Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2474: The evildoer in loose repair

When the Qingyue Emperor selects his disciples, the six forces have almost taken the initiative!

Some casual cultivators fight on their own. Although there are a large number of people, there are few strong men who can threaten the disciples of the six forces. The only ones with outstanding strength, although they shine, it is obvious that the Qingyue Emperor is combined. I didn't care, even after a glance, I didn't pay attention.

"Six sects are not comparable to casual cultivators, their disciples don't need to smash a blood path from the crowd, and go straight to the second round!"

It is naturally impossible for Tianci Pavilion to choose too many disciples.

In the first round, it was almost a contest between San Xiu and Xiaomen Xiaopai disciples, and it was necessary to defeat 30 opponents in a row to enter the next round directly!

Although the game is full of enthusiasm for a time, there are very few people who can really hold on to 30 consecutive wins.

"Wind! He really did!"

Just when everyone thought that in the casual cultivator, it was difficult for anyone to enter the second round, but a young man appeared.

Once he played, he almost lost seven people in a row at the fastest speed! One of them was a strong man who had just won more than ten games, but he was defeated by one move!

"The strength gap is too big!"

"This Fengzhongxing, known as the number one expert in casual cultivating today, unless it is Wu Huang who has taken action, otherwise under Wu Huang, he has never heard of a defeat!"

"Yes, walking in the wind, walking like the wind! What he is best at is Shen Fa! Legend has it that his Shen Fa is passed down from an ancient heritage that has fallen from the past. Although it has fallen, he retains the core heritage."

In such a short time, the Fengzhongxing had another five consecutive victories! For a time, he became one of the high-profile candidates.

Even some geniuses among the six forces couldn't help but frown slightly.

Qingyuehuang nodded slightly, obviously finally having a trace of interest.

On the ring, the wind is handsome, and his handsome appearance matches his peerless posture, which really makes many women secretly fall in love with him.

"Such a genius, who was not born in six sects, surprised the emperor."

Qingyuehuang spoke slightly, but a touch of embarrassment appeared on the faces of several people at Yuexingwan!

"Master Qingyue didn't know. This Fengzhongxing once wanted to worship Moon Star Bay, but it was not successful. Later, he did not accept invitations from the other five disciplines. He has been practicing as a casual cultivator."

On the side of Yuetian Castle, Emperor Qiyan smiled, but it made the faces of the powerful men in Yuexingwan even darker!

Although this is not a surname, but now Fengzhongxing has won several people in a row, almost approaching the first round of 30 games in a row. Isn't this a face-slap?

The people they didn't want in Yuexing Bay at the beginning, but now with such a powerful posture, all the way to the second round?

"Oh? Is this the case?" Qingyue Emperor doesn't care about the battle between the six doors below. He nodded slightly, "The area is a manufacturable material. If he can pass the second round, he can go to the Tianci Pavilion and worship. Enter the gate of the elder of the Xuntang."

As soon as this statement came out, except for Yuexingwan, the other five sects were shocked. As for the powerhouses in Moon Star Bay, their expressions are complicated.

The elders of the tour hall, although not as good as the elders of the hall, but being able to worship into the Tianci Pavilion is already a high climb in itself! However, what should have been their happiest thing in Yuexing Bay, but now it has become the least they want to see.

"Master Qingyue, this child is so talented and unruly, difficult to tame. If he is allowed to enter the Tianci Pavilion, is it wrong?"

Sure enough, an old man in Yuexing Bay couldn't help but speak, and even when he didn't like the wind, he drove people away! Now if you let Feng Zhongxing worship into the gate of the Heavenly Ci Pavilion, you are not telling the world that he had no eyes at all.

It's just that when he spoke like this, Emperor Qi Yu sneered, "What's wrong? Since Lord Qingyue thinks it can be a reason for Lord Qingyue!"

"The old man doesn't mean that!"

Seeing that the two sides were about to dagger, Qingyuehuang's expression sank, and both sides immediately closed their mouths.

They are high in the eyes of the world on the border of the ancient city, but they are insignificant in front of existences such as Qingyuehuang.

From beginning to end, Tong Si didn't say a word, nor expressed any attitude. The same was true for Emperor Yinyue, with an imperceptible smile on his face, always observing everyone.

"Brother Yinyue laughed."

Qingyue Emperor could be rude to the people of Six Sects, but he was kind to Yinyue Emperor. The two sides have similar cultivation bases and similar strengths, each of which comes from an emperor-level force, and are naturally at the same level. Unless it is torn apart, there will be no conflict.

It's just that the Emperor Qingyue still couldn't understand why Emperor Yinyue, who came from the Temple of Killing, came here across the border. After all, although the Temple of Killing has been strong in recent years, it has rarely expanded beyond its boundaries, not to mention that the border of the ancient city is regarded as the most desolate place in Shenshengzhou. Even if they are Tianci Pavilion, they rarely intervene, otherwise it will not be the Moon Sky Castle Dragon Family. The rise of forces such as the village.

"It's okay, this son is really good. If it weren't for the Tianci Pavilion's boundary, maybe I would also be interested in taking him away."

"Brother Yinyue is so optimistic about this son?"

Although Qingyuehuang was more optimistic about Feng Zhongxing, the emerging casual cultivator genius, he was only optimistic about it. Otherwise, he wouldn't be sure that he could recommend it to the elder of the tour hall instead of worshipping his own sect.

However, to his surprise, Emperor Yinyue would never be weaker than him! He was even a little stronger, and he would utter a hint of accepting a disciple. How could he not be surprised.

Emperor Yuetianbao Qiyu and the other five powerhouses were also a little moved!

They understand that this ordinary-looking middle-aged person is definitely a terrible person who can't afford to provoke! Don't talk about them, even if their respective castle masters come, they dare not do anything.

Kill the temple! That is a terrible place!

"I have no disciples so far. When I see someone with good talent, I naturally want to have a successor."

Regardless of whether Emperor Yinyue was joking or taking it seriously, these words made the people of Yuexingwan even more ugly! Adoring to the elders of the Tianci Pavilion Xuntang made them lose face, after all, they looked down on them back then.

But after all, it can still be accepted. After all, the elders of the visitor hall, that is, the realm of the middle emperor, very few strong will be the upper emperor.

And this one in front of me is the real upper emperor! And it's still that kind of terrible upper emperor!

"If Brother Yinyue is intentional, don't worry about it. Just a few geniuses, I won't be so stingy!"

The Qingyue Emperor laughed, although the Tianci Pavilion is an emperor-level power, the same is true of Killing the Temple! Naturally, he wouldn't be upset with Emperor Yinyue for the sake of a few so-called geniuses. On the contrary, he was very happy to do so and could sell Emperor Yinyue for a favor!

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