Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2421: Fighting God Art Eighth Level!

Seeing everything disappear, many people are curious. ? [?<[

After all, there are only a handful of people who can survive in front of Seagod's anger in the entire Lower Nine Regions. Just now Li Ye was able to survive, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"It should be dead, right? After all, this wrath of the Seagod is a terrifying force that even Emperor Wu dared not resist directly!"

"Yes, I heard that thousands of years ago, in the human sect of the Canghai region, a peerless genius was born. He became a martial emperor less than a hundred years old and challenged the sea emperor! The Canghai region that was fought in that battle almost broke apart. The sun and the moon were not light, the human genius even turned into the sun and the moon with his right hand, and finally forced the Sea King to directly use the Seagod's Trident, and finally defeated the rising star when the Seagod was angry!"

"I also heard that the Sea Emperor won the battle in the end. It is said that the human Martial Emperor was killed by the Sea God in a rage, but no one can confirm the facts, and the Sea Emperor himself was silent and did not say much. But it is conceivable that the Seagod's fury is terrible!"

For the people of the world, the terrible thing about magic weapons, especially the imperial weapons, lies in the invincible will!

Once the invincible will is played, the power will destroy the world! Not to mention the invincible divine weapon handed down on top of an unusual imperial weapon like the Seagod Trident.

For a long time, everyone did not see any reaction, and many people finally sighed.

"The road to martial arts is made up of dead bones all the way. No one knows whether they will step on the dead bones to reach the peak or become one of the countless dead bones."

"Yes, I originally thought I was a peerless genius, proud and conceited. Now it seems that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world. Don't want to be a stepping stone at the feet of others for a little hope."

Seeing Haizi's invincible strength, many people looked lonely.

For geniuses, they are proud, but there are only a few people who can truly stand on the top of the world.

Genius and genius also have obvious strengths and weaknesses.

"This Palace of Nine Extremes is destined to be a place where Tianjiao and evildoers will prove the way. The rest are just studying with the prince, so you don't have to go!"

Many people can't even break through the six heavens and the earth before the Nine Double Peaks, let alone set foot on the highest peak and ascend the legendary fairyland of the Upper Three Realms?

"For countless years, the powerhouses and geniuses who have entered the Nine Extremes Palace do not know where they are, but how many people are there who are truly successful? The vast majority of people have just become dead souls here, and they cannot live without death."

Everything was calm, the invincible and mighty body gradually disappeared, and the figure of Haizi emerged.

At this time, Haizi's face was also slightly pale, and he shot out the Seagod's anger twice in succession, let alone him, even a real Martial Sovereign could not bear it.

Fortunately, when he came out this time, Poseidon sealed 70% of the power of the Seagod Trident for him. Although the power was reduced, the consumption was also reduced by 70%.

"Huh! Whoever stands in my way, no matter who it is, he must be killed! Only blame yourself for not having eyes and blocking my way!"

How domineering, how arrogant!

But no one would say anything, because at Yunteng Big 6, this is normal!

The strong can have everything!

The weak can only be trampled by the strong!

However, when Haizi retracted the Seagod's Trident, preparing to step into the eighth world with the most invincible posture, he suddenly froze there.

In front of him, a person appeared!

A man covered in blood, but with a pair of terrifying sharpness with shocked eyes, stood in front of him!


"Impossible! How is it possible?"

Exclamation came out one after another!

Everyone could hardly believe their eyes!

What appeared in front of Haizi was Li Ye who they thought was bound to die!

Including everyone standing on the ninth heaven and earth, all of them are stupid!

Xiao Qing's eyes widened, but soon the whole person had a deafening laugh!

"Hahaha! I knew this kid couldn't die so early! Damn it, scared me!"

"Amitabha Buddha." Kong Huan showed a faint of Buddha light on his face, and he could not stop, even making the other people around him a little bit astonished! Because at that moment, the aura that burst from Kong Huan made even the four great princes shocked!

"This little monk!"

Wu Wen Haoran and others blinked even more. Although they had overestimated the horror of the fantasy, they suddenly realized that they had underestimated it!

Seventh Heaven and Earth!


Haizi's face changed drastically!

He can't believe his eyes!

At this time, Li Ye was covered with blood, but the aura on his body became more and more terrifying!

At the same time, with bursts of golden light radiating from him, the feeling was like a breakthrough in the original bottleneck under a certain understanding!


A terrible golden light burst into the sky from Li Ye! Almost instantly penetrated the blockade of the seventh heaven and earth, and went straight to the sky! Including Jiu Zhongfeng's suppression was pierced at that moment! In an instant, shot through the sky!

The entire Jiuzhong Peak, the entire Nine Extreme Palace Heaven and Earth, at that moment, seemed to feel the awakening of some ancient behemoth!

Fighting God! Eighth!

Li Ye opened his eyes!

The so-called blessing in disguise! Originally, his God of Fighting Art had always stayed at the seventh peak, and he could not find a chance to break through. He did not expect that this time because of Haizi’s invincible terrifying strength, or the power of the Seagod’s Trident that destroys everything like a god, In an instant he found a chance to break through!

Feeling the ubiquitous surging sensation on his body, he finally understood why a body-building exercise for countless years, even if it was cast aside by most cultivators, was regarded as a tasteless, but in the distant past, almost only the legendary Primordial Era, But there were so many invincible generations who were so terrifying to destroy the heavens and destroy the earth, equivalent to demigods!

"I should thank you."

Opening his eyes, although Li Ye was covered in blood, his whole person seemed to have undergone a qualitative change compared to just now.

Haizi's face was livid, and a pair of horrible sharp edges passed through his eyes repeatedly, but even though he was still so terrifying that no one could beat him at this time, he no longer had the absolute confidence that he had just now!

Poseidon was angry twice! Even Emperor Wu couldn't bear it! However, Li Ye survived and looked better than before!

"You! Use me to break through!"

Haizi is not an idiot, he knows what Li Ye looks like! This almost blows his lungs!

But in his heart, there was also a flash of astonishment! After all, in this world, how mad people who are not afraid of death will choose to use this almost tantamount to death to achieve a breakthrough?

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