Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2450: You will always belong to me!

In an instant, not only Li Ye, but also the Heavenly Phoenix Saint trembling. <〔<(?

However, before the Heavenly Phoenix sage pushed away and wanted to leave, Li Ye hugged her!

As if figured out in his mind, Li Ye's embrace seemed to be like trying to crush the body in his arms, but he didn't dare to exert any effort.

And he squeezed the seductive and moist lips fiercely, as if he had been hungry for thousands of years and sucked fiercely.

The whole body of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint was soft, and her whole body was numb like an electric shock. After a few symbolic struggles, there was no more movement.

I don't know how long it took, when the Heavenly Phoenix Saint suddenly bit her, Li Ye quickly let go of her in pain.

Feeling the **** air between her lips, the Saintess of Tianfeng's face was pink and afraid to look at Li Ye.

"Boy, what are you waiting for!"

The Emperor Tianjian had a roar of hatred for iron and steel that sounded in Li Ye's mind. If it weren't for two unidentified people with impure motives, he would have pointed at Li Ye and cursed with dog blood!

Li Ye was also awakened at once. If he had hesitated before, or would not be willing to make any promises, but now, he suddenly figured it out!

All of a sudden, she approached the Heavenly Phoenix Saint who was like a frightened bird, and under her horrified and shy eyes, a drop of bright red and enchanting blood dripped directly from her mouth.


The incomparable dominance could not allow any voice of rejection, so that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint did not have any resistance at all, perhaps, she had never thought of resisting at all.

A drop of blood! Very important to Li Ye! But he does not regret it!

This drop of essence and blood instantly melted into the bloodline of the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess, and in an instant, the two major bloodlines woke up almost at the same time!

Ancient blood! The blood of Tianfeng! Legend has it that the immortal phoenix's blood is inherited above the nine heavens! After feeling the powerful blood from outside, he was finally excited!

But Li Ye's blood is not simple!

Bloodlines! In itself is a terrible and mysterious ancient race! Although it is only ranked tenth among the ten thousand races! Far from being as famous as the first Golden Spirit Clan, but the most feared part of the blood clan lies in the mystery!


Li Ye's soul was imprinted in that drop of essence and blood! Directly into the blood of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint!

In an instant, countless blood veins turned into a fiery phoenix burning with flames! The mighty beast coerced out!

But that drop of essence and blood seemed to enter the realm of no one, instantly entering the heart of Huofeng, and then following Huofeng's unwilling wailing and struggle, it merged into it!

The Heavenly Phoenix sage trembled all over. It was extremely terrifying and dangerous for her blood to be invaded by other blood. But facing Li Ye, she did not resist at all. Perhaps even if Li Ye were to kill her at this moment, she would not wrinkle. Brows.

"You are mine! No matter this life or the next life! Unless I die, it will always belong to me!"

Like a magic sound, Li Ye directly made the oldest oath to Heavenly Phoenix Saint!

That is the most sacred pledge of the blood race! No blood family has a few chances in his life! But Li Ye does not regret it!

Suddenly, Tianfeng Saintess felt a slight change, and a bright red blood appeared on her forehead, but it disappeared quickly after a flash.

Family members!

No need to explain, at the moment when she became a dependent, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint had already understood everything, but she didn't resist, instead she took the initiative to accept it.

For her, this is not a catastrophe, it is more like a long-cherished wish that she has been waiting for for many years can finally be answered.

"I wait for you!"

Without much words, the Saintess of Tianfeng left after leaving this sentence. But Li Ye didn't seem to be burdened. From the moment he merged the Heavenly Phoenix Saint into his family, he actually gave the answer!

But immediately, he thought that he had other things to do!

The two maids given to him by Fourth Master Tong!

He was not a fool. The Fourth Master Tong was so kind to give himself two maidservants who were both the best choice in terms of talent and appearance. The fool did not believe it without any purpose.

"Come here."

Beckoned to the two women, Li Ye naturally had his own plan to bring them back!

At the same time, in Tong Mansion.

Tong Si opened his eyes slightly!

"Sage of Heavenly Phoenix, that ancient bloodline in Tianxiang Pavilion?"

He hesitated for a while, and moved directly!

The next moment, in the void outside the ancient city, a looming scary figure broke through the air!

Shennian clone! Only the strong like Wu Huang can go out with a divine mind clone, and only a divine mind clone is more than ten times more powerful than the middle-aged martial emperor in Yuetianbao who blocked Li Ye and others outside the ancient city. !

A mere divine mind clone is so terrifying, one can imagine how high the real strength of Tong Siye is.

Soon, Tong Si's divine mind clone stopped one person.


The one who was stopped was the Heavenly Phoenix Saint who had just left! Feeling the terrifying aura approaching, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint squeezed her body and her eyes were wary.

It's a pity that Tong Si didn't give her a chance to talk at all.

"Ancient bloodline, if you bring it back, it will naturally be a great achievement!"

Li Ye didn't dare to move for the time being, but Heavenly Phoenix Saint would not hesitate! He is the descendant of a small sect in the Lower Realm.

However, the Saintess of Tianfeng was not the one to be captured with her hands. She screamed, and her terrifying blood awakened! Perhaps it was just because of the stimulation of Li Ye's blood that the Heavenly Phoenix's blood in her body entered a higher stage of awakening ahead of time, and the Tong Si Divine Mind clone was bounced away all at once.

"Huh? You awaken to this point, let alone let you leave!"

You know, ancient bloodlines are rare even in Shenshengzhou! Naturally, Tianci Pavilion will not let go of this talented bloodline!

"It's you!"

Because of this delay, the Heavenly Phoenix sage also saw Tong Si's appearance clearly, her face changed slightly, and she knew that she was in trouble, so she turned and ran!

"Want to run?" Tong Si didn't worry about being identified as he was, smiled coldly, and took another big hand! It's like grabbing a piece of heaven and earth in your hands!

The powerful **** made the Heavenly Phoenix Saint Know that she couldn't do her best if she didn't work hard, and she turned into a flame **** phoenix with a scream!

The fire of the phoenix burst instantly! Even Tong Si had to avoid the edge for the time being. It would be fine if his deity came, but once he reached the mind clone, he still didn't dare to be careless!

But he is not worried, even if it is a mind clone, he is confident, unless he is a middle emperor or a stronger one, otherwise, even a lower emperor can catch it!

Sure enough, under this grasp, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint squirted a mouthful of blood, revealing the true nature.

"I shot, still want to escape?"

Tong Si was extremely confident, but at this moment, the void was suddenly torn apart by a terrifying force! At the same time, a hand appeared, and it hit the space around Tong all at once.

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