameless when they let Xin Jin go to the ring just now, and at this time they would not admit that someone made a shot just now!

"Little beast! Today is the big day for Master Qingyue Emperor to select disciples, how dare you destroy it?"

Suddenly a strong man in Yuexingwan smiled coldly, and as expected, everyone saw that Qingyuehuang's face was not very good.

The other five people, on the side of Yuheng Mountain Villa, Yuheng Fearlessly frowned slightly, but now his position in Yuheng Mountain Villa is also embarrassing, so it is difficult to speak. But in Yuetian Castle, Lingyue and others all sneered! Seven of them were naturally there, and his eyes were cold. Although he didn't dare to attack Li Ye again, he didn't mind seeing Li Ye offend the Emperor Qingyue!

In Longjiazhai, Long Dingtian squinted his eyes, then lowered his head and said a few words to Qingyuehuang's ear, and suddenly saw Qingyuehuang frown, and there was a trace of unkindness in Li Ye's eyes.

Although it disappeared in a flash, it was noticed by the strong men of Yuetianbao and other forces.

"That kid, he's dead! Qingyue Emperor obviously doesn't like it very much!"

Those who knew what happened before were even more sneered. Long Dingtian came to the ancient city with a high profile before and finally slid back. They all knew what was going on.

Li Ye didn't care, he didn't even think about worshipping Qingyue Emperor as his teacher! Let alone enter the Tianci Pavilion!

On the high platform, Tong Si squinted slightly. He was naturally curious about the secrets of Li Ye. If he said that he wanted Li Ye to enter the Tianci Pavilion to compete for the position of the elder of the palace, he had some bargaining chips, then he valued Li Ye more. Those adventures!

"Since you are selecting disciples, why do you have to divide birth and death?"

"In the arena competition, life and death have their destiny! It is everyone else's ability to intervene! Today, no matter who wins or loses, life and death are naturally decided by themselves!"

The old man in Moon Star Bay groaned!

"So that's it, if you don't tell me, I really don't know."

Li Ye nodded, then looked at Feng Zhongxing, who had controlled the injury, and then threw him a pill.

Feng Zhongxing didn't have any doubts, as soon as he smelled the fragrance of the medicine, his face revealed a hint of surprise, "Qi and blood pills!"

He swallowed it immediately, and then the original loss of vitality was replenished. Although it cannot be said to be intact, at least it would have allowed him to heal for at least ten and a half days. Now it only takes one or two days to recover.

Everyone was surprised when they heard it!

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