Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2468: Bluffed

When everyone was in an uproar, Li Ye almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood!

"Old ghost! Just pretend, don't overdo it!"

It turned out that the old voice was not someone else, it was Heavenly Sword Emperor! But that wasn't a fake tiger, after all, the Great Emperor Tianjian was indeed a powerful emperor who looked down upon the Three Realms back then, but now there is only a ray of remnant soul left.

Just now, some of the power that Heaven Sword Great had recovered for a long time helped him fly Long Dingtian.

It was just that once, and the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor had to recover for a long time.

"Boy, this emperor is not for you! With your current strength, one or two lower emperors are good to say. If you draw the middle emperor out, if you die, the emperor will also be unlucky?!"

"Damn! Do you want to be so unconfident in me? Well, even if you are right, your tone is so big now, don't forget that your strength is not better than that of the past! What if you really bring out the Qingyue Emperor?"

Even if Li Ye didn't know the name of the Emperor Qingyue, he could guess that he was at least the strongest of the upper emperor! If the strong man made a move, he estimated that he wouldn't even have any resistance.

"What do you know! Could this emperor still harm you?"

The Heavenly Sword Emperor yelled angrily, but he returned to the old and majestic voice to the outside world, "While the old man is in a good mood, I don't want to care about it, otherwise!"

Suddenly everyone felt an unprecedented terrifying pressure on them!

Even for an instant, even Qi and Long Dingtian couldn't help their knees softening and they almost knelt down!

Long Dingtian, who was still arrogant, suddenly showed panic!

"how is this possible!"

He is incredible!

You know, he is the next emperor! And it's the peak kind! Only one step away can become the middle emperor! He couldn't help but kneel down because of a cold snort without showing up. How strong can this be done?

"The middle emperor? No! At least the upper emperor realm!"

Even Qi is not a fool, and she can't help being shocked with the same look of horror!

They want to deal with it, thinking that behind a kid who is caught in their hands, there will be an upper emperor to support?

Long Dingtian is okay, after all, he is a disciple of Qingyue Emperor! Emperor Qingyue is the upper emperor!

But Lian Qi was horrified!

He is arrogant, but he also knows that if the upper emperor makes a move, he will only have a dead end!

Far away, Tong Mansion!

"grown ups!"

Tong Si's face was gloomy, he felt it the same, disappeared in his mansion the next moment, and appeared again in the depths of the void.

"What a strange breath, where does it come from?"

The terrifying breath he felt was more profound than Long Dingtian and Lian Qi!

There is no doubt that the terrifying degree of that breath makes even him shocked!

Tong Si was able to go back to compete for the position of elder in the palace, obviously his cultivation level had also reached the upper emperor! It can make him feel scared.

Suddenly, he hesitated whether his previous decision was correct!

"There really is someone behind that kid! The upper emperor,! Impossible!"

Perhaps he is not afraid of the upper emperor, but if he is above that, Tong Si's heart is chilled, if it is true, he can hardly imagine the consequences!

The whole ancient city was silent.

Finally, the horrible news came and went quickly.

But Long Dingtian and Lian Qi no longer had the confidence and arrogance in their eyes!

Especially Long Dingtian.

A high-ranking emperor is definitely not what he can provoke now! Unless it is his master Qingyuehuang coming!

"Since the senior's request, the junior naturally gives face to it!"

He also simply! Without further ado, just leave!

As for the Emperor Jing? He did not want to give up!

Even if he has a cultivating emperor scripture under the Heavenly Ci Pavilion Qingyue Emperor Sect, it is not all! It's just that compared to Yuetian Castle, his desire is not so high.

When Long Dingtian left, even Qi was in a dilemma, and in the end he bowed his hands in salute, "I don't know if he is a descendant of the older generation, and the younger generation has offended him, so I will leave!"

Go straight after you say it! Don't mess up.

After Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai walked like this, the people in the ancient city blasted the pot!

"Gosh! The people from Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai have left?"

"Lian Qi and Long Dingtian? These two enchanting evildoers a hundred years ago, are now both lower emperors, and have actually given up?"

"That's not surprising. Behind that kid seems to have peerless powers who can scare off the two lower emperors, or at least the middle emperors!"

Suddenly someone sneered, "Middle-ranked emperor? Yuetian Castle, not to mention, that Dragon Dingtian has the Qingyue Emperor as a backing! Qingyuehuang is the elder of the Heaven-given Pavilion, the upper emperor can make him quit, at least A strong man comparable to his master!"

For a time, rumors were flying everywhere.

But the same is true, Li Ye is famous again.

Li Ye was helpless when his footing was destroyed.

As for the Broadsword Gate, it is tantamount to suffering from Wuwang disaster.

It's a pity that the people with Broadsword Sect don't dare to cast their anger on Li Ye's head, and even the great people like Long Dingtian have been forced away. They have such a bit of strength, and they dare not do anything. As for revenge on Moon Sky Castle? Give them ten thousand courage and dare not go.

Finding a place to stay again, Li Ye finally loosened his whole body.

"so close."

He thought about the danger of staying here, but he didn't expect to come so quickly.

Heavenly Sword Great Emperor's voice also revealed weakness at this time, "Boy, this emperor can only help you, this emperor did not hesitate to wear out his soul power just now, and he might fall into a coma for a while, so do it yourself!"

Once again, Emperor Tianjian rescued Li Ye! But on the other hand, it once again lost his little soul power and fell asleep directly.

The ghost emperor didn't know when he appeared, he was also injured, but the body reshaped by the blood of the devil dragon was also super capable of restoring him.

"Young Master, now it seems that the people of Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai don't dare to do anything to Young Master!"

He also wondered, when was there such an invincible strong behind Li Ye? But the ghost king knew in his heart that he would know what he should know, and he would know what he should not know.

"It's just a stopgap measure. Although it scares them, it will show up over time!"

"The young master means that there is no superior emperor behind you?"

The ghost king is surprised!

"Do you think I really want to have, and I will stay here?"

These words made the ghost emperor smile awkwardly. Indeed, there is a high-ranking emperor's guardian, and Li Ye doesn't need to stay here at all. He left long ago and truly stepped into Shenshengzhou.

"They shouldn't make a move for a short time. Prepare for it. We will leave directly these two days!"

Temujin and the others had successfully left a few days ago, and now Li Ye has no worries about the future, so naturally he can leave! Once you leave the Tianci Pavilion and the six forces, it will be a vast sea and the sky, let him travel!

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