Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2444: Tianci Pavilion (30 more!!)

That jade card!

Li Ye's expression moved! You know, there were two jade medals given by the old man in black robe! In addition to Ye Zhiqiu's hand, he also has a piece of it!

He directly took it out, and seeing the jade card in Li Ye's hand, the old man in Yuetian Castle and the middle-aged man in Longjiazhai were even more embarrassed, but he didn't say anything, and he wasn't forcing Li Ye! Obviously they are afraid of the black-robed old man, or the organization behind the black-robed old man. ?〔?

"Wait, they are with me too, I hope you two will not stop me."

Naturally, Li Ye could not go there alone, pointing at the Heavenly Phoenix Saints.

However, this time, the powerhouses of Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai were obviously not selling their faces.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, "Boy, you can go there, they can't!"


"They don't have jade cards!"

At this moment, Li Ye stopped! It is impossible for him to go there alone. Since he wants to go, he must take it and pass it together!

Seeing that Li Ye hadn't left, the powerhouses of Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai sneered. They didn't dare to touch Li Ye, but they didn't care about others!

Moreover, Li Ye didn't leave by himself, but they didn't take the initiative to stop him! So the ending now is what they want to see.

"What if I must take them away?"

Li Ye squinted his eyes. Although the powerhouses of the upper three realms are far stronger than the people of the same realm in the lower nine realms, he really has to work hard. Unless he is an extremely strong person like the black-robed old man, he is confident that he can be hit hard. Even kill!

"You can try it! Don't blame us for not giving you face then! You can go, they must stay!"

The atmosphere is at once! There is no doubt that the people in Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai didn't want to let them go, but it was impossible for Li Ye to leave alone! So all of a sudden there was a stalemate.

At this moment, there was a sudden laughter, as if coming from the ancient city from a distance, but in the blink of an eye, everyone saw a figure in their sight.

"They don't have to go to Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai."

The voice was very low and the tone was calm, but it changed the expressions of the two powerhouses in Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai! But when they saw who it was, they were shocked.

"I have seen the envoy!"

Can make the two masters respectful and respectful, obviously the identity of the person is extraordinary!

But when Li Ye saw the other party, his expression was shocked! Almost a touch of astonishment!

"Little friend, are you surprised?"

The visitor turned out to be Fourth Master Tong who had met once in the deserted sea! Of course, Si Ye now looks a little different from what he used to be, at least Li Ye couldn't understand his depth!

The point is that the strong men of Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai are so respectful to him!

"Okay, I will take these people away personally, and you can take care of the others."

Fourth Master Tong waved his hand, and the people in Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai were obviously afraid to say anything. The middle-aged and old men nodded immediately, "Respectfully send the envoy!"

Although he didn't know the purpose of Fourth Master Tong, Li Ye hesitated for a while and nodded at the Tianfeng Saintess.

Sure enough, the people of Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai did not dare to stop.

Seeing them leave, Wu Wen Haoran showed a look of jealousy! How could he not see that the person who took Li Ye had a higher status than Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai! Obviously there is a background!

It's a pity that even if he wants to go back, it's too late!

However, besides Tie Muzhen, Xiao Qing and Heavenly Phoenix Saint, there was one more person leaving with Li Ye.

Ye Zhiqiu!

However, Li Ye didn't say much to him, and Fourth Master Tong didn't seem to notice it.

Entering the ancient city, you can see that the entire ancient city is actually not much different from the Xia Jiuyu. There are merchants and hawkers as well as traffickers.

However, careful observation can make a group of people shocked!

These seemingly mortal people in the market are actually not weak in cultivation, even some children who are running around are all in the innate realm or even in the Earth Profound Realm!

Just like here, everyone is born a cultivator!


Faced with all this, Li Yewei could only use these four words to describe it.

"Boy, don’t be surprised. It’s normal in the Upper Three Realms. After all, the Upper Three Realms are the center of Yunteng Big Six. Even if you don’t know anything, you can be born in the Innate Realm, and when you reach adulthood, you’ll be in the Earth Profound Realm. Five hundred years old is not a problem."

Heavenly Sword Great Emperor's voice sounded again, which could be regarded as letting Li Ye know some common sense of the Upper Three Realms.

Back then, the innate realm in Wuzhou City was almost equivalent to the super master dominating everything, and here, any three-year-old child could crush the so-called masters of the year. This kind of gap, even after experiencing so much now, is still There will be a sigh of unfair fate.

The upper three realms, the lower nine realms, one sky and one earth!

There is no fairness in the world, but all beings are more powerless to resist this fate.

In the ancient city, a magnificent huge castle.

"I have something to say straight. Li Ye Xiaoyou is obviously a talent who can pass the Nine Extremes Palace gated by the black old man, and I also invite Li Ye Xiaoyou to join on behalf of Tianci Pavilion."

Si Ye Tong is straightforward, undoubtedly wanting to recruit Li Ye.

It's just that Li Ye didn't directly refuse or agree to his purpose, but instead revealed a touch of deep thought.

"Little friend Li Ye may not know yet. In the Upper Three Realms, it is actually no different from the Lower Nine Realms. There are many sects. With the ingenuity of Li Ye Xiaoyou, he naturally understands that he is a casual cultivator with no fixed place and a powerful sect behind him. As a disciple of the sect, what is the difference."

As if not afraid of Li Ye's rejection, Fourth Master Tong looked calm.

"I don't know what will I get if I join?"

Suddenly, Li Ye asked, which also made Fourth Master Tong's eyes happy!

He stood up directly, clapped his hands, and instantly came in from outside the door two young women, with soft looks and graceful figures, especially with a looming tulle on his body, which made people think about it.

"Siye what does this mean?"

Fourth Master Tong smiled without saying a word, while the two women walked up to Li Ye and knelt down softly. Li Ye saw three things on the tray in their hands.

"The elixir, the ancient emperor's scripture, the magic soldier."

Sure enough, there was a pill bottle, an ancient book, and a bracelet on it.

"This is a good fortune pill personally refined by a Danzun in our Tianci Pavilion. It can wash the marrow and cut the tendons, improve the physique and meridian talent. Of course, Li Ye Xiaoyou naturally can't use it."

"This ancient emperor's scripture, which was learned throughout the life of a top martial emperor, is called Gulan Yin."

Even if you just open the ancient books, you can feel a vast aura coming over!

As for the last bracelet, it is obviously a storage weapon.

Three things, any one of them is enough to make people's heart excited!


3o is more explosive!

Nothing else, does the leader have it?

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